Bioinformatics Group
This TWIKI is outdated as is being fully rewritten
updated 13Feb2020
Research clusters
updated 13Feb2020
Bin Ma
updated 13Feb2020
Ming Li
updated 13Feb2020
- m160 - Ming Li's research cluster
- Note: you can now print to lj_dc2582 via print.cs using CUPS
Manual Printer Setup for Direct to printer Access
Linux Setup
Adding Printers manually
Your local Web Browser
- Using a Web Browser open this url:
- Add Printer button
- LPD/LPR is the most commonly supported type
- Most of our printers also support ipp , http and for HP printers AppSocket/HP JetDirect
- Connection:
- Example: lpd://socket://
- Name: a local name you will give this printer
- Location: Where the printer is located
- Sharing: leave this unchecked
- Continue
- Model: Printer Model Goes Here. Typically; Postscript (recommended) (en) driver is preferred
- Example: *HP LaserJet P2055 Prostscript (recommended) (en)
- Authentication
- Provide your normal Login Userid and Password
- Set Default Options
- Finishing Panel - to change duplexing, etc to your wishes
- Image Quality - dpi and print density
- General - default page size and tray
- Using a Web Browser open this url:
- Add Printer button
- LPD/LPR is the most commonly supported type
- Most of our printers also support ipp , http and for HP printers AppSocket/HP JetDirect
Status and Troubleshooting
Printers Built in Web Server
- You can view the printers status directly using to see if it is
- ) out of papper
- ) paper jam
- ) low or out of toner
- ) ready to print
- Visit the printers web page:
Bioinformatics Wiki
Power Up
Circuit Breakers
- All of the UPS are fed from CS panel breaker 12B6A #20 and PDS breaker *1C
UPS notes
- CS panel breaker 12B6A #20 - attached to
- PDS breaker 1C
- secondary power supply for hmsbarracouta,hmsbeagle
Mailing Lists
External Documentation
Special Machine notes
CSCF Subscription Info
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Topic revision: r63 - 2020-02-13 - MikeGore