Olga Gladkova, Chrysanne DiMarco, and Randy Harris.
"Argumentative meanings and their stylistic configurations
in clinical research publications."
Argument & Computation, Volume 6, 310-346, 2015, published
online Sept 2016.
Mohammed Alliheedi and Chrysanne DiMarco.
"Rhetorical figuration as a metric in text summarization."
Proceedings, 2014 Canadian Artificial Intelligence
Conference, Montreal, QC, May 6-9, 2014.
Olga Gladkova, Chrysanne DiMarco, and Randy Harris.
"What's in a name: Journal titles in the field of epistemic
Journal of Argumentation in Context, Volume 3, Issue 3,
259-286, 2014.
G. Ross, C. DiMarco, E. Afros, E. Hovy, A. Malton, A.J. Malton,
and M. Skala.
"A health rhetorical model for authoring
personalized mobile health information.
2011 AAAI Spring Symposium
on Artificial Intelligence and Health Communication,
Stanford, CA, March 2011. (demonstration)
C. DiMarco, E. Afros, E. Hovy, A. Malton, A.J. Malton, G. Ross,
and M. Skala.
"An authoring tool for creation of tailorable
health learning materials."
American Academy on Communication in Healthcare (AACH)
Research and Teaching Forum, Scottsdale, Arizona,
October 2010.
Chrysanne DiMarco, David Wiljer, and Eduard Hovy.
"Self-managed access to personalized healthcare through automated
generation of tailored health educational materials from electronic
health records."
AAAI Fall Symposium on Virtual Health Interaction,
Washington DC, November 2009. (position paper)
Jakub Gawryjolek, Chrysanne DiMarco, and Randy Harris.
"Automated annotation and visualization of rhetorical
The 9th International Workshop on Computational Models
of Natural Argument, International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI) Workshop, Pasadena, CA, July 2009.
(system demonstration)
Randy Harris and Chrysanne DiMarco.
"Constructing a
rhetorical figuration ontology."
Symposium on Persuasive Technology
and Digital Behaviour Intervention, Convention of the Society for the
Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour
Edinburgh, Scotland, April 2009.
C. DiMarco, P. Bray, H.D. Covvey, D.D. Cowan,
V. DiCiccio, E. Hovy, J. Lipa, and C. Yang.
"Authoring and generation of individualised
patient education materials."
Journal on Information Technology in Healthcare,
February 2008.
C. DiMarco, H. Dominic Covvey, P. Bray, D. Cowan,
V. DiCiccio, E. Hovy, J. Lipa, D. Mulholland.
"The development of a natural language generation system
for personalized e-health information."
12th International Health (Medical) Informatics Congress,
Medinfo 2007, Brisbane, Australia, August 2007.
(poster presentation)
Andy Chiu, Pascal Poupart, Chrysanne DiMarco.
"Generating lexical analogies using dependency
Proceedings of the 2007 Joint Conference on Empirical Methods
in Natural Language Processing and Computational Natural
Language Learning, Prague, June 2007.
Chrysanne DiMarco; Robert E. Mercer; and Victoria L. Rubin.
"A design methodology for a document indexing tool using
pragmatic evidence in text."
Conference on Intelligent Interactive Learning Object
Repositories (I2LOR-06), Montreal, QC, November 2006.
Chrysanne DiMarco; Peter Bray; H. Dominic Covvey; D.D. Cowan;
Vic DiCiccio;
Eduard Hovy; Joan Lipa; and Cathy Yang.
"Authoring and generation of individualized patient education
Conference of the American Medical Informatics Association Washington DC, November 2006.
Chrysanne DiMarco; Don Cowan; Peter Bray; Dominic Covvey;
Vic DiCiccio;
Eduard Hovy; Joan Lipa; and Doug Mulholland.
"A physician's authoring tool for generation of
personalized health education in reconstructive surgery."
American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
Spring Symposium on Argumentation for Consumers of Healthcare,
Stanford University, March 2006.
DiMarco, Chrysanne; Bray, Peter; Covvey, Dominic; Cowan, Don; DiCiccio,
Vic; Hovy, Eduard; Lipa, Joan; and Yang, Cathy.
"Authoring and generation of tailored preoperative patient education
Workshop on Personalisation in e-Health, User Modelling Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2005.
