Markers Mimicking Marmoset

A system to have markers provide initial online handmarking feedback while assignments were being submitted so they would be able to re-submit given the received comments was piloted in the Winter 2010 offering of CS 136.

The web front-end is discussed at WebSubmissionFeedback; it relies on having a LocalMarmosetSubmissionMirror.

The TAs are then able to go to the URL, dequeue and mark students, and e-mail the results.

Current problem: there is only one "release token." In Winter 2010, the TAs only give feedback once before the deadline; then, after the deadline, the TAs only mark those who either were not marked, or those who were marked but submitted again and did at least as well on the autotesting as the first time.

Uploading Marks

The WebSubmissionFeedback scripts store students' marks for each question in a subdirectory called marks. (See WebSubmissionFeedback#DirStruct for details.) To be able to post these marks online using displaymarks, however, you will need to first write these marks to a CSV file in the format that Marmoset outputs, and then follow the instructions at PostingMarks. To generate the CSV, download the attached script and run it as follows once from inside each question's directory:

cs136: /u2/cs136/course/ta_marmoset/A6P1A $ ../ A6P1A  

where A6P1A is the project name.

This will generate a file named project-[projectname]-grades.csv. (In the above example: project-A6P1A-grades.csv.) You can then copy this file to the appropriate location inside your course's marks directory, and follow the instructions at PostingMarks from there.


  • MarkUs
    • Is it easy/possible to transfer the submission database from Marmoset to MarkUs?
    • How would a release token system be managed here?
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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unix shell scriptsh r2 r1 manage 0.6 K 2010-07-21 - 13:55 HumaZafar  
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Topic revision: r4 - 2010-07-21 - HumaZafar
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