Graduate Course Calendar | SCS | UW

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Graduate courses are classified into three levels:

CS 600s

CS 640 Principles of Database Management and Use (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 013602
An overview of relational databases and how they are used; exposure to relational database technology. Fundamentals of transactions. Database views. Introductions to two or three alternative data models and systems, such as those used for structured text, spatial data, multimedia data, and information retrieval. Introduction to several current topics in database research, such as warehousing, data mining, managing data streams, data cleaning, data integration, and distributed databases.
CS 642 Principles of Programming Languages (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000599
An exposure to important concepts and issues in contemporary programming languages. Data types, abstraction, and polymorphism. Program structure. Lambda calculus and functional programming, logic programming, object-oriented programming. Semantics of programming languages. Critical comparison of language features and programming methodologies using examples drawn from a variety of programming languages including Lisp, Prolog, ML, Ada, Smalltalk, Icon, APL, and Lucid. Programming assignments involve the use of some of these languages. [Note: Offered: W]
CS 644 Compiler Construction (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000601
Phases of compilation. Lexical analysis and a review of parsing. Compiler-compilers and translator writing systems. LEX and YACC. Scope rules, block structure, and symbol tables. Runtime stack management. Parameter passage mechanisms. Stack storage organization and templates. Heap storage management. Intermediate code. Code generation. Macros. [Note: Offered: W]
CS 645 Software Requirements Specification and Analysis (0.50) DIS,LEC,TUT, Course ID: 000602
Introduces students to the requirements definition phase of software development: Models, notations, and processes for software requirements identification, representation, analysis, and validation. Cost estimation from early documents and specifications. [Note: Offered: F,W]
Prerequisite: CS Graduate Level Plans - All others require permission of department.
CS 646 Software Design and Architectures (0.50) DIS,LEC,TUT, Course ID: 000603
Introduces students to the design, implementation, and evolution phases of software development. Software design processes, methods, and notation. Implementation of designs. Evolution of designs and implementations. Management of design activities. [Note: Offered: F,S]
CS 647 Software Testing, Quality Assurance and Maintenance (0.50) DIS,LEC,TUT, Course ID: 000604
Introduces students to systematic testing of software systems. Software verification, reviews, metrics, quality assurance, and prediction of software reliability and availability. Related management issues. [Note: Offered: W]
Prerequisite: CS Graduate Level Plans - All others require permission of department.
CS 648 Introduction to Database Management (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000605
The objective of this course is to introduce students to fundamentals of building a relational database management system. The course focuses on the database engine core technology by studying topics such as storage management (data layout, disk-based data structures), indexing, query processing algorithms, query optimization, transactional concurrency control, logging and recovery. Preference will be given to CS graduate students. All other require permission from the school.[Note: Offered: F,W,S]
Prerequisite: CS Graduate Level Plans - All others require permission of department.
CS 650 Computer Architecture (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000606
The course is intended to provide the student with an appreciation of modern computer design and its relation to system architecture, compiler technology and operating system functionality. The course places an emphasis on design based on the measurement of performance and its dependency on parallelism, efficiency, latency and resource utilization. [Note: Offered: W]
CS 652 Real-Time Programming (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000607
Intended to give students experience with tools and techniques of real-time programming, this course includes not only issues of microcomputer architecture and a real-time programming language and operating system, but also hands-on experience programming a microcomputer for applications such as process control, data acquisition and communication. Preference will be given to CS graduate students. All others require approval from the department. [Note: Offered: F,S]