He, Xiaofen, and DiMarco, Chrysanne.
"Using lexical chaining to rank protein-protein interactions
in biomedical texts."
BioLink 2005: Workshop on Linking Biological Literature, Ontologies
and Databases: Mining Biological Semantics, Conference of the
Association for Computational Linguistics, (poster presentation),
Detroit, Michigan, June 2005.
Mercer, Robert E., DiMarco, Chrysanne, and Kroon, Frederick.
"The frequency of hedging cues in citation contexts in scientific
Proceedings, 2004 Conference of the Canadian Society for the
Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI),
London, Ontario, May 2004.
Mercer, Robert E., and DiMarco, Chrysanne.
"A design methodology for a biomedical literature indexing tool
using the rhetoric of science."
2004 Joint Conference on Human Language Technology/North American
Association for Computational Linguistics (HLT-NAACL)
(BioLink 2004: Workshop on Linking Biological Literature, Ontologies
and Databases: Tools for Users), (poster presentation),
Boston, USA, May 2004.
DiMarco, Chrysanne, and Mercer, Robert E.
"Hedging in scientific articles as a means of classifying citations"
Working Notes of the American Association for
Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Spring Symposium on Exploring Attitude and
Affect in Text: Theories and Applications,
Stanford University, March 2004.
DiMarco, Chrysanne, and Mercer, Robert E.
"Toward a catalogue of citation-related rhetorical cues
in scientific texts"
Proceedings of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics
(PACLING) Conference,
Halifax, Canada, August 2003.
Mercer, Robert E., and DiMarco, Chrysanne.
"The importance of fine-grained cue phrases in scientific citations"
Proceedings of the 2003 Conference of the Canadian Society for
the Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI),
Halifax, Canada, June 2003.
Banks, Steven, and Di Marco, Chrysanne.
"Surface form to sentence plans:
A method for English-to-English translation"
Proceedings, The 4th Symposium on Natural Language Processing,
Chiang Mai, Thailand, May 2000.
Hirst, Graeme; DiMarco, Chrysanne; Hovy, Eduard; and Parsons, Kimberley.
"Authoring and generating health-education documents that are tailored
to the needs of the individual patient"
Proceedings, Sixth International Conference on User Modeling,
Sardinia, Italy, June 1997.
DiMarco, Chrysanne; Hirst, Graeme; and Hovy, Eduard.
"Generation by selection and repair as a method for adapting text for
the individual reader"
Proceedings, Workshop on Flexible Hypertext, Eighth ACM International
Hypertext Conference,
Southampton, U.K., April 1997.
DiMarco, Chrysanne, and Foster, Mary Ellen.
"The automated generation of Web documents that are tailored to
the individual reader"
Proceedings, AAAI Spring Symposium on Natural Language Processing
on the World Wide Web,
Stanford University, March 1997.
DiMarco, Chrysanne; Hirst, Graeme; Wanner, Leo; and Wilkinson, John.
"HealthDoc: Customizing patient information and health education
by medical condition and personal characteristics"
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Patient Education,
Glasgow, Scotland, August 1995.
DiMarco, Chrysanne, and Mah, Keith.
"A model of comparative stylistics for machine translation"
Machine Translation, 9(1), 1994, 21-59.
Hoyt, Pat, and DiMarco, Chrysanne.
"A goal-directed multi-level stylistic analyzer"
Proceedings, 1994 Conference of the Canadian Society for the
Computational Studies of Intelligence (CSCSI),
Banff, Alberta, May 1994.
DiMarco, Chrysanne, and Hirst, Graeme.
"A computational theory of goal-directed style in syntax"
Computational Linguistics, 19(3), September 1993, 451--499.
DiMarco, Chrysanne, and Hirst, Graeme.
"Usage notes as the basis for a representation of near-synonymy for
lexical choice"
Proceedings, Ninth Annual Conference of the University of Waterloo
Centre for the New Oxford English Dictionary and Text Research,
Oxford University, September 1993.
DiMarco, Chrysanne; Hirst, Graeme; and Stede, Manfred.
"The semantic and stylistic differentiation of synonyms and near-synonyms"
Proceedings, AAAI Spring Symposium on Building Lexicons for Machine
Stanford University, March 1993.