All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


AboutDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.AboutDialog
AboutDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.AboutDialog
ABOVE. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The text allighnment is ABOVE
ABOVE. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
the description text is drawn above this shape
addBridgeListener(BridgeListener). Static method in class bridge.Bridge
Register an action listener to be notified when a shape is produced
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.AboutDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.ArcPropertiesDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.CompileError
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.DefaultsDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.Diamond
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.FileErrorDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.ForToByDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.GridDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpTutorialDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.LinePropertiesDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.PropertiesDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.ScaleDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.TextDialog
addNotify(). Method in class gui.dialogs.WarningDialog
addNotifyElements(). Method in class gui.Diamond
addNotifyLists(). Method in class gui.Diamond
adjust(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Adjusts the shape's position according to drawing direction
adjust(int, int). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Adjusts the shape's position according to drawing direction and global current coordinates
alignment. Variable in class element.GenericShape
alignment of the description text associated with this shape
alignmentToString(int). Static method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape description text's alignment as string
appendFile(Graphics, String). Static method in class dispatcher.PicFile
Inserts a given file's contents after the last element
ARC. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The shape type is arc
arc. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is arc
Arc(). Constructor for class element.Arc
arc_clockwise. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default arc direction (counter clockwise)
arc_clockwise. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current arc default direction
arc_radius. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default arc radius (in pixels)
arc_radius. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current arc default radius
ArcPropertiesDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.ArcPropertiesDialog
ArcPropertiesDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.ArcPropertiesDialog
ARROW. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The shape type is arrow
arrow. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is arrow
Arrow(). Constructor for class element.Arrow
arrow_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default arrow height (in pixels)
arrow_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current arrow default height
arrow_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default arrow width (in pixels)
arrow_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current arrow default width
atPositionAsString(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the shape's position as a pic text
atPositionAsString(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's position as a pic text
atPositionAsString(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the shape's position as a pic text


BELOW. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The text allighnment is BELOW
BELOW. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
the description text is drawn below this shape
BoundedShape(). Constructor for class element.BoundedShape
Constructs the bounded shape with reset fill flag
BOX. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The shape type is box
box. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is box
Box(). Constructor for class element.Box
box_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default box height (in pixels)
box_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current box default height
box_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default box width (in pixels)
box_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current box default width
Bridge(). Constructor for class bridge.Bridge


Cancel_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ArcPropertiesDialog
Cancel_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ForToByDialog
Cancel_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.LinePropertiesDialog
Cancel_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.PropertiesDialog
Cancel_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ScaleDialog
CENTER. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The text allighnment is CENTER
CENTER. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
center alignment of the description text
center(int[]). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the most left and most rigth points for this shape.
center(int[]). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the most left and most rigth points for this shape.
center(int[]). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the most left and most rigth points for this shape.
CIRCLE. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The shape type is circle
circle. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is circle
Circle(). Constructor for class element.Circle
circle_radius. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default circle radius (in pixels)
circle_radius. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current circle default radius
clear(). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Clears the shape list (clears the picture)
clear(). Static method in class dispatcher.PicFile
Clear the file
clearElement(Graphics). Method in class element.GenericShape
Removes marking from the current shape
clearParameters(). Method in class gui.Diamond
clearSelection(). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Clears the current selection
cloneHead(). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Clones the list for possible recovery
closeAction(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
closeTo(Point). Method in class gui.Grid
Returns the grid point nearest to the given point
compile(String). Static method in class bridge.Bridge
This native method compiles the given pic text.
CompileError(String). Constructor for class gui.CompileError
contains(int, int). Method in class element.Arc
Returns true iff this shape contains the given point
contains(int, int). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns true iff this shape contains the given point
contains(int, int). Method in class element.Circle
Returns true iff this shape contains the given point
contains(int, int). Method in class element.Ellipse
Returns true iff this shape contains the given point
contains(int, int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns true iff this shape contains the given point
contains(int, int). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns true iff this shape contains the given point
copy. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current copy state
createFile(String). Static method in class dispatcher.PicFile
Creates a new file with given name
createShape(int, Graphics). Static method in class dispatcher.Dispatcher
Creates a shape of a given type.
createShape(ShapeEvent). Method in interface bridge.BridgeListener
Envoked when a new shape is received from a pic compiler
createShape(ShapeEvent). Method in class dispatcher.Translator
Creates the shape when it is received from the compiler
curr_style. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current line style
currElement. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current element in the picture
currElementAsInt. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current element type
current_x. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current X coordinate
current_y. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current Y coordinate
currentFont. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current font
currFrame. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current frame
currLine. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
the application's TextWindow object
currPosition. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current position in the elements list


