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Class dispatcher.Definitions


public class Definitions
extends Object
This class holds all global application constants and defaults used by other classes. All the data

Variable Index

 o arc
The shape's type is arc
 o arc_clockwise
The default arc direction (counter clockwise)
 o arc_radius
The default arc radius (in pixels)
 o arrow
The shape's type is arrow
 o arrow_height
The default arrow height (in pixels)
 o arrow_width
The default arrow width (in pixels)
 o box
The shape's type is box
 o box_height
The default box height (in pixels)
 o box_width
The default box width (in pixels)
 o circle
The shape's type is circle
 o circle_radius
The default circle radius (in pixels)
 o down_dir
The drawing is down directed
 o dummy
The shape's type is dummy
 o ellipse
The shape's type is ellipse
 o ellipse_height
The default ellipse height (in pixels)
 o ellipse_width
The default ellipse width (in pixels)
 o left_dir
The drawing is left directed
 o line
The shape's type is line
 o line_height
The default line height (in pixels)
 o line_width
The default line width (in pixels)
 o max_x
The maximal X coordinate
 o max_y
The maximal Y coordinate
 o move
The shape's type is move
 o move_height
The default move height (in pixels)
 o move_width
The default move width (in pixels)
 o near
The distance of cursor from element when this element can be selected
 o pixelsInInch
Holds the pixels number in one inch
 o right_dir
The drawing is right directed
 o shape_fill
The default shape fill flag.
 o spline
The shape's type is spline
 o text
The shape's type is text
 o text_height
The default text height (in pixels)
 o text_width
The default text width (in pixels)
 o up_dir
The drawing is up directed

Constructor Index

 o Definitions()

Method Index

 o pixelToInch(int)
Translates the distance from pixels to inches
 o trancate(double)
Returns the double parameter trancated to two digits


 o pixelsInInch
 public static final int pixelsInInch
Holds the pixels number in one inch

 o box
 public static final int box
The shape's type is box

 o circle
 public static final int circle
The shape's type is circle

 o line
 public static final int line
The shape's type is line

 o arc
 public static final int arc
The shape's type is arc

 o arrow
 public static final int arrow
The shape's type is arrow

 o spline
 public static final int spline
The shape's type is spline

 o text
 public static final int text
The shape's type is text

 o move
 public static final int move
The shape's type is move

 o ellipse
 public static final int ellipse
The shape's type is ellipse

 o dummy
 public static final int dummy
The shape's type is dummy

 o left_dir
 public static final int left_dir
The drawing is left directed

 o right_dir
 public static final int right_dir
The drawing is right directed

 o up_dir
 public static final int up_dir
The drawing is up directed

 o down_dir
 public static final int down_dir
The drawing is down directed

 o max_x
 public static final int max_x
The maximal X coordinate

 o max_y
 public static final int max_y
The maximal Y coordinate

 o ellipse_width
 public static final int ellipse_width
The default ellipse width (in pixels)

 o ellipse_height
 public static final int ellipse_height
The default ellipse height (in pixels)

 o box_height
 public static final int box_height
The default box height (in pixels)

 o box_width
 public static final int box_width
The default box width (in pixels)

 o shape_fill
 public static final boolean shape_fill
The default shape fill flag. The default shape is not filled

 o circle_radius
 public static final int circle_radius
The default circle radius (in pixels)

 o line_width
 public static final int line_width
The default line width (in pixels)

 o line_height
 public static final int line_height
The default line height (in pixels)

 o arrow_width
 public static final int arrow_width
The default arrow width (in pixels)

 o arrow_height
 public static final int arrow_height
The default arrow height (in pixels)

 o move_width
 public static final int move_width
The default move width (in pixels)

 o move_height
 public static final int move_height
The default move height (in pixels)

 o arc_radius
 public static final int arc_radius
The default arc radius (in pixels)

 o text_width
 public static final int text_width
The default text width (in pixels)

 o text_height
 public static final int text_height
The default text height (in pixels)

 o arc_clockwise
 public static final boolean arc_clockwise
The default arc direction (counter clockwise)

 o near
 public static final int near
The distance of cursor from element when this element can be selected


 o Definitions
 public Definitions()


 o pixelToInch
 public static double pixelToInch(int pixel)
Translates the distance from pixels to inches

pixels - distance in pixels
distance in inches
 o trancate
 public static double trancate(double num)
Returns the double parameter trancated to two digits

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