Opening remark requests

This page will explain how to open the remark requests form on the website for a new assignment.

  1. Navigate to ~/web/content/assess/remark-requests/

  2. Edit the const assessments in the file to include the info of the assignment for which remarks are being released.
    Example from F20 a01:

    Note: It is equally valid to sort remark requests by category (correctness, handmarking, other) instead of by assignment question number. If you want to have remarks sorted by category, simply change the ‘questions’ array to look something like this

  1. Follow the instructions on How to update the web site

Additional notes
  • Currently, the remark requests page will automatically open and close according to the ‘start’ and ‘stop’ dates in the array.

    • In Fall 2020, there was an issue where the form would close early (prior to midnight) on the listed ‘stop’ date. (Probably worth looking into when setting up remark requests during a new term).

  • For more on collecting/processing remark requests after the form has closed, see Remark Requests Script

-- Amy Luo - 2020-12-23


Topic revision: r1 - 2020-12-23 - AmyLuo
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