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Results from ISG web retrieved at 07:21 (GMT)

Name announce post an announcement to multiple sources Synopsis announce t n r w {file} Description announce is designed to post an announcement...
Rollback request, feedback request Gracket conversion Rollback requests Rollback/Roll Forward Policy Rollback/roll forward requests policy changes from term to...
Automated Testing Suite Creation and Execution A script was created in Summer 2010 to assist tutors in the creation of autotesting folders for the assignments. An...
Walkthrough For Everything to do with Assignments (with lots of reference to BitterSuiteWalkthrough ) For This Walkthrough, we will assume that all work is being...
Name ca pub test service Attempts to pass public test work to course accounts Synopsis ca pub test service {course} {userid} {assignment} {procID} Usage This...
Assignment Collection The main goal for assignment collection is to: Isolate the assignments that students submit before the due date from the ones that are submitted...
This page contains mostly obsolete information related to older iterations of the course. For more current information, see CompSci135TutorDuties, and the MarkUs page...
CS 241 ISA Duties This page describes important tasks CS 241 ISAs must do throughout the term. The focus of this page is mostly on tasks that require technical knowledge...
Course Account Structure It is strongly recommended that you get familiar with the course account structure early in the term before things get hectic. Here are some...
Maintaining the Course Webpage General Tips Pick the best way to present information. Just because previous ISAs used a particular form of presentation doesn...
Name file filter Perform filtering on files students submit Synopsis file filter Usage Inside of the course`s /u/csXXX/.submitrc there should be the following...
ISG Scripts Man Pages This page contains man pages for some of ISG`s scripts. These man pages used to be at, but that website...
Possible Improvements This is a general catalogue of suggestions for how this software may be improved in the future. Some pieces of software are given their own pages...
Old MarkUs Material MarkUs has evolved quite rapidly. The material below accumulated during that evolutionary phase. There may be information that is still useful...
Printing Marmoset Assignments There are three steps to printing out assignments 1. Download the students code and grades csv files from marmoset; 1. Unpack...
RST .stepheader { background color: #DCDCDC; font weight: bold; font size: larger; padding right: 15px; } How to Run RST rst is a command that you need...
RST Suggested Improvements See also: RSTVersionTwo MarmocreateImprovePit All RST related programs (rst, rsta, distrst, testcompRST, pub test runner, pub...
RSTPublicTests NOTE: In August 2014, the name `public test` was changed to `basic test`, which is more meaningful for students. The public tests is a facility that...
RSTPublicTests Suggested Improvements There seems to be an implicit nice applied when public tests are launched, probably due to nohup; however, this nice should...
Utilizing submit / public test logs NOTE : Some of the information in this article will not be accurate prior to the Fall 2009 term. Assuming the course account is...
Number of topics: 20

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