
  • this is to remove any of dummy students generated using gentotir.


Possible reasons to use this scripts include:

  • ran gentotir before the deadline due. This will create a dummy list which might not divide between each piles when printing.
  • running gentotir twice; this action will create two dummy lists. The way the gentotir is set up is that it'll take the list of current student with `ls`. Then the previously generated students will be in list the gentotir is trying to fit the dummy students in.
  • Archiving purpose: if the dummy students' folders needed to be deleted by any reason, this'll quickly do the job.
  • Some other random reasons.


Usage: rmtotir dummy_student_name -<n/l/a> -n : re-generate the totir list using the algorithm used by gentotir -l : delete the totirs of the list provided in input -a : delete _every totir in the handin

  • - the assignment which the rmtotir will run on.
  • - this is required if using -n flag.
  • dummy_student_name - the string you provided for gentotir. This is required for -n and -a flag.
  • -n, -l, -a will each do different tasks.

Flag explanation:

  • -n : this will generate the totir lists using the same algorithm used by gentotir.
  • note this will break since the list fed into the gentotir will be the list including newly generated totirs! this is dangerous!_
  • -l : simply delete every folder with name terminating with . Important! This will not care if it's a student. a.k.a., This option is fastest, but this one is hazardous. If your dummy student name is a common last name like Kim, rmtotir with -l will delete every submission by last name Kim. This is why you need to choose a last name which is unique.
  • -a : delete the list of dummy students provided in input. When you run gentotir, it will output the list of students generated; save it using output redirection and use it here. This is the safest way to run rmtotir.

example usage: gentotir 9 8 totir ./temp > totir_list rmtotir 9 8 totir -a < totir_list

-- KyungMinKim - 21 Apr 2009

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Unix shell scriptsh rmtotir.sh r1 manage 1.3 K 2009-04-30 - 13:07 KyungMinKim rmtotir script
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Topic revision: r2 - 2009-04-30 - KyungMinKim
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