DASHED. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
dashed line style
DASHSIZE. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
dashed line segment length
Default_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ScaleDialog
DefaultsDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.DefaultsDialog
DefaultsDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.DefaultsDialog
defaultsON. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
On/Off defaults
Definitions(). Constructor for class dispatcher.Definitions
DEL. Static variable in class dispatcher.Recovery
The action type is delete
Diamond(). Constructor for class gui.Diamond
Diamond(String). Constructor for class gui.Diamond
direction. Variable in class element.GenericShape
shape's drawing direction.
direction. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current drawing direction
Dispatcher(). Constructor for class dispatcher.Dispatcher
displayText(). Method in class gui.Diamond
distance(Point, Point). Static method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the distance between two points
DOTTED. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
dotted line style
DOWN. Static variable in class gui.Diamond
down_dir. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The drawing is down directed
draw(Graphics). Method in class element.Arc
Draws the shape on the screen
draw(Graphics). Method in class element.Box
Draws the shape on the screen
draw(Graphics). Method in class element.Circle
Draws the shape on the screen
draw(Graphics). Method in class element.Ellipse
Draws the shape on the screen
draw(Graphics). Method in class element.GenericShape
Draws the shape on the screen
draw(Graphics). Method in class element.Line
Draws the shape on the screen
draw(Graphics). Method in class element.Move
Draws the shape on the screen
draw(Graphics). Method in class element.Spline
Draws the shape on the screen
draw(Graphics). Method in class element.Text
Draws the shape on the screen
drawArrowHead(Graphics, float, float, float, float). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Draws the arrowhead for this shape.
drawDashedLine(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int). Static method in class element.GenericShape
Draws dashed line between two given points
dummy. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is dummy
dummyTreatment(String). Static method in class dispatcher.Dispatcher
Treats the pic file changes that don't require the new shape creation


EDIT. Static variable in class dispatcher.Recovery
The action type is edit
edit(int, Graphics). Static method in class dispatcher.Dispatcher
Treats edit actions that is cut, copy, paste
Element_Help_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ArcPropertiesDialog
Element_Help_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.LinePropertiesDialog
Element_Help_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.PropertiesDialog
ELLIPSE. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The shape type is ellipse
ellipse. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is ellipse
Ellipse(). Constructor for class element.Ellipse
ellipse_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default ellipse height (in pixels)
ellipse_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current ellipse default height
ellipse_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default ellipse width (in pixels)
ellipse_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current ellipse default width
EMPTY. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The empty shape
enableUndo(). Method in class gui.Diamond
enterText(String). Method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Adds the given string to pic text stored in this node
ErrorEvent(Object, String). Constructor for class bridge.ErrorEvent
Constructs an error event with the specified error message


FileErrorDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.FileErrorDialog
FileErrorDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.FileErrorDialog
fill. Variable in class element.BoundedShape
set to true iff this shape is filled
find(int, int). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Returns true iff exists shape in the list which contains the point (x, y)
FlashCanvas(). Constructor for class gui.FlashCanvas
ForToByDialog(Frame, boolean, Graphics). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.ForToByDialog
ForToByDialog(Frame, String, boolean, Graphics). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.ForToByDialog
frameToolkit. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current Toolkit


