The purpose of this page is to eventually be an assorted list of terminal commands that have been found to be useful so that future terminal-illiterate ISAs will have an easier time.
Useful Terminal Commands
Copying and deleting folders (useful when archiving)
Near the end of the term, important files and folders need to be archived in the "archives" folder on the course account. Doing this through finder can take quite a while, so a better method is to use terminal. The command is rather simple:
cp -r [location of folder you'd like to copy] [location where you'd like to copy the files]
Note that in the second set of []'s you'll need to put a "." symbolizing where you'd like the copied files to go.
For example, I created the directory "1131/W13_CS116_Handin" in the archives folder. Then, from the cs116 directory I ran the command
cp -r handin/a01 archives/1131/W13_CS116_Handin/.
which copied the a01 handin folder into my new directory. (Notice the . at the end!!)
To delete folders you've archived (only do this AFTER the final exam!) use the command
rm -rf [foldername]
GradonNicholls - 16 Apr 2013