CS 499R | SCS | UW

Revised Oct 15, 2015

CS 499R: Readings in Computer Science

General description

CS 499R provides students and instructors with a mutually beneficial opportunity to explore areas of Computer Science not covered in the regular curriculum.



  • CS 499R is intended for exceptional students who share a mutually beneficial area of interest with a Computer Science instructor.

Related courses

  • Pre-requisites: 3B standing; Computer Science students only


The student has to find a CS instructor who is willing to manage CS 499R. The student should be aware that teaching a readings course is not generally part of the instructor's duties. The instructor's "reward" for teaching the course is usually that the student can help further the other interests of the instructor.

The amount of effort for a readings course should be approximately the same as for other 4th year courses. The work does not have to be limited to reading and could easily involve library research, programming projects, etc. Before agreeing to the course, the student and instructor should create a detailed agreement describing the work to be done by the student and the level of involvement of the instructor.

Students wishing to take CS 499R must submit a signed form to a CS advisor.