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-- Main.MikeGore ---+ VMware Workstation setup %TOC% ---++ Downloads * [[][Vmware Workstation Downloads]] * look for "Get Free Trial" - you will be prompted to enter the license key in the install process. * * Locally on [[CF.CSApplicationServer][ASIMOV]] ---+++ Windows 19Dec2018 Mike Gore * *PATH: \\asimov\exports\export\COMMON\VMWARE\Windows* * *VMware-workstation-full-15.5.2-15785246.exe* ---+++ Linux 22Jul2020 Mike Gore * *Note If you have secure boot enable please read the next section* * Recommend uninstall older product first - see Uninstall section below * *PATH: cscf-adm@asimov:/images/exports/export/COMMON/VMWARE/Linux/* * *VMware-Workstation-Full-15.5.2-15785246.x86_64.bundle* * Use *rsync* to copy to your local machine * *64bit*: rsync cscf-adm@asimov:/images/exports/export/COMMON/VMWARE/Linux/VMware-Workstation-Full-15.5.2-15785246.x86_64.bundle . ---++ Secure Boot vmmon and vmnet module signing * If you have secure boot enable *vmmon* and *vmnet* will not load * This is because the modules are compiled locally on the users machine and can not be signed * If you can disable secure boot then do so - otherwise read the article self signing the modules ---++ Disable Shared VMs * *By default VMware Workstation enabled shared VMs and host port 80 and 443* * *To disable shared VMs:* * *Open vmware* * *Edit -> Preferences -> Shared VMs* * *Uncheck Enable virtual machine sharing and remote access* ---++ Install * *64bit*: *bash VMware-Workstation-Full-15.5.2-15785246.x86_64.bundle* * Locally copies of VMware software are kept on [[CF.CSApplicationServer][ASIMOV]] * CIFS/SMBFS access: *\\asimov\exports\export\COMMON\VMWARE* * SSHFS/rsync access: *cscf-adm@asimov:/images/exports/export/COMMON/VMWARE/Linux* * Notes: use suggested defaults - Eclipse not required ---++ Uninstall * To uninstall VMWare Workstation: * *vmware-installer --uninstall-product vmware-workstation* * *rm -rf /usr/lib/vmware* * ---++ License * Please Contact Lawrence Folland lfolland@cs to see if you qualify for the site license coverage * See details of the Faculty Licensing process at VMwareLicense * Obtain the license key from CSCF * *Help -> Enter Serial Number* * Fill in University of Waterloo and your name * Keep a copy of the license key on the machine say under ~/.vmware as every user on the machine will have to enter the key * *Edit Virtual Machine Settings* ---+++ Admin License Link [[][Administrative License Link - Access Restricted]] ---++ Ubuntu Version notes * If you have Secure Boot enabled see the section above on Secure Boot ---+++ Port Forwarding to a NATed VM * Assuming your VM has an IP address of and we want to forward 22222 to the VM * Edit: /etc/vmware/vmnet8/nat/nat.conf * [incomingtcp] * 22222 = ---+++ recompile kernel modules manually for host * vmware-modconfig --console --install-all ---+++ restart vmware networks * vmware-networks --stop * vmware-networks --start ---+++ Run a VM as a service * See [[vmware-run]] for details ---+++ Work Abounds if vmnet service does not start * Suggest you try this Uninstall procedure above - especally the "rm -rf /usr/lib/vmware*" last step * Try reinstall product - it seems the uninstall does not removed some library files that can prevent correct vmnet networking install * * To test if the kernel modules fhave been compiled correctly: /usr/lib/vmware/modules/source# vmware-modconfig --console --install-all ---+++ Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04 * Works fine unless you have Secure Boot enabled - see Secure boot section ---+++ Ubuntu 16.04.02 LTS * Work fine for versions >= 12.5 Vmware Workstation - follow the Uninstall steps above prior to an upgrade ---+++ Ubuntu 14.04LTS * 12 works fine - follow the Uninstall steps above prior to an upgrade ---+++ Ubuntu 12.04 * We suggest using version 9 ---++++ VMware Version 8.04 and older * *Networking is broken - download these files to fix* * [[%ATTACHURL%/][]] * [[%ATTACHURL%/vmware3.2.0.patch][vmware3.2.0.patch]] * *chmod 755* * Note: at the top of *./* is a line that says: * *vmreqver=8.0.4* - change it to the version you are fixing * *./* ---+++ Ubuntu 10.04 * The installer will not create a launcher - you can create one manually * Create an Application launcher - right click on "Applications" menu item top left of Ubuntu destop * *Edit Menus* * *New Item* * *Name: VMWARE* * *command* /usr/bin/vmware * icon for vmware: /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/vmware-workstation.svg ---++ Virtual Machine ---+++ Expanding a Virtual disk from command line * *vmware-vdiskmanager -x 200GB myDisk.vmdk* ---+++ Fixing a Virtual disk from command line * *vmware-vdiskmanager -R myDisk.vmdk* ---+++ Preparing a VM to Share with others * Defragment and Compact Your Image * Virtual Machine Settings -> Hardware -> Hard Disk -> Utilities -> Defragment * Virtual Machine Settings -> Hardware -> Hard Disk -> Utilities -> Compact * Convert it into a single file *Note: the down side of this is that if you backup your host a single large file will have more backup overhead when it changes so this is NOT recommended!* * * vmware-vdiskmanager -r =MyVirtualMachineDisk.vmdk= -t 0 =SingleDiskFile.vmdk= * [[][vmware-vdiskmanager examples]] *Help* <verbatim> vmware-vdiskmanager VMware Virtual Disk Manager - build 703057. Usage: vmware-vdiskmanager OPTIONS <disk-name> | <mount-point> Offline disk manipulation utility Operations, only one may be specified at a time: -c : create disk. Additional creation options must be specified. Only local virtual disks can be created. -d : defragment the specified virtual disk. Only local virtual disks may be defragmented. -k : shrink the specified virtual disk. Only local virtual disks may be shrunk. -n <source-disk> : rename the specified virtual disk; need to specify destination disk-name. Only local virtual disks may be renamed. -p : prepare the mounted virtual disk specified by the mount point for shrinking. -r <source-disk> : convert the specified disk; need to specify destination disk-type. For local destination disks the disk type must be specified. -x <new-capacity> : expand the disk to the specified capacity. Only local virtual disks may be expanded. -R : check a sparse virtual disk for consistency and attempt to repair any errors. -e : check for disk chain consistency. -D : make disk deletable. This should only be used on disks that have been copied from another product. Other Options: -q : do not log messages Additional options for create and convert: -a <adapter> : (for use with -c only) adapter type (ide, buslogic, lsilogic). Pass lsilogic for other adapter types. -s <size> : capacity of the virtual disk -t <disk-type> : disk type id Disk types: 0 : single growable virtual disk 1 : growable virtual disk split in 2GB files 2 : preallocated virtual disk 3 : preallocated virtual disk split in 2GB files 4 : preallocated ESX-type virtual disk 5 : compressed disk optimized for streaming 6 : thin provisioned virtual disk - ESX 3.x and above The capacity can be specified in sectors, KB, MB or GB. The acceptable ranges: ide adapter : [1MB, 2040.0GB] scsi adapter: [1MB, 2040.0GB] ex 1: vmware-vdiskmanager -c -s 850MB -a ide -t 0 myIdeDisk.vmdk ex 2: vmware-vdiskmanager -d myDisk.vmdk ex 3: vmware-vdiskmanager -r sourceDisk.vmdk -t 0 destinationDisk.vmdk ex 4: vmware-vdiskmanager -x 36GB myDisk.vmdk ex 5: vmware-vdiskmanager -n sourceName.vmdk