Song Information
Song Artist(s):Kim Mitchell
Song Title:Moodstreet

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
traffic's got me
caught in the middle
i just gotta get off this mood street
i want
if i can't get there in my car
then i'll go there in my mind
i just drift and dream in my room on wheels
i just drift and dream
in my soundproof room on wheels
out of mood street
gotta big drive gotta big smile
man you do some big thinking when on mood street
i want
i'm gonna put it in gear without any fear
i'm gonna let this road develop like my thinking
i just drift and dream in my room on wheels
i just drift and dream
in and out in and out of mood street
it's all just one street away

Track Information
Published Time:5:48
Measured Time:5:48
Traktor Peak dB: 0.209
Traktor Perceived dB: 8.719

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:121.6
Traktor BPM: 121.6 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:F m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:2a55b04c-c2a3-8f78-ca04-606deed44929

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Kim Mitchell
Song Title:Moodstreet
First Release Year:1989

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
TOMCOCHR_MMW-10Tom CochraneFriendly Advice
OMD______GH1-12Orchestral Manoeuvres in the DarkSecret
RCKSPRNG_GH1-04Rick SpringfieldDon't Talk to Strangers
ASIA_____AQA-02AsiaWho Will Stop the Rain
MIKEMECH_WOM-01Mike + The MechanicsGet Up
PAULCRCK_GRV-04Paul CarrackLove Can Break Your Heart
BRYADAMS_RCK-03Bryan AdamsRun to You
POWERTRK_075-01Cutting Crew(I Just) Died in Your Arms
PARACLUB_GH1-11The Parachute ClubLove Is Fire
POWERTRK_059-11Rod StewartMaggie May
HUEYLEWS_SPR-05Huey Lewis & The NewsWalking on a Thin Line
BRGHTRCK_YWF-02Brighton RockWe Came to Rock
RUSH_____PST-01RushShow Don't Tell
ERICCARM_GH1-09Eric CarmenIt Hurts Too Much
FIXX_____GH1-02The FixxRed Skies
KIMMITCH_RCK-01Kim MitchellRocklandwonderland
ASIA_____AQA-10AsiaLove Under Fire
XMSPECAL_001-02EurythmicsWinter Wonderland
PAULCRCK_GRV-08Paul CarrackTip of My Tongue
POWERTRK_088-11Billy IdolHot in the City
REDRIDER_LV1-04Tom CochraneNapoleon Sheds His Skin
HLSUMMER_IGE-09Henry Lee SummerGot No Money
TOMCOCHR_MMW-09Tom CochraneBigger Man
FRANKG2H_GH1-09Frankie Goes to HollywoodWatching the Wildlife
HUEYLEWS_GH1-10Huey Lewis & The NewsHeart And Soul
HUEYLEWS_GH1-11Huey Lewis & The NewsJacob's Ladder
RTZ______STD-06RTZEvery Door Is Open
MIKEMECH_STD-05Mike + The MechanicsI Get the Feeling
ZZTOP____GH1-10ZZ TopGun Love
POWERTRK_020-08Talk TalkIt's My Life
POWERTRK_077-15Rod StewartHavin' a Party
POWERTRK_165-13Fleetwood MacLittle Lies
KIMMITCH_AUR-02Kim MitchellPure as Gold
JOEJKSON_GH1-12Joe JacksonRight And Wrong
FIXX_____GH1-09The FixxStand or Fall [Live]
KIMMITCH_AUR-06Kim MitchellFind the Will
POLICE___GH1-05The PoliceDon't Stand So Close to Me '86
SPLITENZ_GH1-10Split EnzDirty Creature
FOOTLOSE_ST1-09Moving PicturesNever
THEN_____001-14Sinead O'ConnorNothing Compares 2 U
HOTSTUFF_029-02The Kentucky HeadhuntersWalk Softly on This Heart of Mine
HLSUMMER_IGE-02Henry Lee SummerRoll Me
RTZ______STD-02RTZThere's Another Side
ESSENTLS_007-10Owen PaulMy Favourite Waste of Time
REDRIDER_LV1-12Tom CochraneGood Times
TRIUMPH__SOK-10TriumphDon't Love Anybody Else but Me
JOURNEY__GH1-05JourneyI'll Be Alright Without You
VANHALEN_812-06Van HalenFeels So Good
POWERTRK_141-02The PoliceKing of Pain
TOMCOCHR_MMW-04Tom CochraneSinking Like a Sunset
REDRIDER_GH1-10Red RiderCowboys in Hong Kong (As Far as Siam)
ULTSYNTH_01C-01Project DMagic Fly [Synth Version]
CORYHART_GH1-13Corey HartIt Ain't Enough
REDRIDER_LV1-06Tom CochraneBig League
CNTRYTRK_005-04Ronnie MilsapAny Day Now
ESSENTLS_007-16Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes(I've Had) the Time of My Life
PGABRIEL_SO1-02Peter GabrielSledgehammer
POWERTRK_041-04The Doobie BrothersListen to the Music
ULTIM80S_01A-11Jennifer WarnesFirst We Take Manhattan
HOTTRACK_001-05John BerryI Think About It All the Time
PARACLUB_GH1-13The Parachute ClubCheat the Prophecy
RUSH_____G1B-02RushRed Barchetta
KIMMITCH_AUR-08Kim MitchellDreamer
HUEYLEWS_GH1-12Huey Lewis & The NewsStuck With You
RTZ______STD-05RTZRain Down on Me
KIMMITCH_SHK-04Kim MitchellPatio Lanterns
PHLCOLNS_FAC-09Phil CollinsThunder And Lightning
RTZ______STD-03RTZAll You've Got
DTRANDOM_001-11Paul Revere & The RaidersKicks
POWERTRK_152-07Three Dog NightAn Old Fashioned Love Song
POWERTRK_034-03Steve WinwoodHigher Love
CARS_____GH1-12The CarsMagic
JOURNEY__GH1-03JourneyWheel in the Sky