Submit Scripts

The CSCF submit program allows its behaviour to be modified in several predefined ways by external programs specified in .submitrc:

  • A per-file filtering program that can reject submission of any files that satisfy certain criteria; specified with the file_filter option.
  • A post-submission hooks running as the course account which can be used to take some sort of action after submission has been completed.
See SampleSubmitrc for more details.

File filtering should be done in most courses with ISG's centralized SubmitFileFilter script. It allows complete behaviour override via any course-specific filter(s) while still exposing a standardized logging mechanism.

There should also be some consideration given to using appropriate FinalFilterScripts, such as SubmitPublicTestHook and SubmitSubversionHook.

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Topic revision: r3 - 2010-03-29 - TerryVaskor
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