Brad Glasbergen

I now work on the query optimizer team at Salesforce.
Previously, I completed a PhD at the University of Waterloo. I was advised by Khuzaima Daudjee.
I am interested in complex data systems, with a focus on leveraging machine learning techniques to improve performance and reliability.
Twitter: @bglasber
Github: bglasber
GPG Key: BF0A 5673 A3A9 982E A1D6 5D3E E940 8BE3 7CAC AE1D
Previously, I completed a PhD at the University of Waterloo. I was advised by Khuzaima Daudjee.
I am interested in complex data systems, with a focus on leveraging machine learning techniques to improve performance and reliability.
Twitter: @bglasber
Github: bglasber
GPG Key: BF0A 5673 A3A9 982E A1D6 5D3E E940 8BE3 7CAC AE1D
Dendrite received the Best Demonstration Award at SIGMOD 2021.Our demonstration of the Sentinel system has received the Best Demonstration Award at SIGMOD 2020. Our research paper on Sentinel has been accepted into VLDB 2020.
I presented our geo-distributed predictive caching system, ChronoCache, at SIGMOD 2020.
Michael presented DynaMast, our system that eliminates distributed transactions by dynamically transferring the mastership of data items, at ICDE 2020.
Current Projects:
ChronoCache: A caching framework that uses online learning to predictively execute and cache database queries on edge servers closer to clients.Dendrite: Capturing, understanding and powering automatic system adaption using performance metrics and logs from complex data systems.
Program Committee: VLDB 2023, Big Data in Emergent Distributed Environments @ SIGMOD 2021/2022 External Reviewer: SIGMOD (2020, 2018), VLDB (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017), ICDE (2020, 2019, 2018, 2017), Middleware (2017)
Brad Glasbergen, Fangyu Wu, Khuzaima Daudjee. Dendrite: Bolt-on Adaptivity for Data Systems. SIGMOD System Demonstrations Track, 2021. Best Demo Award. (Paper). (Demo Video).
Kyle Langendoen, Brad Glasbergen, Khuzaima Daudjee, NIR-Tree: A Non-Intersecting R-Tree, SSDBM 2021. (Paper).
Michael Abebe, Brad Glasbergen, Khuzaima Daudjee. MorphoSys: Distributed Physical Design Metamorphosis for Database Systems. VLDB 2020. (Paper).
Brad Glasbergen, Michael Abebe, Khuzaima Daudjee, Amit Levi. Sentinel: Universal Analysis and Insight for Data Systems. VLDB 2020. (Paper). (Talk). (Source code).
Brad Glasbergen, Kyle Langendoen, Michael Abebe, Khuzaima Daudjee. ChronoCache: Predictive and Adaptive Mid-Tier Query Result Caching. SIGMOD 2020. (Preprint). (Talk). (Source Code).
Michael Abebe, Brad Glasbergen, Khuzaima Daudjee, DynaMast: Adaptive Dynamic Mastering for Replicated Systems. ICDE 2020. (Preprint). (Talk).
Brad Glasbergen, Michael Abebe, Khuzaima Daudjee, Daniel Vogel, Jian Zhao, Sentinel: Understanding Data Systems, SIGMOD Systems Demo Track, 2020. Best Demo Award. (Preprint). (Demo video).
Michael Abebe, Brad Glasbergen, Khuzaima Daudjee. WatDFS: A Project for Understanding Distributed Systems in the Undergraduate Curriculum. SIGCSE 2019. (Paper).
Brad Glasbergen, Michael Abebe, Khuzaima Daudjee. Tutorial: Adaptive Replication and Partitioning in Data Systems. Middleware 2018. (Paper). (Slides).
Michael Abebe, Khuzaima Daudjee, Brad Glasbergen, Yuanfeng Tian. EC-Store: Bridging the Gap Between Storage and Latency in Distributed Erasure Coded Systems. ICDCS 2018. (Paper).
Brad Glasbergen, Michael Abebe, Khuzaima Daudjee, Scott Foggo, Anil Pacaci. Apollo: Learning Query Correlations for Predictive Caching in Geo-Distributed Databases. EDBT 2018. (Paper).