GenericShape(). Constructor for class element.GenericShape
Constructs the shape and initializes its coordinates with global ones.
getAlignment(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the description text alignment
getAnswer(). Method in class gui.dialogs.WarningDialog
getArcPoint(Point). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the point on the arc nearest to the given point
getArrowHead1(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns true iff this shape has an arrowhead at start point
getArrowHead2(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns true iff this shape has an arrowhead at finish point
getAttr(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
Returns the shape's attributes
getCenter(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the shape center point
getCenter(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape center point
getCenter(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the shape center point
getCurrentPoint(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Gets the current point
getCurrentString(). Method in class gui.TextWindow
getDirAsString(int). Static method in class dispatcher.Globals
Returns the string representing current drawing direction
getDirection(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape drawing direction
getDragPoints(). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the array of shape's drag points
getDragPoints(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the array of shape's drag points
getDragPoints(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the array of shape's drag points
getDragPoints(). Method in class element.Line
Returns the array of shape's drag points
getDragPoints(). Method in class element.Move
Returns the array of shape's drag points
getError(). Method in class bridge.ErrorEvent
Returns an error message received from a pic compiler
getFile(). Static method in class dispatcher.PicFile
Returns the File object
getFill(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns true iff this shape is filled
getFillVal(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
Return the shape's fill value
getFromPoint(). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the start point of the arc
getHasText(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the value of hasText flag
getHeight(). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the shape height
getHeight(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the shape's height
getHeight(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape height
getHeight(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the shape height
getHigh(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the shape's high drag points
getHigh(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's high drag points
getHigh(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the shape's high drag points
getHStep(). Method in class gui.Grid
Returns the drid horizontal step
getHStep(). Method in class gui.dialogs.GridDialog
getInchHeight(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's height (in pixels)
getInchWidth(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's width (in pixels)
getInchX(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's X coordinate (in inches)
getInchY(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's Y coordinate (in inches)
getLeft(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the shape's left drag points
getLeft(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's left drag points
getLeft(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the shape's left drag points
getLength(). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Returns the number of nodes stored in the list
getLineStyle(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape drawing style
getLow(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the shape's low drag points
getLow(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's low drag points
getLow(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the shape's low drag points
getMinimumSize(). Method in class gui.FlashCanvas
getMode(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
Returns the shape's mode
getObject(). Method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Returens the shape stored in the node
getPicText(). Method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Returns the pic text stored in the node
getPicText(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
getPoints(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the end points array of this shape
getPreferredSize(). Method in class gui.FlashCanvas
getRadius(). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the arc radius (in pixels)
getRedoNumber(). Method in class dispatcher.Recovery
Returns the remained number of redo actions.
getResizeDirection(int). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the drag direction according to point
getResizeDirection(int). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the drag direction according to point
getResizeDirection(int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the drag direction according to point
getResizeDirection(int). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the drag direction according to point
getResizeText(). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the pic text for this shape after resizing
getResizeText(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the pic text for this shape after resizing
getResizeText(). Method in class element.Circle
Returns the pic text for this shape after resizing
getResizeText(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the pic text for this shape after resizing
getResizeText(). Method in class element.Line
Returns the pic text for this shape after resizing
getResizeText(). Method in class element.Move
Returns the pic text for this shape after resizing
getRight(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the shape's right drag points
getRight(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's right drag points
getRight(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the shape's right drag points
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.Arrow
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.Box
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.Circle
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.Ellipse
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.Line
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.Move
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.Spline
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsInt(). Method in class element.Text
Returns the shape's type
getShapeAsString(int). Static method in class dispatcher.Globals
Returns the name of shape by its type
getShapeTextArray(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
Returns the shape description text
getTail(). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Returns the last element in the shape list
getText(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the description text for this shape
getText(). Method in class gui.dialogs.TextDialog
getTextAlignment(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
getToPoint(). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the end point of the arc
getType(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
Returns the event type
getUndoNumber(). Method in class dispatcher.Recovery
Returns the remained number of undo actions.
getVal(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
Return's the shape's o_val array.
getVStep(). Method in class gui.Grid
Returns the drid vertical step
getVStep(). Method in class gui.dialogs.GridDialog
getWidth(). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the shape width
getWidth(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns the shape's width
getWidth(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape width
getWidth(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns the shape width
getX(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's X coordinate (in pixels)
getX(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
Return the shape's X coordinate
getY(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's Y coordinate
getY(). Method in class bridge.ShapeEvent
Return the shape's Y coordinate
Globals(). Constructor for class dispatcher.Globals
grid. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current grid
Grid(Dimension). Constructor for class gui.Grid
Constructs the grid with default cell steps and given dimensions
Grid(int, int, Dimension). Constructor for class gui.Grid
Constructs the grid with given cell steps and dimensions
GridDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.GridDialog
GridDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.GridDialog
group. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current group flag


