Week 6 To-Do’s
Lecture and reading
Attend the lecture to learn about this week’s topics and obtain extra information from this week’s reading list (short articles/videos to read/watch). More details are available on the Schedule page.
Draft user stories (Individual)
Each member of the team chooses 1 possible feature for your app, and create an epic and a user story for that feature. Each member’s feature should be distinct. Use the affinity diagrams, POVs, and HMWs from last week to guide you. Then, as a team, discuss and refine the user stories. Your design document should include:
- 4-5 epics, in total (depending on the number of team members).
- 4-5 user stories, in total (depending on the number of team members).
Create storyboards based on the user stories (Individual)
Each team member takes their feature, and sketch an actual story about a user’s struggle: e.g., how that feature on your app will be used to resolve the user’s problems, and what is the final outcome. Then, as a team, discuss, critique, and refine the storyboards. Your design document should include details such as:
- Setting (people involved? environment? task being accomplished?)
- Sequence (what steps are involved? what leads someone to use the app? what task is being illustrated?)
- Satisfaction (what’s the motivation for the user? what’s the end result? how does the user feel? what needs are you satisfying?)
- Screenshots of the storyboards.
Team meeting and design document
Conduct this week’s team meeting or discussion in and/or out of class. Update your design document with the meeting minutes and the outcomes of this week’s activities. More details are available on the Information page under Deliverable 2a.
Compose your visual mid-term report
Make a pre-recorded video presentation to report the activities you did so far, spanning the following key design stages: empathize, define, and ideate (partially): Weeks 1-7. The mid-term report describes the rationales, reasoning, insights, and outcomes you had in those stages, and the solid logical connections between these stages: e.g., how the outcomes of a previous stage influence the next stage. Please carefully read the detailed requirements on the Information page under Deliverable 2b.