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Class element.GenericShape


public abstract class GenericShape
extends Component
This class implements the shape general functionality

Variable Index

the description text is drawn above this shape
 o alignment
alignment of the description text associated with this shape
the description text is drawn below this shape
center alignment of the description text
dashed line style
dashed line segment length
 o direction
shape's drawing direction.
dotted line style
 o hasText
set to true iff this shape has a description text
invisible line style
 o lineStyle
drawing style (solid/dashed/dotted/invisible)
left alignment of the description text
right alignment of the description text
 o shapeX
shape's X coordinate on the screen
 o shapeY
shape's Y coordinate on the screen
solid line style
the description text has a special alignment not supported by the application
 o text
description text associated with this shape

Constructor Index

 o GenericShape()
Constructs the shape and initializes its coordinates with global ones.

Method Index

 o alignmentToString(int)
Returns the shape description text's alignment as string
 o atPositionAsString()
Returns the shape's position as a pic text
 o center(int[])
Returns the most left and most rigth points for this shape.
 o clearElement(Graphics)
Removes marking from the current shape
 o contains(int, int)
Returns true iff this shape contains the given point
 o distance(Point, Point)
Returns the distance between two points
 o draw(Graphics)
Draws the shape on the screen
 o drawDashedLine(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int)
Draws dashed line between two given points
 o getAlignment()
Returns the description text alignment
 o getCenter()
Returns the shape center point
 o getDirection()
Returns the shape drawing direction
 o getDragPoints()
Returns the array of shape's drag points
 o getHasText()
Returns the value of hasText flag
 o getHeight()
Returns the shape height
 o getHigh()
Returns the shape's high drag points
 o getInchHeight()
Returns the shape's height (in pixels)
 o getInchWidth()
Returns the shape's width (in pixels)
 o getInchX()
Returns the shape's X coordinate (in inches)
 o getInchY()
Returns the shape's Y coordinate (in inches)
 o getLeft()
Returns the shape's left drag points
 o getLineStyle()
Returns the shape drawing style
 o getLow()
Returns the shape's low drag points
 o getResizeDirection(int)
Returns the drag direction according to point
 o getResizeText()
Returns the pic text for this shape after resizing
 o getRight()
Returns the shape's right drag points
 o getShapeAsInt()
Returns the shape's type
 o getText()
Returns the description text for this shape
 o getWidth()
Returns the shape width
 o getX()
Returns the shape's X coordinate (in pixels)
 o getY()
Returns the shape's Y coordinate
 o inverse()
Inverses the Y coordinate of the shape.
 o isSelected(int, int, int, int)
Returns true if the shape is included into the given rectangular frame
 o lineStyletoString()
Returns the shape's line style as a string
 o markAsCurrent(Graphics)
Markes the shape as current
 o markElement(Graphics, Color, boolean)
Markes the shape with given color
 o moveTo(Point)
Moves the shape to the given point
 o placeText(Graphics)
Draw a description text for this shape
 o setAlignment(int[])
Sets new description text alignment for this shape
 o setCurrentPoint(int)
Sets current drag point
 o setDirection(int)
Sets new drawing direction
 o setHeight(int)
Sets new height for this shape (in pixels)
 o setInchHeight(double)
Sets new height for this shape (in inches)
 o setInchWidth(double)
Sets new width for this shape (in inches)
 o setInchX(double)
Sets new X position (in inches)
 o setInchY(double)
Sets new Y position (in inches)
 o setInsertionPoint()
Sets the current drawing position
 o setStyle(int)
Set new drawing style for this shape
 o setText(String[])
Sets new description text for this shape
 o setTextPresent(boolean)
Sets the hasTextFlag for this shape
 o setWidth(int)
Sets new width for this shape (in pixels)
 o setX(int)
Sets new X position (in pixels)
 o setY(int)
Sets new Y position (in pixels)
 o shapeText()
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape
 o showParameters(StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar, StatusBar)
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows
 o unMarkElement(Graphics)
Unmarks the current shape


 o shapeX
 protected int shapeX
shape's X coordinate on the screen

 o shapeY
 protected int shapeY
shape's Y coordinate on the screen

 o direction
 protected int direction
shape's drawing direction. Possible values:

See Also:
 o text
 protected String text[]
description text associated with this shape

 o alignment
 protected int alignment[]
alignment of the description text associated with this shape

 public static final int CENTER
center alignment of the description text

 public static final int LJUST
left alignment of the description text

 public static final int RJUST
right alignment of the description text

 public static final int ABOVE
the description text is drawn above this shape

 public static final int BELOW
the description text is drawn below this shape

 public static final int SPECIAL
the description text has a special alignment not supported by the application

 o hasText
 protected boolean hasText
set to true iff this shape has a description text

 o lineStyle
 protected int lineStyle
drawing style (solid/dashed/dotted/invisible)

 public static final int SOLID
solid line style

 public static final int DASHED
dashed line style

 public static final int DOTTED
dotted line style

 public static final int INVISIBLE
invisible line style

 public static final int DASHSIZE
dashed line segment length

 protected static final int MINHEIGHT
 protected static final int MINWIDTH


 o GenericShape
 protected GenericShape()
Constructs the shape and initializes its coordinates with global ones.