Prerequisite: CS Graduate Level Plans - All others require permission of department.
CS 654 Distributed Systems (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000608
An introduction to distributed systems, emphasizing the multiple levels of software in such systems. Specific topics include fundamentals of data communications, network architecture and protocols, local-area networks, concurrency control in distributed systems, recovery in distributed systems, and clock synchronization. Preference will be given to CS graduate students. All others require approval from the department. [Note: Offered: F,W,S]
Prerequisite: CS Graduate Level Plans - All others require permission of department.
CS 655 System and Network Architectures and Implementation (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 013603
Distributed, multi-user applications are designed and implemented using many underlying technologies that must be coordinated to provide important features such as robustness, scalability, manageability, ubiquitous access, privacy, security, authentication, and role-based access control, to name only a few. The network supporting the application may be crucial to its successful implementation. The application logic itself is likely implemented in a number of languages and programming environments. Students will be provided with an advanced overview of current networking and distributed systems topics, and will apply it to case studies drawn form consumer internet applications, enterprise systems, and medical and healthcare systems.
Instructor Consent Required
CS 656 Computer Networks (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000609
An introduction to network architectures and protocols, placing emphasis on protocols used in the Internet. Specific topics include application layer protocols, network programming, transport protocols, routing, multicast, data link layer issues, multimedia networking, network security, and network management. [Note: Offered: W]
CS 657 System Performance Evaluation (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000610
Basic techniques of system performance evaluation. Specific topics include: performance modeling, discrete event simulation, verification and validation of simulation models, analysis of simulation output, analysis of single server queue and queueing networks, modeling of computer systems, networks, and other queueing or non-queueing systems. [Note: Offered: W]
CS 658 Computer Security and Privacy (0.50) LEC, Course ID:
Security and privacy issues in various aspects of computing. Specific topics include: comparing security and privacy, program security, writing secure programs, controls against program threats, operating system security, formal security models, network security, Internet application security and privacy, privacy-enhancing technologies, database security and privacy, inference, data mining, security policies, physical security, economics of security, and legal and ethical issues. [Note: Offered: F, W]
Prerequisite: ECE 354 or CS 350
CS 662 Formal Languages and Parsing (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000612
Languages and their representations. Grammars-Chomsky hierarchy. Regular sets and sequential machines. Context-free grammars-normal forms, basic properties. Pushdown automata and transducers. Operations on languages. Undecidable problems in language theory. Applications to the design of programming languages and compiler construction. [Note: Offered: F]
CS 664 Computational Complexity Theory (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000613
The classification of problems according to the computational resources required for their solution, with emphasis on properties of feasible computations rather than on specific algorithms. Topics include: time and space complexity, tractable and intractable problems, computation using randomness, parallel computation.
CS 666 Algorithm Design and Analysis (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000614
Design of good algorithms and analysis of the resources they consume. Lower bounds on the resource requirements of algorithms to compute certain functions. Problems from the following areas are discussed in this light: sorting and order statistics, data structures, arithmetic computations, the NP-complete problems. [Note: Offered: F,S]