destinationName.vmdk ex 6: vmware-vdiskmanager -r sourceDisk.vmdk -t 4 -h \ -u username -f passwordfile "[storage1]/path/to/targetDisk.vmdk" ex 7: vmware-vdiskmanager -k myDisk.vmdk ex 8: vmware-vdiskmanager -p <mount-point> (A virtual disk first needs to be mounted at <mount-point>) </verbatim> ---+++ Virtual Machines * See: *\\\IMAGES\vmware* ---+++ Windows 10 Enterprise and Applications and Ubuntu 16.04.1LTS ---++++ W10U16041-VM-500G-F16-V1 *Updated Oct 17* * This image corresponds to *both* of U16041-VM-250G-F16-V2 and W10-250G-F16-V2 combined as one 500G image * See also [[CF.CscfGradImageNotes#W10U16041_VM_500G_F16_V1][CS Grad image W10U16041_VM_500G_F16_V1]] * Windows: * Users: *cscf-adm cscf-op* (2016 passwords) * Applications: *uwcs-workstation Matlab 2015b maple17* * * [[%PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%/updates][updates]] * [[][Summary of steps done in updates script]] * Ubuntu: * Users: *cscf-adm cscf-op* (2016 passwords) * Applications: *uwcs-workstation Matlab 2015b maple17* * * [[%PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%/updates][updates]] * [[][Summary of steps done in updates script]] ---+++ Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS ---++++ U16041-VM-250G-F16-V2 *Updated 17Oct2016* * See also [[CF.CscfGradImageNotes#U16041_VM_250G_F16_V2][CS Grad image U16041_VM_250G_F16_V2]] * Location: *asimov:/coregroup/images/vmware/U16041-VM-260G-F16-V2* * Users: *cscf-adm cscf-op* (2016 passwords) * Applications: *uwcs-workstation Matlab 2015b maple17* * * [[%PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%/updates][updates]] * [[][Summary of steps done in updates script]] ---+++ Windows 10 Enterprise and Applications ---++++ W10-VM-250G-F18-V2 *Updated 19Dec2018 Mike Gore* * See also [[CF.CscfGradImageNotes#W10_VM_250G_F16_V2][CS Grad image W10_VM_250G_F18_V2]] * We have clonezilla images of the Windows 10 VM ---+++++ Clonezilla Image W10VM-gen-250g-v1-x *Update 7 Dec 2015* * Location: *asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10VM-gen-250g/W10VM-gen-250g-v1-x* * Users: *cscf-adm cscf-op* (2016 passwords) * Applications: *uwcs-workstation Matlab 2015b maple17* ---+++++ Clonezilla Image W10VM-gen-250g-v1 *Update 7 Dec 2015* * Location: *asimov:/coregroup/images/research/W10VM-gen-250g/W10VM-gen-250g-v1* * *Sysprepped* - see CF.SysPrep#Windows_10 for how Windows 10 sysprep setup is done ---+++++ VMware settings that correspond to W10VM-gen-250g-v1-x * Vmware version: *requires VMware Workstation Pro V12* * Local Accounts: * *cscf-adm with 2015 password* * *cscf-op with 2015 password* * Virtual Hardware * 4096MB ram * CPU cores = 2 * *Virtual Disk size is 250G SCSI* * Network: NAT ---+++++ VMware files that correspond to W10VM-gen-250g-v1-x *Update 7 Dec 2015* * Vmware version: *requires VMware Workstation Pro V12* * *Not sysprepped* * [[][CSCF Research Support]] has put together an Windows 10 x64 Enterprise VM with every application we could think of * Location of raw VMware files: * SSHFS: * 10 x64/* (user cscf-adm 2014 password) * CIFS/SMBFS access: *\\asimov\IMAGES\IMAGES\Windows 10 x64* (user cscf-adm 2014 password) * Installing on your machine * Copy * 10 x64/* to the folder you have chosen to store your VM's in (create one if needed) * Start *VMware* * *File Menu -> Open -> * Browse to: *Windows 10 x64/Windows 10 x64.vmdk* ---+++++ What is included in the Windows 10 Enterprise image * [[][see your Point Of Contact for more details]] * *Should be used for testing on cscf staff workstations until we key a final key server key from IST (It currently has a limited activation MAK key as of 7 Dec 2015)* * Once we get a new "key server" key we can apply it to this image and continue use it