MarkUs Bugs and Issues

The page describes bugs and issues in MarkUs. Some of these bugs are not caused by MarkUs per se, but are rather caused by the way MarkUs is installed and/or some other software not interacting properly with MarkUs.

MarkUs 0.11.0

As of April 2015, all courses using MarkUs are using MarkUs version 0.11.0. The following are issues you may encounter when using this version.

Logout does not work

Bug exists as of: April 2015 (end of Winter 2015 term).

Description/Background: MarkUs web pages all have a "Log out" link at the top right, but that link does not work.

Impact: Affects everybody who uses MarkUs. For people with Admin and Grader roles (i.e. the course staff), not being able to log out isn't a big issue. However, it can be a big problem for students who share computers. If students cannot log out of MarkUs, then two people sharing the same computer cannot switch accounts.

Expected behavior that isn't happening: Clicking the "Log out" link should log the user out of MarkUs (and redirect them somewhere reasonable, like the UW CAS "Logout successful" page). However, instead of this, the user sees a purple web page containing a trace of some Python script that failed. The URL in the user's web browser when this purple error page is open is

How to reproduce (cause): Click the "Log out" link in MarkUs.

Systems/Software involved:

  • MarkUs ( LOGOUT_REDIRECT setting in MARKUSAPPROOT/config/environments/production.rb)
  • mod_auth_cas
  • Maybe CAS logout on web server?
How to fix and/or workarounds: Google searching "mod_auth_cas sign out" seems to suggest that mod_auth_cas doesn't handle signing out very well. Some work arounds are:

  • Restarting the web browser (close all tabs and windows)
  • Clearing all cookies manually.
  • Using a different web browser (which doesn't have anyone logged into MarkUs yet)
  • Make it so that the "Log out" link clears the user's cookies (ex. with Javascript or Rail's cookies.delete function). CS 135 tried this in Fall 2014, and it only kind of works. Sometimes when students log out, they can still get back into MarkUs without having to log in again.

Duplicate groups being created


Multiple submissions being collected


Collecting submissions take a very long time


Students cannot see submitted files, OR marking web page doesn't load student's code


In Racket .ss files, '< and '> symbols have semicolons after them


Bug/Issue Reporting Template

Bug exists as of: Latest date which you know for sure this bug occurs

Description/Background: Provide a general description, like which specific page in MarkUs the problem occurs on.

Impact: Describe the users affected (ex. just students? just ISAs?). Also describe how severe the problem is (ex. is the problem just annoying, or will it make MarkUs completely unusable?)

Expected behavior that isn't happening: Describe what you expected to happen, but which is not actually happening.

How to reproduce (cause): Give specific instructions on how to reproduce the problem, OR state that the problem occurs randomly.

Systems/Software involved: List the software that partly or fully cause the problem.

How to fix and/or workarounds: Provide any fixes or workarounds you know of.

Topic revision: r1 - 2015-03-18 - YiLee
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