
NOTE: This script is not updated for compatibility with courses using Markus or Marmoset

  • This script is designed to assist the TA evaluation for assignment marking.
  • This script will create a list of dummy students and make directories of corresponding names in handin directory. Then copy the prepared submissions into those directories.


  • Usage: gentotir dummy_student_name path
  • - which assignment this'll work in. generally number.
  • - number of TA or piles.
  • dummy_student_name - a string that'll act as 'last name' of the dummy students. try to make it unique. "totir" is a good example.
  • path - a relative(can be absolute) path which contains dummy submission files.
  • after running it will print, to stdout, the list of dummy students generated.(used for reference, or rmtotir script later)

Cautions (or needed improvements)

This script was written by a beginning shell programmer. So some caution is needed.

  • The effect of this script is relative to the number of students. Do not run it before the deadline because it will seriously screw up.(one way to fix this would be rmtotir)
  • make sure the files in path are the only files to go into the dummy submissions.
  • YOU need to prepare these submissions. One way to do it would be randomly copy-and-paste students' submissions. If you do this, however, make sure to erase some comments the students put in such as their name and id number.

  • gentotir improvement idea: after the first run, it generates the list of directories created. Save it for later, and if gentotir , is called, configure it so it'll take the list of students via stdin, create the directories, then see if they all fit in each pile. (this is to have same generated names for each assignments for consistency)
  • try to make it fancier. I usually had names like a2totir, c3totir, etc.
If there could be any improvements, please do apply them.

-- KyungMinKim - 08 Apr 2009

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
C source code filec gentotir.c r1 manage 1.9 K 2009-04-30 - 13:01 KyungMinKim generate_totir source file
Unix shell scriptsh r1 manage 0.8 K 2009-04-30 - 13:02 KyungMinKim gentotir shell script
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Topic revision: r5 - 2014-09-08 - AndrewGemmel
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