hasText. Variable in class element.GenericShape
set to true iff this shape has a description text
head. Static variable in class dispatcher.LinkedList
the head of shape list
heavyTreatment(Graphics, String). Static method in class dispatcher.Dispatcher
This method treats pic file changes that require the compilation.
height. Variable in class element.BoundedShape
shape's height
Help_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.DefaultsDialog
Help_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ForToByDialog
HelpBuiltIn_Action(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpContents(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpContents(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpDialog(Frame, boolean, String). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.HelpDialog
HelpElementsEditing_Action(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpElementsManipulations_Action(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpFiles_Action(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpOnHelp_Action(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpProperties_Action(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpSpecialOptions_Action(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpTextWindow_Action(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
HelpTutorialDialog(Frame, boolean, String). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.HelpTutorialDialog
HelpView_Action(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents


init_X. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
the X coordinate adjustment to centralize the picture
init_Y. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
the Y coordinate adjustment to centralize the picture
initializeDefaults(). Method in class gui.dialogs.DefaultsDialog
INS. Static variable in class dispatcher.Recovery
The action type is insert
insertBefore. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
Shows the insertion place (before or after the current element)
insertFile(Graphics, String). Static method in class dispatcher.PicFile
Inserts a given file's contents after the current element
inverse(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Inverses the Y coordinate of the shape.
inverse(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Inverses the Y coordinate of the shape.
inverse(). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Inverses the Y coordinate after pic compiler activation
inverse(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Inverses the Y coordinate of the shape.
INVISIBLE. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
invisible line style
isClosePoints(Point, Point). Static method in class dispatcher.Globals
Returns true iff points p1 and p2 are close one to another
isSelected(int, int, int, int). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Returns true if the shape is included into the given rectangular frame
isSelected(int, int, int, int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns true if the shape is included into the given rectangular frame
isSelected(int, int, int, int). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Returns true if the shape is included into the given rectangular frame


keyPressed_Action(KeyEvent). Method in class gui.TextWindow


LabelDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.LabelDialog
LEFT. Static variable in class gui.Diamond
left_dir. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The drawing is left directed
LINE. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The shape type is line
line. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is line
Line(). Constructor for class element.Line
line_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default line height (in pixels)
line_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current line default height
line_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default line width (in pixels)
line_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current line default widht
LinePropertiesDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.LinePropertiesDialog
LinePropertiesDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.LinePropertiesDialog
lineStyle. Variable in class element.GenericShape
drawing style (solid/dashed/dotted/invisible)
lineStyletoString(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the shape's line style as a string
LJUST. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The text allighnment is LEFT
LJUST. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
left alignment of the description text


Main(). Constructor for class Main
main(String[]). Static method in class gui.dialogs.GridDialog
main(String[]). Static method in class Main
markAsCurrent(Graphics). Method in class element.GenericShape
Markes the shape as current
markElement(Graphics, Color, boolean). Method in class element.GenericShape
Markes the shape with given color
max_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current maximal height
max_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current maximal width
max_x. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The maximal X coordinate
max_y. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The maximal Y coordinate
MINHEIGHT. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
MINWIDTH. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
MOVE. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
the shape type is move
move. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is move
Move(). Constructor for class element.Move
move_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default move height (in pixels)
move_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current move default height
move_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default move width (in pixels)
move_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current move default width
moveTo(Point). Method in class element.Arc
Moves the shape to the given point
moveTo(Point). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Moves the shape to the given point
moveTo(Point). Method in class element.GenericShape
Moves the shape to the given point
moveTo(Point). Method in class element.Line
Moves the shape to the given point
moveTo(Point). Method in class element.Move
Moves the shape to the given point


near. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The distance of cursor from element when this element can be selected
newAction(int, String, int, int, int). Method in class dispatcher.Recovery
Registers a new action to the recovery list.
newFile(). Static method in class dispatcher.PicFile
Initialize the file
next(). Method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Returns the next node in the list
NotBoundedShape(). Constructor for class element.NotBoundedShape
Constructs a not bounded shape without an arrowhead


