Affect Control Theory (ACT) arises from a tradition of symbolic interactionism in sociology. Bayesian Affect Control Theory (or BayesACT for short) generalises ACT by introducing explicit notions of uncertainty and utility. BayesACT accounts for the dynamic fluctuation of identity meanings for self and other during interactions, elucidates how people infer and adjust meanings through social experience, and shows how stable patterns of interaction can emerge from individuals' uncertain perceptions of identities. BayesACT may be used in an active inference framework, giving policies of action in which social prescriptions are anticipatory, and both guide (create), and are guided by, sensory inputs. BayesACT has been applied in an intelligent tutoring system, a social dilemma game player, an assistant for persons with Alzheimer's disease, and in sentiment analysis. We've got more projects on the go, check back for updates!
See also:
- the act@home project, which uses Bayesact to model identity and interaction in the COACH handwashing system for persons with Alzheimer's disease.
- the Bayesian Affect Control Theory of Self (BayesACT-S) page with videos etc.
- More details and papers on Affect Control Theory can be found here, and on the new updated version here. Also see my backup of the original site here, also with Atlas and ESA.
- See the appendix for the American Sociological Review article (Schroeder, Hoey and Rogers, 2016).
- Deference Scores see the Supplementary page for the American Sociological Review article (Freeland and Hoey, 2018)
- Code for JDM 2020 paper
- Data and Code for ABS 2021 paper.
- Code for MacKinnon Hoey Emotion Review 2021 paper
- Jesse Hoey
- Tobias Schroeder
- Neil J. MacKinnon
- Julie Robillard
- Areej Alhothali
- Joshua Jung
- Nabiha Asghar
- Kimberly B. Rogers
You can watch a series of video lectures introducing Affect Control Theory and Bayesact here.
Watch my talk at the Vector Institute on affective computing - see the talk video and see a shorter interview video
Also see the instructional and simulation videos below.
You can watch Areej Alhothali's talk at NAACL/HLT 2015 on sentiment analysis using ACT.
You can watch the 2017 ACT Conference videos here or here.
- BayesACT project on GitHub. Current version is 2.3.8. Email Jesse for access if you want access.
- Code from Hoey MacKinnon Schroeder JDM 2021 article. Jesse Hoey, Neil J. MacKinnon and Tobias Schroeder Denotative and connotative management of uncertainty: A computational dual-process model. Judgment and Decision Making, 16, 2, March, 2021 (code) (bibtex)
- Code for MacKinnon Hoey Emotion Review 2021 paper. Neil J. MacKinnon and Jesse Hoey Operationalizing the Relation Between Affect and Cognition With the Somatic Transform. Emotion Review, 2021 (code) (bibtex)
- Get the Interact simulator (Java), or download the jar file here
- January 29, 2016 Bayesact version 0.5.1 : gzipped tar or zip
- Fixed bugs with EmotionalAgent
- Merged emotions interactive simulation into bayesactinteractive
- Fixed bayesact of self simulations
- October 26, 2015 Bayesact version 0.4 : gzipped tar or zip
- Added bayesact-self (AAAI 2015 paper)
- Added prisoner's dilemma bot (UAI 2015 paper)
- Added emotions computation agent
- Jan 21st, 2014 Bayesact version 0.3 : gzipped tar or zip
- Completely separated the POMCP code from bayesact
- simplified code and fixed bugs
- Dec. 30, 2013 Bayesact version 0.2 : gzipped tar or zip
- Removed the explicit "turn" representation so it is now embedded in the state as it should be
- Added POMCP code
- Bug fixes
- Sept. 23, 2013 Bayesact version 0.1 : gzipped tar or zip
- Jesse Hoey Freedom and Equality as Uncertainty in Groups. Entropy, 23, 1384, 2021 (bibtex)
- Gertjan Hofstede, Christopher Frantz, Jesse Hoey, Geeske Scholz and Tobias Schroeder Artificial Sociality Manifesto. Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2021 (bibtex)
- Neil J. MacKinnon and Jesse Hoey Operationalizing the Relation Between Affect and Cognition With the Somatic Transform. Emotion Review, 2021 (code) (bibtex)
- Gertjan Hofstede, Christopher Frantz, Jesse Hoey, Geeske Scholz and Tobias Schroeder Artificial Sociality Manifesto. Review of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, 2021 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Neil J. MacKinnon and Tobias Schroeder Denotative and connotative management of uncertainty: A computational dual-process model. Judgment and Decision Making, 16, 2, March, 2021 (code) (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Citizens, Madmen and Children: Equality, Uncertainty, Freedom and the Definition of State. SocArXiv, 2021 (bibtex)
- Kyle Tilbury and Jesse Hoey The Human Effect Requires Affect: Addressing Social-Psychological Factors of Climate Change with Machine Learning. Proc. NeurIPS workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, 2020 (bibtex)
- Luke Stark and Jesse Hoey The Ethics of Emotion in AI Systems. SocArXiv, 2020 (bibtex)
- Aarti Malhotra, Terrence C. Stewart and Jesse Hoey A Biologically-Inspired Neural Implementation of Affect Control Theory. International Conference on Cognitive Modelling , 2020 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey Structure is Management of Uncertainty in Groups. SocArXiv, 2020 (bibtex)
