ISG Account


The main portions of the ISG account are maintained in a subversion repository located at /u/isg/.svn-repos. The directory /u/isg itself is a checkout of the repository, which should only be svn updated between terms to avoid breaking software unless absolutely necessary. The contents of the repository are designed to be as directory-agnostic as possible, so it should be possible to do a checkout elsewhere (such as in /u/isg/u/userid/svncheckout) for testing purposes.

Note that the subversion repository is readable from course accounts. This gives the ability to give access to course staff without granting them the dangerous permissions to log directly in to the isg account. If they want to suggest modifications, it is then possible to make them on a course account, test them, and then send the output of svn diff to an ISC or other appropriate individual to suggest a patch which can then be reviewed.

If course staff just want to suggest a change but don't have time to develop a patach, they should contact their ISC or CSCF point of contact; it can then by added to an RT item and acted on as time permits.

Directory Organization

There are several major subdirectories that are part of the repository.


This contains all of the scripts that are supported from ISG, from course account tools to autotesting tools. The bin directory itself should contain all of the programs that should be executed directly from the course account. See ISGAccountScriptConventions for more details about the organization of this directory and script implementation.


This directory contains all of the support scripts for BitterSuite version 3, which is the current version. The entry-point scripts for RST are located directly in this directory, and most of the supplementary helper scripts are in subdirectories.


The directory that stores the XML Docbook source files for the documentation of the ISG account tools. This source is then translated into man pages (readable from the course account) and HTML pages for documentation on the website.


This directory contains the website and a bin subdirectory that contains a few public programs that are intended for general undergraduate use. See ISGAccountWebsiteConventions for more details.

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Topic revision: r4 - 2010-10-18 - TerryVaskor
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