OK_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ArcPropertiesDialog
OK_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ForToByDialog
OK_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.LinePropertiesDialog
OK_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.PropertiesDialog
OK_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ScaleDialog
okAction(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.AboutDialog
okAction(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.FileErrorDialog
okAction(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpDialog
okAction(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpTutorialDialog
open(Graphics, String). Static method in class dispatcher.PicFile
Opens a file with given filename


paint(Graphics). Method in class gui.FlashCanvas
paste. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current paste state
PicFile(). Constructor for class dispatcher.PicFile
pixelsInInch. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
Holds the pixels number in one inch
pixelToInch(int). Static method in class dispatcher.Definitions
Translates the distance from pixels to inches
placeText(Graphics). Method in class element.GenericShape
Draw a description text for this shape
PropertiesDialog(Frame, boolean, int). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.PropertiesDialog
PropertiesDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.PropertiesDialog


recovery. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
the application's Recovery object
Recovery(). Constructor for class dispatcher.Recovery
Constructs the Recovery object with empty recovery list.
redo(Graphics). Method in class dispatcher.Recovery
Redo the last undone action (if possible).
redraw(Graphics). Method in class gui.Grid
Redraw the grid on the new screen position.
redraw(Graphics, Color). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Redraws the picture with the given color
removeBridgeListener(BridgeListener). Static method in class bridge.Bridge
Remove a listener from the list
removeText(String). Method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Cut the given string from pic text stored in this node
reset(). Static method in class dispatcher.Globals
Resets all global parameters to default values
reset(). Method in class dispatcher.Recovery
Resets the number of available undo/redo actions.
RIGHT. Static variable in class gui.Diamond
right_dir. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The drawing is right directed
RJUST. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The text allighnment is RIGHT
RJUST. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
right alignment of the description text
runCompiler(String). Method in class gui.Diamond


save(). Static method in class dispatcher.PicFile
Saves a file
saveAs(String). Static method in class dispatcher.PicFile
Saves a file with givaen filename
scale. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current scale value
ScaleDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.ScaleDialog
ScaleDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.ScaleDialog
scaleGlobals(). Static method in class dispatcher.Globals
Scales global pic parameters
SELECT. Static variable in class dispatcher.Recovery
The action type is select
select(int, int, int, int). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Selects the group within the given rectangular frame defined by two diagonal points: (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
selected1. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
the first element in the selected group
selected2. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
the last element in the selected group
selectGroup(Graphics). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Selects the group accordingly to the current state
setAlignment(int[]). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new description text alignment for this shape
setArrowHead(int). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Sets an arrowhead at the start or end of the shape
setCaret(Graphics, FontMetrics, Color). Method in class gui.TextWindow
setClockwise(boolean). Method in class element.Arc
Sets the clockwise flag for the arc
setCurrComponent(). Method in class gui.Diamond
setCurrent(Graphics). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Sets and draws the current element in the list
setCurrentPoint(int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets current drag point
setCurrentPoint(int). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Sets current drag point
setCurrentPoint(Point). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Sets the current end point to the given point
setDirection(int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new drawing direction
setFill(boolean). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Sets a fill flag to a new value
setFromPoint(Point). Method in class element.Arc
setHeight(int). Method in class element.Arc
Sets new height for this shape (in pixels)
setHeight(int). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Sets new height for this shape (in pixels)
setHeight(int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new height for this shape (in pixels)
setHeight(int). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Sets new height for this shape (in pixels)
setHeight(int). Method in class element.Text
Sets new height for this shape (in pixels)
setHStep(int). Method in class gui.Grid
setInchHeight(double). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new height for this shape (in inches)
setInchWidth(double). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new width for this shape (in inches)
setInchX(double). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new X position (in inches)
setInchY(double). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new Y position (in inches)
setInsertionPoint(). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Adjusts the global insertion point.
setInsertionPoint(). Static method in class dispatcher.Dispatcher
Sets the insertion point for the current shape
setInsertionPoint(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets the current drawing position
setInsertionPoint(). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Sets the current drawing position
setPicText(String). Method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Sets the pic text to the node
setPoints(int[]). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Sets the new endpoints array
setPreferredSize(Dimension). Method in class gui.FlashCanvas
setRadius(int). Method in class element.Arc
Sets the arc radius (in pixels)
setStyle(int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Set new drawing style for this shape
setText(String). Method in class gui.TextWindow
setText(String[]). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new description text for this shape
setTextPresent(boolean). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets the hasTextFlag for this shape
setToPoint(Point). Method in class element.Arc
setVStep(int). Method in class gui.Grid
setWidth(int). Method in class element.Arc
Sets new width for this shape (in pixels)
setWidth(int). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Sets new width for this shape (in pixels)
setWidth(int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new width for this shape (in pixels)
setWidth(int). Method in class element.NotBoundedShape
Sets new width for this shape (in pixels)
setWidth(int). Method in class element.Text
Sets new width for this shape (in pixels)
setX(int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new X position (in pixels)
setY(int). Method in class element.GenericShape
Sets new Y position (in pixels)
shape_fill. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default shape fill flag.
shape_fill. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current default fill flag
ShapeEvent(Object, int, int, float, float, int, float, float[], String[], int[], String). Constructor for class bridge.ShapeEvent
Constructs a shape event object.
shapeText(). Method in class element.Arc
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeText(). Method in class element.Arrow
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeText(). Method in class element.Box
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeText(). Method in class element.Circle
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeText(). Method in class element.Ellipse
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeText(). Method in class element.GenericShape
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeText(). Method in class element.Line
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeText(). Method in class element.Move
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeText(). Method in class element.Spline
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeText(). Method in class element.Text
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
shapeX. Variable in class element.GenericShape
shape's X coordinate on the screen
shapeY. Variable in class element.GenericShape
shape's Y coordinate on the screen
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.AboutDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.ArcPropertiesDialog
show(). Method in class gui.CompileError
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.DefaultsDialog
show(). Method in class gui.Diamond
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.FileErrorDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.ForToByDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.GridDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpContents
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.HelpTutorialDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.LinePropertiesDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.PropertiesDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.ScaleDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.TextDialog
show(). Method in class gui.dialogs.WarningDialog
show(Graphics). Method in class gui.Grid
Shows the grid on the screen.
showError(ErrorEvent). Method in interface bridge.BridgeListener
Envoked when pic compiler reports about error
showError(ErrorEvent). Method in class dispatcher.Translator
Shows the error dialog window when compiler reports about error
showGrid. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current show grid state
showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar). Method in class element.Arc
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar). Method in class element.BoundedShape
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar). Method in class element.Box
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar). Method in class element.Circle
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar). Method in class element.Ellipse
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar). Method in class element.GenericShape
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar). Method in class element.Line
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar). Method in class element.Move
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar). Method in class element.Text
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
showString(String). Method in class gui.TextWindow
SOLID. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
solid line style
SPECIAL. Static variable in class element.GenericShape
the description text has a special alignment not supported by the application
SPLINE. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The shape type is spline
spline. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is spline
Spline(). Constructor for class element.Spline
SPREAD. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The text allighnment is SPREAD
STAY. Static variable in class gui.Diamond
styleAsString(). Static method in class dispatcher.Globals
Returns current the drawing style as string
styleAsString(int). Static method in class dispatcher.Globals
Returns the given drawing style as string


