
ceconv is a script to convert Racket check-expects into test subdirectories. It requires some special formatting and it's main disadvantage is that a test can only be on a single line. You can copy the script file to your course account's bin directory (already done for CS 135). Copy the properly formatted Racket files to the test suite's in directory, and run the script on them (they will be automatically removed). You must configure the base options.rkt file at the top of the in directory yourself and copy any provided files into the provided directory.

See script header for instructions.

-- LeonardZgrablic - 2016-04-29

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Unknown file formatext ceconv r1 manage 2.3 K 2016-04-29 - 02:56 LeonardZgrablic check-expect converter
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Topic revision: r2 - 2016-04-29 - LeonardZgrablic
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