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Results from ISG web retrieved at 19:28 (GMT)

Walkthrough For Everything to do with Assignments (with lots of reference to BitterSuiteWalkthrough ) For This Walkthrough, we will assume that all work is being...
Walkthrough For Everything to do with Assignments (with lots of reference to BitterSuiteWalkthrough ) For This Walkthrough, we will assume that all work is being...
Resources and Information for CS 116 ISAs This twiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
CS135 Main Page The responsibilities of a CS135 Tutor may vary over academic terms depending on the number of students and instructor preferences. The general weekly...
Resources and Information for CS 138 ISAs This TWiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
Resources and Information for CS 231 IAs This twiki is for technical details only. WIP: The `Key Links` and `Course Webpage and Piazza` sections are currently just...
Resources and Information for CS 234 IAs This twiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
Resources and Information for CS 240 ISAs This twiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
Resources and Information for CS 241 ISAs This twiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
CS 241 ISA Duties This page describes important tasks CS 241 ISAs must do throughout the term. The focus of this page is mostly on tasks that require technical knowledge...
Resources and Information for CS 241e ISAs This TWiki is for technical details only. Any other duty information can be found in Waterloo LEARN (D2L): CS Instructional...
CS 247 ISA Duties This page describes important tasks CS 247 ISAs must do throughout the term. The focus of this page is mostly on tasks that require technical knowledge...
ISG Info Below is a list of pages on the TWiki pertaining to ISG related stuff. General ISGTechnicalDirection ISGWebUsageStatistics ISGFrameworkImprovePit...
ISG Scripts Man Pages This page contains man pages for some of ISG`s scripts. These man pages used to be at, but that website...
Basics of Running Moss This page shows the basic steps for running Moss. Your course may have scripts that combine these steps. Step 1: Put files somewhere in the...
Using Moss to Detect Cheating on Assignments Running the Script To run Moss on the assignment, navigate to /u/csXXX/mossoutput and run either Moss directory or...
To run Moss on assignments, you needto run ~cs246/moss/Scripts/ . You need to change some variables, comment/uncomment lines each time depending on the...
Instructional Support Group Wiki Welcome to the home of TWiki.ISG . This is a web based collaboration area primarily targeted for ISA use, which will allow better...
Statistics for ISG Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and...
Number of topics: 19

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