TEST. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
the application is in a TEST mode
test(TextArea). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Tests the LinkedList.
TEXT. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
The shape type is text
text. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The shape's type is text
text. Variable in class element.GenericShape
description text associated with this shape
Text(). Constructor for class element.Text
Call the appropriate dialog and constructs text accordingly to the user input
Text(String). Constructor for class element.Text
Constructs a new Text object with given string
text_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default text height (in pixels)
text_height. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current text default height
Text_Help_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.ArcPropertiesDialog
Text_Help_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.LinePropertiesDialog
Text_Help_ACTION(ActionEvent). Method in class gui.dialogs.PropertiesDialog
text_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The default text width (in pixels)
text_width. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
current text default width
TextDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.TextDialog
textON. Static variable in class dispatcher.Globals
On/Off text flag
toString(). Method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Returns the pic text from calling element to the last node in the list
toString(LinkedList). Method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Returns the pic text from calling element to the last_node
trancate(double). Static method in class dispatcher.Definitions
Returns the double parameter trancated to two digits
Translator(). Constructor for class dispatcher.Translator


undo(Graphics). Method in class dispatcher.Recovery
Undo the last action (if possible).
unMarkElement(Graphics). Method in class element.GenericShape
Unmarks the current shape
unselectGroup(Graphics). Static method in class dispatcher.LinkedList
Unselects the selected group
UP. Static variable in class gui.Diamond
up_dir. Static variable in class dispatcher.Definitions
The drawing is up directed
updateGlobals(). Method in class gui.dialogs.DefaultsDialog
updateParameters(GenericShape). Method in class gui.Diamond


VAR. Static variable in class bridge.Bridge
the shape type is pic variables


WarningDialog(Frame, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.WarningDialog
WarningDialog(Frame, String, boolean). Constructor for class gui.dialogs.WarningDialog
width. Variable in class element.BoundedShape
shape's width