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Class dispatcher.LinkedList


public class LinkedList
extends Object
implements Cloneable
This class implements the main storage of drawn elements

Variable Index

 o head
the head of shape list

Method Index

 o clear()
Clears the shape list (clears the picture)
 o clearSelection()
Clears the current selection
 o cloneHead()
Clones the list for possible recovery
 o enterText(String)
Adds the given string to pic text stored in this node
 o find(int, int)
Returns true iff exists shape in the list which contains the point (x, y)
 o getLength()
Returns the number of nodes stored in the list
 o getObject()
Returens the shape stored in the node
 o getPicText()
Returns the pic text stored in the node
 o getTail()
Returns the last element in the shape list
 o inverse()
Inverses the Y coordinate after pic compiler activation
 o next()
Returns the next node in the list
 o redraw(Graphics, Color)
Redraws the picture with the given color
 o removeText(String)
Cut the given string from pic text stored in this node
 o select(int, int, int, int)
Selects the group within the given rectangular frame defined by two diagonal points: (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)
 o selectGroup(Graphics)
Selects the group accordingly to the current state
 o setCurrent(Graphics)
Sets and draws the current element in the list
 o setPicText(String)
Sets the pic text to the node
 o test(TextArea)
Tests the LinkedList.
 o toString()
Returns the pic text from calling element to the last node in the list
 o toString(LinkedList)
Returns the pic text from calling element to the last_node
 o unselectGroup(Graphics)
Unselects the selected group


 o head
 public static LinkedList head
the head of shape list


 o cloneHead
 public static LinkedList cloneHead()
Clones the list for possible recovery

 o getTail
 public static LinkedList getTail()
Returns the last element in the shape list

 o setPicText
 public void setPicText(String text)
Sets the pic text to the node

 o getPicText
 public String getPicText()
Returns the pic text stored in the node

 o getObject
 public GenericShape getObject()
Returens the shape stored in the node

 o next
 public LinkedList next()
Returns the next node in the list

 o getLength
 public static int getLength()
Returns the number of nodes stored in the list

 o find
 public static boolean find(int x,
                            int y)
Returns true iff exists shape in the list which contains the point (x, y)

 o clearSelection
 public static void clearSelection()
Clears the current selection

 o select
 public static void select(int x1,
                           int y1,
                           int x2,
                           int y2)
Selects the group within the given rectangular frame defined by two diagonal points: (x1, y1) and (x2, y2)

 o redraw
 public static void redraw(Graphics graphics,
                           Color c)
Redraws the picture with the given color

 o clear
 public static void clear()
Clears the shape list (clears the picture)

 o setCurrent
 public static void setCurrent(Graphics graphics)
Sets and draws the current element in the list

 o toString
 public String toString(LinkedList last_node)
Returns the pic text from calling element to the last_node

 o toString
 public String toString()
Returns the pic text from calling element to the last node in the list

toString in class Object
 o inverse
 public static void inverse()
Inverses the Y coordinate after pic compiler activation

 o removeText
 public void removeText(String text)
Cut the given string from pic text stored in this node

 o enterText
 public void enterText(String text)
Adds the given string to pic text stored in this node

 o unselectGroup
 public static void unselectGroup(Graphics graphics)
Unselects the selected group

 o selectGroup
 public static void selectGroup(Graphics graphics)
Selects the group accordingly to the current state

 o test
 public static void test(TextArea target)
Tests the LinkedList. ( Used by Test module )

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