- Moojan Ghafurian, Jesse Hoey, Daniel Tchorni, Annika Ang, Mallorie Tam and Julie M Robillard Emotional Alignment Between Older Adults and Online Personalities: Implications for Assistive Technologies. Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Atlanta, GA, 2020 (bibtex)
- Nabiha Asghar, Ivan Kobyzev, Jesse Hoey, Pascal Poupart and Muhammad B. Sheikh Generating Emotionally Aligned Responses in Dialogues using Affect Control Theory. arXiv, 2020 (bibtex)
- Linda E. Francis, Kathryn J. Lively, Alexandra Konig and Jesse Hoey The Affective Self: Perseverance of Self-Sentiments in Late-Life Dementia. Social Psychology Quarterly, 2020 (bibtex)
- Luke Stark and Jesse Hoey The Ethics of Emotion in AI Systems (older edition). Annual Conference of the Association of Internet Researchers, Brisbane, Australia, 2019 (bibtex)
- Jonathan H. Morgan, Jun Zhao, Andrea Sedlacek, Lena Chen, Hayley Piper, Yliana Beck, Kimberly B. Rogers, Jesse Hoey and Tobias Schroeder Modeling the Culture of Online Collaborative Groups with Affect Control Theory. Social Simulation Conference, Mainz, Germany, September, 2019 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Neil J. MacKinnon 'Conservatives Overfit, Liberals Underfit': The Social-Psychological Control of Affect and Uncertainty. arXiv, 2019 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Zahra Sheihkbahaee and Neil J. MacKinnon Deliberative and Affective Reasoning: a Bayesian Dual-Process Model. Proc.of the Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Cambridge, England, 2019 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder, Jonathan H. Morgan, Kimberly B. Rogers, Deepak Rishi and Meiyappan Nagappan Artificial Intelligence and Social Simulation: Studying Group Dynamics on a Massive Scale. Small Group Research, 49, 6, December, 2018 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder, Jonathan H. Morgan, Kimberly B. Rogers and Meiyappan Nagappan Affective Dynamics and Control in Group Processes. Proceedings of ICMI workshop on Group Interaction Frontiers in Technology, Denver, CO, 2018 (ACM DL link) (bibtex)
- Deepak Rishi, Jesse Hoey, Meiyappan Nagappan, Kimberly B. Rogers and Tobias Schroeder Emotion and Interaction Processes in a Collaborative Online Network. International Conference on Computational Social Science, Chicago,IL, 2018 (poster) (bibtex)
- Robert Freeland and Jesse Hoey The Structure of Deference: Modeling Occupational Status Using Affect Control Theory. American Sociological Review, 83, 2, April, 2018 (Supplementary Material) (bibtex)
- Wasif Khan and Jesse Hoey How Different Identities Affect Cooperation. Proc.of the Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, San Antonio, TX, 2017 (bibtex)
- Areej Alhothali and Jesse Hoey Semi-Supervised Affective Meaning Lexicon Expansion Using Semantic and Distributed Word Representations. arXiv, arXiv:1703.09825, March, 2017 (bibtex)
- Jyoti Joshi, Alexandra Konig, Zhengkun Shang, Julie M Robillard, Linda E. Francis and Jesse Hoey Affectively Aligned Assistive Technology for Persons with Dementia. Society for Affective Science : Affective Computing Pre-Conferece, Boston, MA, 2017 (bibtex)
- Joshua D.A. Jung and Jesse Hoey Socio-Affective Agents as Models of Human Behaviour in the Networked Prisoner's Dilemma. arXiv, 1701.09112, 2017 (bibtex)
- Julie M Robillard, Areej Alhothali, Sunjay Varma and Jesse Hoey Intelligent and Affectively Aligned Evaluation of Online Health Information for Older Adults. AAAI Workshop on Health Intelligence, San Francisco, CA, 2017 (bibtex)
- Tobias Schroeder, Jesse Hoey and Kimberly B. Rogers Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory. American Sociological Review, 81, 4, 2016 (Appendix) (bibtex)
- Joshua D.A. Jung, Jesse Hoey, Jonathan H. Morgan, Tobias Schroeder and Ingo Wolf Grounding Social Interaction with Affective Intelligence. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on AI, Victoria, BC, 2016 (bibtex)
- Aarti Malhotra, Jesse Hoey, Alexandra Konig and Sarel van Vuuren A study of elderly people's emotional understanding of prompts given by Virtual Humans. Proc. International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, Cancun, Mexico, 2016 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder and Areej Alhothali Affect control processes: Intelligent affective interaction using a partially observable Markov decision process. Artificial Intelligence, 230, 2016 (bibtex)
- Areej Alhothali and Jesse Hoey Good News or Bad News: Using Affect Control Theory to Analyze Readers Reaction Towards News Articles. Proc. Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics - Human Language Technologies (NAACL HLT), Denver, CO, 2015 (bibtex)
- Nabiha Asghar and Jesse Hoey Intelligent Affect: Rational Decision Making for Socially Aligned Agents. Proceedings of Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Amsterdam, 2015 (bibtex)
- Aarti Malhotra, Lifei Yu, Tobias Schroeder and Jesse Hoey An exploratory study into the use of an emotionally aware cognitive assistant. University of Waterloo School of Computer Science Technical Report, CS-2014-15, August, 2014 (bibtex)
