Week 7 To-Do’s

Lecture and reading

Attend the lecture to learn about this week’s topics and obtain extra information from this week’s reading list (short articles/videos to read/watch). More details are available on the Schedule page.

Carry out Crazy 8 ideation

Do this together in the team meeting. Each person should take a piece of paper and fold it to make 8 rectangular regions (or do it using a digital canvas). Each team member pick 1 feature for the 4-5 chosen features previously, and draw 8 sketches of different possible layout and screen organizations for this feature. All team members should be sketching at the same time. Assign one person to manage the timer. The sketching should take 8 minutes total, 1 minute per sketch. Stop sketching as soon as time is up. Look through each other’s crazy 8 sheets, and put a star next to 2 layouts that you like. As a team, choose one layout for each feature. Discuss why. Your design document should include:

  1. Screenshots of the crazy 8 sheets.
  2. A brief description of the chosen best layout for each feature.

Draw sketches/wireframes for your application features (Individual)

Individually, decide on the set of pages/screens that are needed to implement your chosen feature, and sketch out the layout and structure of each page. Make sure you annotate the content and controls of each page in detail. As you are designing, think about signifier, affordance, constraints, feedback, discoverability, mapping, consistency of the interface with the conceptual models of the user. Update the design notebook with:

  1. A set of screen sketches for a particular feature (labelled with the contributing team member).
  2. A brief description of the feature.

Construct user flows based on the sketches (Individual)

After designing the screens, place all the screen sketches next to each other. Imagine a user working through a common task on the app and draw user flows. Update your design document with:

  1. A diagram illustrating the user flow between screen sketches for a particular feature (labelled with the contributing team member).
  2. A brief description of the user flow. Make sure you provide a clear title or ID for each screen sketch that matches the steps in your user flow: this is important for your readers to understand how the two are connected.

Team meeting and design document

Conduct this week’s team meeting or discussion in and/or out of class. Update your design document with the meeting minutes and the outcomes of this week’s activities. More details are available on the Information page under Deliverable 2a.

Provide feedback to your assigned team’s mid-term report

Read your assigned team’s mid-term report submitted in the shared folder. Provide at least five actionable recommendations to that team. More details are available on the Information page under Deliverable 2c.

Due next

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