Local Marmoset Submission Mirror
The goal of the scripts here is to be able to create a local cache of Marmoset submissions on the course account (typically in the
directory) so operations can be done on them more conveniently.
Getting the most recent of the highest-marked submissions for each student
All of the following scripts should be in the same directory.
Two files must be downloaded manually from Marmoset until a stable way to download them from the command-line has been implemented and documented properly: the zip file of all submissions made by all students, and the record of all grades in CSV format.
The entry point; takes too many parameters, which could all be derived from the assignment name given Marmoset's standard naming convention.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Should be replaced with a cron utility that downloads the zip file
# into a subdirectory of /tmp and then makes this call to
# marmoset_acquire_directories
export PATH=$(/bin/showpath gnu standard)
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename "$0") <zip-file> <markfile> <assignment_name>" >&2
exit 1
mkdir "$tmpdir"
cp "$1" "$tmpdir"
pushd "$tmpdir" >/dev/null 2>&1
unzip "$(basename "$1")"
rm "$(basename "$1")"
popd >/dev/null 2>&1
"$(dirname "$0")/marmoset_acquire_directories" "$tmpdir" "/u/$(whoami)/handin/$3" "/u/$(whoami)/course/ta_marmoset/$3/submissionlogs" < "$2"
rm -r "$tmpdir"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Given a mark file as input and a directory containing subdirectories of all
# submissions for all students, copy the appropriate renamed subdirectories
# to the destination directory.
# Write the version copied to the destination directory into the log directory.
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename $0) <marmoset_files_directory> <destination_directory> <most_recent_version_logdir>" >&2
exit 1
readonly orig_dir="$1"
readonly dest_dir="$2"
readonly logs_dir="$3"
if [ ! -d "$orig_dir" ]; then
echo "Directory containing marmoset files ($orig_dir) cannot be found" >&2
exit 2
# By convention, lock around the submission cache directory
# while doing any activity that needs synchronization.
# Since flock requires this to be a file, not a directory,
# create a dummy file in it; only do this if one doesn't already
# exist to avoid modifying anything about the file.
mkdir -p "$dest_dir"
if [ ! -e "$globlock" ]; then
touch "$globlock"
mkdir -p "$logs_dir"
# Copy the most recent file versions.
# Echo versioning information into the log directory.
for submissionid in $($(dirname "$0")/marmoset_choose_recent_best); do
# TODO: Do this extraction better.
userid=$(echo "$submissionid" | cut -f1 -d-)
lockpid=$(flock "$globlock")
if [[ -e "$logs_dir/$userid" && $(cat "$logs_dir/$userid") -eq "$submissionid" ]]; then
echo "$userid is up to date as $submissionid"
echo "Copying $submissionid to update submission for $userid"
mkdir -p "$full_destdir"
rm "$full_destdir"/*
cp "$orig_dir/$submissionid"/* "$full_destdir"
echo "$submissionid" > "$logs_dir/$userid"
kill $lockpid
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Consumes as input the "Student Grades" file for ALL submissions.
# Returns the directory name corresponding to the most recent
# best submission.
readonly tmpfile="/tmp/marmoset_choose_recent_best_tmp1.$$"
export PATH=$(/bin/showpath -PackageWarnings gnu standard)
touch "$tmpfile"
chmod 600 "$tmpfile"
# Get rid of the useless first line
# Now sort by userid and dump the result into a temporary file.
sort > "$tmpfile"
# TODO: Prepend an identifier instead of appending because Marmoset
# sometimes leaves trailing mystery marks on the grade sheet.
# Then increment the values below, retest to make sure it still works.
for userid in $(cut -f1 -d, < "$tmpfile" | uniq); do
# Grab this userid from the cache file; apply ordering numbers.
# Then reverse sort by grade to prioritize high marks; reverse sort by UTC
# stamp secondarily to priorititze *recent* marks; then grab the first line
# to get the most recent good mark.
# Save that submissionid.
submissionid=$(fgrep "$userid" < "$tmpfile" | "$(dirname $0)/marmoset_number_names" | sort -n -r -t , -k 4,4 -k 3,3 | head -n 1 | cut -f1 -d,)
echo $submissionid
rm "$tmpfile"
exit 0
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Number userids so they match up with Marmoset's directory naming convention.
use strict;
use warnings;
my $count = 1;
while (<>) {
my ($userid, @restofline) = split(',');
print ("$userid-" . $count++ . ',' . join(',', @restofline));
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Find students who did not resubmit after being marked once already.
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $(basename $0) assign" >&2
exit 1
readonly basedir="/u/$(whoami)/course/ta_marmoset/$assign"
verifydir () {
if [[ ! -d "$1" ]]; then
echo "Log directory $1 for assignment does not exist" >&2
exit 5
readonly sublog="$basedir/submissionlogs"
readonly marklog="$basedir/markingcache"
verifydir "$basedir"
verifydir "$sublog"
verifydir "$marklog"
readonly tmpdir="/tmp/.$(whoami).findnon.$$"
mkdir -p "$tmpdir"
chmod 700 "$tmpdir"
readonly file1="$tmpdir/sublog"
readonly file2="$tmpdir/marklog"
# Newest submissionID goes into file1
cat "$sublog"/* > "$file1"
# Marked submissionIDs go into file2
pushd "$marklog" >/dev/null 2>&1
for file in *; do
echo "$file" | cut -f2 -d_
done > "$file2"
popd >/dev/null 2>&1
# Find all repeated submission IDs.
# Then, print only these.
cat "$file1" "$file2" | sort | uniq -c | perl -ne 'if (/^\s*2\s*([^-]*)-/) { print "$1\n"; }'
rm -r "$tmpdir"
Other Method?
Grab info from