Song Information
Song Artist(s):Van Halen
Song Title:Feels So Good

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Oh, here we go! Yeah yeah

Yesterday, I saw my love light shine
Straight ahead in front of me
You never really know
When love'll come or go
But yesterday I was alone
Suddenly I walked you home
I never really knew
What love could make me do

I'll send the message in a bottle (I'll send the message)
N' trust in the mercy of the sea (Oooh ooh ooh)
Stormy weather (Oooh ooh ooh) Oh yeah (Oooh ooh ooh)
Waitin' for love to set me free

Everyday I watch the tide roll in
Stay until it rolls away
Though nothin's on the shore
I'm runnin' back for more

I'll send the message in a bottle (I'll send the message)
N' pray for the mercy of the sea (Oooh ooh ooh)
Stromy weather (Oooh ooh ooh) Oh yeah (Oooh ooh ooh)
Waitin' for love to rescue me

Hey, Feels so good (So good) Woo!
And it feels so nice (So nice)
When love comes around
I feel good (So good) So good, so good
An' it feels so nice (So nice) Woo!
Ow! Feels so good

(Guitar Solo)

Yeah, feels so good, woo! (So good)
And it feels so nice (So nice)
When love comes around
I feel good (So good)
Hey, Gonna make her feel nice (So nice)
When love comes around
I feel good, woo! (So good)
So good, so good, so good (So nice)
Now come on baby, make me feel good

(So good)
Get up, get up, get up, get up (So nice)
Uh! Hey baby, I feel good (So good)
Woo! Now come on, now come on (So nice)
Yeah, make it nice. Ow!
So good, so good

Track Information
Published Time:4:31
Measured Time:4:31
Traktor Peak dB: 0.239
Traktor Perceived dB: 5.809

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM: 88.3
Traktor BPM: 88.3 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:C m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:01c3bbea-092b-6d68-f62a-a479f50b34c0

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Van Halen
Song Title:Feels So Good
First Release Year:1988

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