for mass deployment. * *W10VM-gen-250g-v1-x* specific notes * *ALL applications and updates were current as of 4 Dec 2015* * *NO printers installed yet* * *Symantec SEP AV NOT installed - the SEP AV 12.1 64bit installer is on the cscf-adm desktop* * Windows is Activated * Office 2013 is activated * Local Accounts: * *cscf-adm with 2015 password* * *cscf-op with 2015 password* * Applications: * 7-zip 7z1212-x64 * Adobe Reader 11.0.10 * EASYBCD 2.3 * GIMP 2.8.16 * Google Chrome 47.0.2526.73m * GOW 0.70 * newget.exe v3.30 * Gnu Emacs 24.tunes5 * iTunes * Java 8u66 * Maple 2015 * Matlab R2015a * Microsoft Office 2013 * MikTex 2.9.5731-x64 * Firefox 42.0 * Thunderbird 38.4.0 * SSH Secure Shell 3.2.9 (Build 283) * Symantec AV 12.1 *(installer is on cscf-adm Desktop - NOT installed in image!)* * VLC Video Lan 2.2.1 * Vim 7.4 * Xming 7-7-0-2 * Xming Fonts ---++++ Windows 7 Enterprise and Applications *Update 25 Nov 2013* *Note: for this example we are using the cscf-adm user - replace with your own userid* * [[][CSCF Research Support]] has put together an Windows 7 x64 Enterprise VM with every application we could think of * On [[CF.CSApplicationServer][ASIMOV]] the Windows 7 VM is located under * CIFS/SMBFS access: *\\asimov\coregroup\vmware\Win7-x64* * SSHFS/rsync acess: *rsync -a cscf-adm@asimov:/coregroup/images/vmware/Win7-x64/ ~/vmware/Win7-x64* * [[][see your Point Of Contact for more details]] * We assume for the next step we put the Windows 7 VM under *~/vmware/Win7-x64* * Start VMware * *File Menu -> Open -> /home/cscf-adm/vmware/Win7-x64/VMware-Win7E.vmdk* * Update the defaults for Memory and Processors. This is the existing defaults: * Memory - at least 6G * Processors - Two ---+++++ What is included in the Windows 7 Enterprise image *ALL applications and updates were current as of 25 Nov 2013* *Note I have installed Microsoft Security Essentials for a lightweight AntiVirus alternative - some people might want Symantec AV but it will impact your VM and host performance* * 7-zip * Acrobat Pro * Bullzip PDF Printer * FileZilla FTP Client (does SCP too) * GIMP * Google Chrome * Gnu Emacs * iTunes * Maple * Matlab * Microsoft Office 2010 * MkTex * Firefox * Thunderbird * OpenOffice * PuTTY * Quicktime * SSH Secure Shell 3.2.9 (Build 283) * VLC Video Lan * Vim 7.2 * Xming * Xming Fonts ---+++ Windows XP and Applications 11 APR 2011 *Note: for this example we are using the cscf-adm user - replace with your own userid* * [[][CSCF Research Support]] has put together an XP VM with every application we could think of. * On [[CF.CSApplicationServer][ASIMOV]] the XP VM is located under * CIFS/SMBFS access: *\\asimov\coregroup\images\vmware/XP-11APR2011* * SSHFS/rsync acess: *rsync -a cscf-adm@asimov:/coregroup/images/vmware/XP-11APR2011/ ~/vmware/xp-vmware* * [[][see your Point Of Contact for more details]] * We assume for the next step we put the XP VM under *~/vmware/xp-vmware* * Start VMware * *File Menu -> Open -> /home/cscf-adm/vmware/xp-vmware/xp-vmware.vmx* * Memory - at least 1G nor mare then 2G * Processors - One ---++ Old Images ---+++ Windows XP and Applications 10 June 2009 *Note: for this example we are using the cscf-adm user - replace with your own userid* * [[][CSCF Research Support]] has put together an XP VM with every application we could think of. * On [[CF.CSApplicationServer][ASIMOV]] the XP VM is located under * CIFS/SMBFS access: *\\asimov\coregroup\images\vmware/XP-10june2009* * SSHFS/rsync acess: *rsync -a cscf-adm@asimov:/coregroup/images/vmware/XP-10june2009/ ~/vmware/xp-vmware* * [[][see your Point Of Contact for more details]] * We assume for the next step we put the XP VM under *~/vmware/xp-vmware* * Start VMware * *File Menu -> Open -> /home/cscf-adm/vmware/xp-vmware/xp-vmware.vmx* * Memory - at least 1G nor mare then 2G * Processors - One ---++++ Starting the Virtual Machine * VMware may prompt you to take ownership - do it * VMware will detect the VM image has been moved or copied - pick *copied* * Note the pop-up concerning removable devices for future reference ---++ Samba *This allows sharing of the Ubuntu file system to the Windows VM's* * *apt-get install samba* * */etc/samba/smb.conf* * *global* section *Notes: Change or set the following options:* <verbatim> [global] workgroup = CS-GENERAL # Enable locahost and vmnet only - no outside samba access for security interfaces = lo vmnet* security = user invalid users = root socket options = TCP_NODELAY printing = cups # emove the # or ; in front of ;[homes] [homes] browseable = yes read only = no create mask = 0700 directory mask = 0700 valid users = %S </verbatim> ---+++ Admin Users * *smbpasswd -a cscf-adm* * *smbpasswd -a cs-op* ---+++ Users *Add any addition users you need* * *smbpasswd -a userid* ---++ Updates scripts actions * Author: Mike Gore * *Date:* * *5 Oct 2016* * Tested with 16.04.1 lts * *Usage:* * ./updates [-a] [ -u userid ] [ -h hostname ] [ -y ]* * -a included CS AD pre-setup steps * -h hostname Rename host to hostname * -u userid userid * If -u is is specified CS AD will NOT be done * Always add the user to local admin groups and sudoers * -y Do not ask about or remove resolvconf or network manager * Otherwise there are two question near the beginning of the script * 1) Do you wish to purge network manager (answer NO on laptops) * 2) Remove resolve conf, update /etc/resolv.conf from CSCF (No for custom configuration) * *References:* * *https:* * */* * *https:* * */* * *https:* * */* * *Proceedures:* * *Update hostname - needs -h option* * *install software-properties-common is required for apt-add-repository* * *Update APT sources.list to* * *remove odd dead repositories* * *Add CS Package Repository* * *Add gpg key to the apt key ring* * *Add Graphics Drivers PPA* * *Computer Language Applications racket PPA* * Information from "". * *Owncloud client curently has many bugs - not installing* * - ie indicator missing and networking disabled * *Add cononical PPA* * *Add Boot Repair Repository* * *Refrese package list* * *Allow unattended securitry updates* * *Disable new distro-upgrade check* * *Verifying that cscf-adm is in sudoers file* * *Verifying that adm is in sudoers file* * *Update system SSH with local CS known hosts* * *Add CSCF root PUBLIC key to user root authorized_keys file* * *Update package list after all of the PPA updates above* * *Install Boot Repair* * *F15 fixes - remove deja-dup* * *Update profile search path* * *GRUB patches - also fixes newtwork device naming - ie p6p2 becomes eth0 ...* * * Remove old network UDEV rules to keep interface names constant* * *Add NFS client packages* * *Install UWdir* * *Installl CSCF SNMP configuration* * *DHCP Client update fix* * *Disable Guest Account* * Conditionally remove Network Manager - Answer NO on laptops * Conditionally remove Resolv Conf * Add CS resolv.conf * *PURGE insecure services like telnet* * *Install CSCF Cups printing setup* * *Install UW LC Command* * *F16 fixes by David and Lawrence* * 2 Sept 2016 * Mike Gore - script implimentation * *Echo create /xhbin directory and links* * CS LDAP userid shells * *Setup CSCF home directory symlinks used by CS AD /u../u9 to /home* * *Set Default printer to lj_csgrad* * *Update package list and verify we can see uwcs- packages* * *Pam stack fix for CS AD updates go here - Does not run unless -a specified* * *Add a user as administrator if -u userid specified*
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