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CS486/686 | Artificial Intelligence Spring 2011

Course Instructor

Chrysanne DiMarco
Office: DC1308
Telephone: 519-888-4443 (x34443)
E-mail: cdimarco AT
Office hours: In-class and by appointment

Class Times and Locations

Tuesdays and Thursdays
Lecture: 1:00-2:20 MC2054

Course Textbook

Artificial intelligence: A modern approach, 3rd edition, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, 2009.

Course Notes

All lecture slides and handouts will be available on our UW-ACE course website.

UW-ACE Course Website

The course website can be accessed by going to: and then entering your username and password from UWDir.

Grading Breakdown and Schedule of Topics


Assignment 1: Wordsnake


Wordsnake starter code (zip file)