Uploading Marks to the course Webpage.

Current script version: 1.3.4

The displayMarks.cgi file should be used to display current marks to students. It has been attached at the bottom of the page (note that you must remove the .txt extension when you put the file in place for use). It should be saved in a directory on the website that is protected to RequireUseridsForSecureWebAccess.

In order to change the file to work from course to course and from term to term, the only changes that need to be made are in the global constants at the beginning of the file. Currently, all that should need modifying is I-clicker; however, for ROOT_USERS to be initialized properly, you must have an appropriate /u/csNNN/coursestaff.term file. The formatting of the file must follow that described at ClassListPerlModule; setting the term in the file name in the MFCF style described by TermCodePerlModule is also required.

Uploading Marks

From your course marks spreadsheet, copy all of the marks that you want to upload, along with the corresponding user IDs, and put them in a new Excel workbook. Note: When copying and pasting into the new workbook, you may have to paste special - values instead of just paste, if your data was originally referenced from another worksheet.

Alternatively, don't literally copy them, but instead make proper use of vlookup instructions in a separate worksheet so that Excel does all of the work for you. It will make things easier in the long run.

For sample data, the table should look like this

  Assignment 1 Assignment 2 Midterm 1
  100 100 100
ajones 85 37 72
j123smith 0 54 37

The top row is the submission title. The second line is what the submission was marked out of. All subsequent rows are a user ID followed by the marks.

Save this new file as public-marks.txt and as type csv (comma delimited) the folder /u/csNNN/marks. When you have done this, the data should look like

Assignment 1,Assignment 2,Midterm 1,

Marks should now be visible to the students when they log in. This should be verified using the ROOT_USERS capability described below. Alternatively, you can add marks for yourself, your ISC and at least one other person to the file so that you can verify that students can see their marks correctly.

Note that if this course uses iClickers, then the I_clicker variable in the script should be set to True, and a file called public-marks-participation.txt should also be placed in the /u/csNNN/marks folder. TODO: Clarify the steps needed to translate what's defined in UploadingClickerMarks into this file...

Root Users

All individuals identified as ISCs, instructors or tutors in the appropriate .coursestaff file (see ClassListPerlModule) will be granted "root user" access to this CGI program. This allows the user to append the URL to the script with ?user=<userid>, and they will then see exactly what the user would see when navigating to this page normally. Anybody who is not a root user will continue to see his/her own marks displayed.

Suggested Improvements

Interface for =ROOT_USERS

If the authenticated user is in ROOT_USERS, then a form should be presented giving the user the option of seeing the mark display for any given person in the class (they can be listed alphabetically in a form list). This means that the user does not need to do direct URL manipulation to see student marks.

See Also

  • PostingMarks for using this system in a Marmoset-based course.

2011 Winter

  • To get the auto testing mark
    • Log into Marmoset and click on the problem you want to access, for example,a6p1
    • Click on "Utilities", and then find the "Student Grade" Category
    • Click on "Print grades in CSV format for spreadsheet use" and save the file into the marks folder under the course account
  • To get the hand-marking mark, use a6p1 as an example
    • Open the terminal and log into the course account
    • type cd course/ta_marmoset/a6p1 to get into the right folder
    • type ./getmarks.sh a6p1 and then you will get a file called "project-a6p1-grades.csv"
    • put all the marks for this assignment to the marks folder under the course account
  • Generate the assignment mark, take assignment 6 as an example
    • Go to the marks folder under the course account
    • create a folder called a6
    • Put all the csv files for assignment 6 into the a6 folder
    • Open the excel application and import the auto mark of a6p1, and then the hand marks
    • calculate the final mark for a6p1 according to the assignment
    • save this file as an csv file called a6p1.csv
    • on the terminal, type ./lookup a6p1mark which will generate a text file with all the students marks, including the students who did not submit this question
    • Repeat the above 4 steps for each questions in assignment 6
    • Open another excel file, and import all the text files created just now and calculate the final mark for the assignment

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Topic revision: r24 - 2011-04-27 - RuShanWu
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