Song Information
Song Artist(s):ZZ Top
Song Title:Gun Love

Album Information
Album:Greatest Hits

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
{On this second of two new tracks, ZZ takes their cue from Jimmy Reed's
blues classic "Real Gone Lover." Despite the title, this ballistic
track has more in common with traditional blues themes than the NRA.
Recorded for this occasion, Billy's lead is played on a Fender Jaguar,
standard side arm for surf music warriors of yore.}

She likes to shoot her gun,
Shootin' at the target of love.
She likes to load her chamber,
Hot and tight like a black leather glove.
She's a little freak, but she'll take you in.
You might be sittin' at the end of a firing pin.
Gun love, gun love, gun love,
She's a real gun lover,
Gun love, gun love, gun love,
She's a real gun lover tonight.

She's so particular, she likes a Smith and Wesson or Colt.
But she'll give you some lovin' as long as she's cockin' the bolt.
Better hold on when she's up to her tricks
Playin' Russian Roulette but she'll load all six.
Gun love, gun love, gun love,
She's a real gun lover,
Gun love, (gun love) gun love, (gun love) gun love,
She's a real gun lover tonight.

She likes the punch deep down in her pistolero.
Running with the wild bunch, makin' like a Robert Dinero.
She's kinda shy but make no mistake,
She'll shoot you full of love till your love bone aches.
Gun love, gun love, gun love,
She's a real gun lover,
Gun love, (gun love) gun love, gun love,
She's a real gun lover tonight.
She's a real gun lover.
She's a real gun lover tonight.

Track Information
Published Time:3:39
Measured Time:3:39
Traktor Peak dB:-0.095
Traktor Perceived dB: 4.299

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:120.0
Traktor BPM: 120.0 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:D m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:8f49fbf6-99a3-e1d5-5611-a7ed2778836a

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:ZZ Top
Song Title:Gun Love
First Release Year:1992

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
SPLITENZ_GH1-10Split EnzDirty Creature
TOMCOCHR_MMW-04Tom CochraneSinking Like a Sunset
TOMCOCHR_MMW-10Tom CochraneFriendly Advice
HLSUMMER_IGE-02Henry Lee SummerRoll Me
HOWJONES_GH1-17Howard JonesI.G.Y. (What a Beautiful World)
POWERTRK_154-06Daryl Hall & John OatesFamily Man
DOOBBROS_GH1-08The Doobie BrothersIt Keeps You Runnin'
POWERTRK_059-11Rod StewartMaggie May
LSKYNRYD_GH1-08Lynyrd SkynyrdSaturday Night Special
CULTRCLB_GH1-07Culture ClubIt's a Miracle
POWERTRK_100-23EurythmicsWinter Wonderland
BELINDAC_GH1-10Belinda CarlisleSummer Rain
LEVEL42__GH1-14Level 42Lessons in Love
TOMCOCHR_MMW-02Tom CochraneMad Mad World
POWERTRK_113-12David Lee MurphyParty Crowd
HALLOATS_GH1-01Daryl Hall & John OatesSay It Ain't So
PARACLUB_GH1-11The Parachute ClubLove Is Fire
VANHALEN_812-06Van HalenFeels So Good
MUCHMORE_01A-14Melissa EtheridgeCome to My Window
POWERTRK_058-07Culture ClubKarma Chameleon
LEVEL42__GH1-17Level 42To Be With You Again
SPLITENZ_GH1-01Split EnzI Got You
OMD______GH1-12Orchestral Manoeuvres in the DarkSecret
BRGHTRCK_YWF-02Brighton RockWe Came to Rock
INXS_____XXX-08INXSKnow the Difference
KIMMITCH_SHK-08Kim MitchellEasy to Tame
POWERTRK_009-06Wang ChungEverybody Have Fun Tonight
POWERTRK_152-07Three Dog NightAn Old Fashioned Love Song
ERICCARM_GH1-05Eric CarmenHungry Eyes
DNMCLEAN_GH1-06Don McLeanSuperman's Ghost
POWERTRK_091-07Dan HartmanI Can Dream About You
ESSENTLS_005-09David BowieLet's Dance
KONKAN___M2M-06Kon KanAm I in Love
POWERTRK_003-14Tony Orlando & DawnKnock Three Times
HUEYLEWS_GH1-15Huey Lewis & The NewsPerfect World
BADCMPNY_GH1-04Bad CompanyShooting Star
POWERTRK_030-14The ClashRock the Casbah
ULTIM80S_01A-11Jennifer WarnesFirst We Take Manhattan
HOTTRACK_014-09Amy GrantThings We Do for Love
ROBPALMR_GH1-04Robert PalmerSweet Lies
KIMMITCH_SHK-04Kim MitchellPatio Lanterns
KIMMITCH_SHK-09Kim MitchellCameo Spirit
JOURNEY__GH1-05JourneyI'll Be Alright Without You
POWERTRK_053-12Bonnie RaittSomething to Talk About
COLL5060_001-09The Del-SatinsTeardrops Follow Me
BELINDAC_GH1-08Belinda CarlisleMad About You
HOTSTUFF_029-02The Kentucky HeadhuntersWalk Softly on This Heart of Mine
HOTTRACK_001-05John BerryI Think About It All the Time
POWERTRK_106-04David BowieChina Girl
TTLCNTRY_001-16John BerryStanding on the Edge of Goodbye
YNGWEMLM_GH1-12Yngwie MalmsteenJudas
DVWILCOX_G1C-01David WilcoxStill Life
LEVEL42__GH1-15Level 42Micro Kid
JNLENNON_GH1-11John LennonStand by Me
STARSHIP_GH1-11StarshipIt's Not Enough
STARSHIP_GH1-10StarshipIt's Not Over ('Til It's Over)
PAULCRCK_GRV-04Paul CarrackLove Can Break Your Heart
KIMMITCH_AKA-06Kim MitchellFeel It Burn
POWERTRK_012-07Elvis PresleyBurning Love
DVWILCOX_G1C-02David WilcoxWhich Way the Wind Blows
DTRANDOM_021-01Johnnie TaylorDisco Lady
DTRANDOM_004-07The Staple SingersI'll Take You There
BEATLES__RDB-13The BeatlesYellow Submarine
EDDIEMNY_GH1-03Eddie MoneyPeace in Our Time
POWERTRK_161-14Andy GibbI Just Want to Be Your Everything
CNTRYTRK_005-09Mark ChesnuttBrother Juke Box
RTZ______STD-06RTZEvery Door Is Open
KIMMITCH_RCK-05Kim MitchellMoodstreet
BOX______GH1-04The BoxJuste Pour Rire
DOUGSLUG_GH1-04Doug and The SlugsWho Knows How (To Make Love Stay)
ARTNOISE_GH2-05The Art of Noise Featuring Duane EddyPeter Gunn Theme [Twang Mix]
HOTSTUFF_028-04Jimmy CliffI Can See Clearly Now
PAULCRCK_OGR-03Paul CarrackButton Off My Shirt
LEVEL42__GH1-04Level 42Tracie