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Class dispatcher.PicFile


public class PicFile
extends Object
This class implements all file operation

Constructor Index

 o PicFile()

Method Index

 o appendFile(Graphics, String)
Inserts a given file's contents after the last element
 o clear()
Clear the file
 o createFile(String)
Creates a new file with given name
 o getFile()
Returns the File object
 o insertFile(Graphics, String)
Inserts a given file's contents after the current element
 o newFile()
Initialize the file
 o open(Graphics, String)
Opens a file with given filename
 o save()
Saves a file
 o saveAs(String)
Saves a file with givaen filename


 o PicFile
 public PicFile()


 o createFile
 public static native int createFile(String filename)
Creates a new file with given name

 o getFile
 public static File getFile()
Returns the File object

 o newFile
 public static void newFile()
Initialize the file

 o clear
 public static void clear()
Clear the file

 o open
 public static void open(Graphics graphics,
                         String filepath)
Opens a file with given filename

 o save
 public static void save()
Saves a file

 o saveAs
 public static void saveAs(String filename)
Saves a file with givaen filename

 o insertFile
 public static void insertFile(Graphics graphics,
                               String filename)
Inserts a given file's contents after the current element

 o appendFile
 public static void appendFile(Graphics graphics,
                               String filename)
Inserts a given file's contents after the last element

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