 o lineStyletoString
 public String lineStyletoString()
Returns the shape's line style as a string

 o alignmentToString
 public static String alignmentToString(int alignment)
Returns the shape description text's alignment as string

 o getDirection
 public int getDirection()
Returns the shape drawing direction

 o getX
 public int getX()
Returns the shape's X coordinate (in pixels)

 o getInchX
 public double getInchX()
Returns the shape's X coordinate (in inches)

 o getY
 public int getY()
Returns the shape's Y coordinate

 o getInchY
 public double getInchY()
Returns the shape's Y coordinate (in inches)

 o getHeight
 public abstract int getHeight()
Returns the shape height

 o getWidth
 public abstract int getWidth()
Returns the shape width

 o getText
 public String[] getText()
Returns the description text for this shape

 o setX
 public void setX(int newX)
Sets new X position (in pixels)

 o setInchX
 public void setInchX(double inchX)
Sets new X position (in inches)

 o setY
 public void setY(int newY)
Sets new Y position (in pixels)

 o setInchY
 public void setInchY(double inchY)
Sets new Y position (in inches)

 o setHeight
 public abstract void setHeight(int newHeight)
Sets new height for this shape (in pixels)

 o setWidth
 public abstract void setWidth(int newWidth)
Sets new width for this shape (in pixels)

 o getInchHeight
 public double getInchHeight()
Returns the shape's height (in pixels)

 o getLineStyle
 public int getLineStyle()
Returns the shape drawing style

 o getInchWidth
 public double getInchWidth()
Returns the shape's width (in pixels)

 o setInchHeight
 public void setInchHeight(double inchHeight)
Sets new height for this shape (in inches)

 o setInchWidth
 public void setInchWidth(double inchWidth)
Sets new width for this shape (in inches)

 o setTextPresent
 public void setTextPresent(boolean present)
Sets the hasTextFlag for this shape

 o getHasText
 public boolean getHasText()
Returns the value of hasText flag

 o showParameters
 public abstract void showParameters(StatusBar height,
                                     StatusBar width,
                                     StatusBar radius,
                                     StatusBar text)
Shows the shape's parameters in the given windows

height - the StatusBar were the shape's height will be shown
width - the StatusBar were the shape's width will be shown
 o atPositionAsString
 public abstract String atPositionAsString()
Returns the shape's position as a pic text

 o setInsertionPoint
 public abstract void setInsertionPoint()
Sets the current drawing position

 o getDragPoints
 public abstract Point[] getDragPoints()
Returns the array of shape's drag points

 o getResizeDirection
 public abstract Point getResizeDirection(int point)
Returns the drag direction according to point

 o setCurrentPoint
 public void setCurrentPoint(int point)
Sets current drag point

 o clearElement
 public void clearElement(Graphics g)
Removes marking from the current shape

 o markElement
 public void markElement(Graphics g,
                         Color color,
                         boolean single)
Markes the shape with given color

g - current Graphics object
color - marking color
single - does this shape single or belong to a group
 o markAsCurrent
 public void markAsCurrent(Graphics g)
Markes the shape as current

 o unMarkElement
 public void unMarkElement(Graphics g)
Unmarks the current shape

 o draw
 public abstract void draw(Graphics g)
Draws the shape on the screen

 o contains
 public abstract boolean contains(int x,
                                  int y)
Returns true iff this shape contains the given point

x - the X coordinate of checked point
y - the Y coordinate of checked point
contains in class Component
 o shapeText
 public abstract String shapeText()
Returns the pic text assotiated with this shape

 o isSelected
 public abstract boolean isSelected(int x,
                                    int y,
                                    int _width,
                                    int _height)
Returns true if the shape is included into the given rectangular frame

x - the X coordinate of selecting fame's left upper corner
y - the Y coordinate of selecting fame's left upper corner
_width - the selecting frame's width
_width - the selecting frame's height
 o setDirection
 public void setDirection(int direction)
Sets new drawing direction

 o getResizeText
 public abstract String getResizeText()
Returns the pic text for this shape after resizing

 o setText
 public void setText(String text[])
Sets new description text for this shape

 o setAlignment
 public void setAlignment(int alignment[])
Sets new description text alignment for this shape

 o getAlignment
 public int[] getAlignment()
Returns the description text alignment

 o inverse
 public abstract void inverse()
Inverses the Y coordinate of the shape. (Translates the pic coordinates to application coordinates

 o center
 public abstract int[] center(int borders[])
Returns the most left and most rigth points for this shape. This method is used for centering the picture

 o getCenter
 protected abstract Point getCenter()
Returns the shape center point

 o getLeft
 protected abstract Point getLeft()
Returns the shape's left drag points

 o getRight
 protected abstract Point getRight()
Returns the shape's right drag points

 o getLow
 protected abstract Point getLow()
Returns the shape's low drag points

 o getHigh
 protected abstract Point getHigh()
Returns the shape's high drag points

 o getShapeAsInt
 public abstract int getShapeAsInt()
Returns the shape's type

 o placeText
 protected void placeText(Graphics graphics)
Draw a description text for this shape

 o setStyle
 public void setStyle(int newLineStyle)
Set new drawing style for this shape

 o drawDashedLine
 public static void drawDashedLine(Graphics g,
                                   int dash_size,
                                   int space,
                                   int x1,
                                   int y1,
                                   int x2,
                                   int y2)
Draws dashed line between two given points

g - current Graphics object
dash_size - the size of dash segment
space - the space between adjecent dashes
x1 - the X coordinate of 1st point
y1 - the Y coordinate of 1st point
x2 - the X co the Y coordinate of 2nd point
y2 - the Y coordinate of 2nd point
 o moveTo
 public abstract void moveTo(Point newLocation)
Moves the shape to the given point

 o distance
 public static double distance(Point p1,
                               Point p2)
Returns the distance between two points

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