Song Information
Song Artist(s):Pet Shop Boys
Song Title:Left to My Own Devices

Album Information

Track Classification
Genre:Dance 1990s
MusicBrainz Genre:Pop

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
I get out of bed at half past ten
Phone up a friend, who's a party animal
Turn on the news and drink some tea
Maybe if you're with me we'll do some shopping

One day I'll read, or learn to drive a car
If you pass the test, you can beat the rest
But I don't like to compete, or talk street, street, street
I can pick up the best from the party animal

I could leave you, say goodbye
Or I could love you, if I try
And I could
And left to my own devices, I probably would

Pick up a brochure about the sun
Learn to ignore what the photographer saw
I was always told that you should join a club
Stick with the gang, if you want to belong

I was a lonely boy, no strength, no joy
In a world of my own at the back of the garden
I didn't want to compete, or play out on the street
For in a secret life I was a round head general

I could leave you, say goodbye
Or I could love you, if I try
And I could
And left to my own devices, I probably would
Left to my own devices, I probably would
Oh, I would

I was faced with a choice at a difficult age
Would I write a book? Or should I take to the stage?
But in the back of my head I heard distant feet
Che Guevara and Debussy to a disco beat

It's not a crime when you look the way you do
The way I like to picture you
When I get home, it's late at night
I pour a drink and watch the fight

Turn off the TV, look at a book
Pick up the phone, fix some food
Maybe I'll sit up all night and day
Waiting for the minute I hear you say

I could leave you, say goodbye
Or I could love you, if I try
And I could
And left to my own devices, I probably would
Come on, baby, say goodbye
Or I could love you, if I try
And I could
And left to my own devices, I probably would
Left to my own devices, I probably would
(Come on baby)
Left to my own devices, I probably would

Track Information
Published Time:4:47
Measured Time:4:46
Traktor Peak dB: 0.239
Traktor Perceived dB: 6.439

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:127.0
Traktor BPM: 127.0 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:B m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:a1d8ee1d-77f7-676f-63a7-ce383af9b137

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Pet Shop Boys
Song Title:Left To My Own Devices
First Release Year:1988

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