- Nabiha Asghar and Jesse Hoey Monte-Carlo Planning for Socially Aligned Agents using Bayesian Affect Control Theory. University of Waterloo School of Computer Science Technical Report, CS-2014-21, December, 2014 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey and Tobias Schroeder Bayesian Affect Control Theory of Self. Proc. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Austin, Texas, 2015 (bibtex)
- Luyuan Lin, Stephen Czarnuch, Aarti Malhotra, Lifei Yu, Tobias Schroeder and Jesse Hoey Affectively Aligned Cognitive Assistance using Bayesian Affect Control Theory. Proc. of International Workconference on Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL), Belfast, UK, 2014 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder and Areej Alhothali Bayesian Affect Control Theory. Proc.of the Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Geneva, Switzerland, 2013 (bibtex)
- Jesse Hoey, Tobias Schroeder and Areej Alhothali Affect Control Processes: Probabilistic and Decision Theoretic Affective Control in Human-Computer Interaction. University of Waterloo School of Computer Science Technical Report, CS-2013-03, 2013 (bibtex)
Here is a description of the videos in the playlist. You can skip to the one you want by clicking on "playlist" at the top left of the video frame above.
- This screencast shows a basic simulation of a 'tutor' and 'student' in Bayesact and gives an overview of what the output is.
- This screencast shows an example of using the interact java applet alongside the bayesact python simulator. The bayesact simulator is set up in such a way as to mimic as closely as possible the computations of interact. As bayesact doesn't take any shortcuts or make approximations, this requires using a large number of samples (10,000) and have a very small observation noise. As well, he first 5 minutes of this video shows how to set up a basic simulation in interact.
- Simulation of a Bayesact agent with affective identity of "tutor" interacting with a "student", but the bayesact agent does not know this affective identity to start with. Through interactions with the student, the bayesact "tutor" learns that this agent is something like a "student. Interact is used to simulate the actions of the student. It takes bayesact only 2 iterations to figure out the student's identity, as these two identities are fairly close.
- Simulation of a bayesact agent with identity "salesman" interacting with another agent (the "client") who is a "robber", but the bayesact agent does not know this. Through interactions with the robber, the bayesact "salesman" learns that this agent is something like a "robber". Interact is used to simulate the actions of the robber". It takes about 8 iterations for the bayesact agent to figure this one out, as the two identities are fairly dissimilar (will normally result in high deflection interactions).
- Magenta squares+red triangle: agent self identity (triangle is the mean)
- Cyan squares + blue triangle: client self identity
- Red squares: agent's estimate of clients identity
- Blue squares: client's estimate of agent's identity
- Magenta label: most common label for agent self identity
- Cyan label: most common label for client self identity
- Red Label: most common label for agent's estimate of client's identity
- Blue label: most common label for client's estimate of agent's identity
This is two agents with rather fixed ideas about their own identities trying to figure out the identity of the other. 10 experiments with different ids for agent and client. 150 steps per experiment with 500 samples.
This example has:
- beta_a=beta_c=0.001
- beta_a (proposal) = 0.01
- beta_c (proposal) = 0.1
- average id deflection for agent is 0.03\pm0.04 and for client is 0.04\pm0.03
For two identities "lady" and "shoplifter", with no environment noise:
For two identities "lady" and "shoplifter", with environment noise: zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance 0.5:
For two identities "lady" and "shoplifter", with environment noise: zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance 1.0:
For two identities "lady" and "shoplifter", with environment noise: zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance 5.0:
For two identities "tutor" and "student", with environment noise: zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance 0.5:
For two identities "tutor" and "student", with environment noise: zero-mean Gaussian noise with variance 1.0:
Now, the client knows its identity (magenta squares with red triangle as the mean), but does not know the identity of the agent (red squares are its estimate). The agent doesn't know anything (blue squares are its estimate of the client's identity, cyan squares+blue triangle are its estimate of its own identity). In some cases, we see the two agents learning each other's identities, so the agent actually decides on an identity for itself!)
- client
- alpha=0.1
- gamma_value=1.0,
- beta_value_agent=0.001,
- beta_value_client=0.001,
- beta_client_init=2.0 (does not know agent identity at start)
- beta_agent_init=0.01 (knows its own identity at start)
- agent:
- alpha_value=0.1,
- gamma_value=1.0,
- beta_value_agent=0.001,
- beta_value_client=0.001,
- beta_client_init=2.0 (clueless at start)
- beta_agent_init=2.0
Finally, the client shifts identities at a speed of 0.25, but remains stationary at each target location for 40 steps. agent id was [0.32,0.42,0.64] while client ids were [-1.54,-0.38,0.13] and [1.31,-2.75,-0.09]