CS 667 Quantum Information Processing (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011589

(Cross-listed with CO 681, PHYS 767)
Review of basics of quantum information and computational complexity; Simple quantum algorithms; Quantum Fourier transform and Shor factoring algorithm: Amplitude amplification, Grover search algorithm and its optimality; Completely positive trace-preserving maps and Kraus representation; Non-locality and communication complexity; Physical realizations of quantum computation: requirements and examples; Quantum error-correction, including CSS codes, and elements of fault-tolerant computation; Quantum cryptography; Security proofs of quantum key distribution protocols; Quantum proof systems. Familiarity with theoretical computer science or quantum mechanics will also be an asset, though most students will not be familiar with both.

Prerequisite: MATH 235 and STAT 230.
Antirequisite: CS 467, CO 481, PHYS 467
CS 670 Numerical Analysis (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000617
(Cross-listed with CM 770, AMATH 740)
Introduction to basic algorithms and techniques for numerical computing. Error analysis, interpolation (including splines), numerical differentiation and integration, numerical linear algebra (including methods for linear systems, eigenvalue problems, and the singular value decomposition), root finding for nonlinear equations and systems, numerical ordinary differential equations, and approximation methods (including least squares, orthogonal polynomials, and Fourier transforms).
CS 672 Numerical Solution of Large Sparse Systems of Equations (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000617
Introduction, example applications from finite element analysis, optimization. Data structures, basic graph theory. Direct methods: symmetric structures, non-symmetric structures, ordering methods; RCM, minimum degree, nested dissection. Iterative methods: steepest descent, conjugate gradient, GMRES, CGSTAB. Preconditioning methods; level of fill, drop tolerance. Methods for high performance architectures. [Note: Offered: W]
CS 673 Medical Image Processing (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011588
An introduction to computational problems in medical imaging. Sources of medical images (MRI, CT, ultrasound, PET) as well as reconstruction methods for MRI and CT. Image manipulation and enhancement such as denoising and deblurring. Patient motion correction and optimal image alignment. Tissue classification and organ delineation using image topology. (Note: Lab is not scheduled and students are expected to find time in open hours to complete their work. [Note: Offered W]
Prerequisite: MATH 235 and CS 370 or CS 371
Antirequisite: CS 473, CM 473
CS 676 Numeric Computation for Financial Modelling (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000620
The interaction of financial models, numerical methods, and computing environments. Basic computational aspects of option pricing and hedging. Numerical methods for stochastic differential equations, strong an weak convergence. Generating correlated random numbers. Time-stepping methods. Finite difference methods for Black-Scholes equation. Discretization, stability, convergence. Methods for portfolio optimization, effect of data errors on portfolio weights.[Note: Offered: F]
Prerequisite: AMATH 341 or CM271 or CS 370 or CS 371 and STAT 231 or STAT 241
CS 682 Computational Techniques in Biological Sequence Analysis (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011302
Computer science principles and algorithms in biological sequence analysis. Topics include algorithms for sequence comparison, for large-scale database search in biological databases, for sequence assembly, for evolutionary tree reconstruction, for identifying important features in DNA and RNA sequences, and underlying computational techniques for understanding strings and trees and for making probabilistic inferences. [Note: Offered: F]
CS 683 Computational Techniques in Structural Bioinformatics (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011303
Algorithms and techniques used in the identification and functional characterization of cellular proteins. Topics include: protein databases, gene expression analysis, protein structure prediction, protein function prediction, active site detection and ligand docking, protein-protein interaction, HTCS (High Throughput Conformational Search), and QSAR (Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships). [Note: Offered: W]
CS 685 Machine Learning: Statistical and Computational Foundations (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000624
Extracting meaningful patterns from random samples of large data sets. Statistical analysis of the resulting problems. Common algorithm paradigms for such tasks. Central concepts: VC-dimension, Margins of classifier, Sparsity and description length. Performance guarantees: Generalization bounds, data dependent error bounds and computational complexity of learning algorithms. Common paradigms: Neural networks, Kernel methods and Support Vector machines, Applications to Data Mining.
CS 686 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000625
Goals and methods of artificial intelligence. Methods of general problem solving. Introduction to mathematical logic Mechanical theorem proving. Game playing. Natural language processing. Preference will be given to CS graduate students. All others require approvalfrom the department. Department approval will be by Undergraduate Advisor. [Note: Offered: F,W,S]
Prerequisite: CS Graduate Level Plans - All others require permission of department.
CS 687 Introduction to Symbolic Computation (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000626
An introduction to the use of computers for symbolic mathematical computation, involving traditional mathematical computations such as solving linear equations (exactly), analytic differentiation and integration of functions, and analytic solution of differential equations. [Note: Offered: W]
(Cross-listed with CM 730)
CS 688 Introduction to Computer Graphics (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000627
Software and hardware for interactive computer graphics. Implementation of device drivers, 3-D transformations, clipping, perspective, and input routines. Data structures, hidden surface removal, colour shading techniques, and some additional topics will be covered. Preference will be given to CS graduate students. All others require approval from the department. [Note: Offered: F,W,S]
Prerequisite: CS Graduate Level Plans - All others require permission of department.
CS 690A Literature and Research Studies (0.50) RDG, Course ID: 000630
This is an individual study course carried out under the supervision of a Computer Science faculty member. The topic should be agreed upon by both the student and the instructor. This is a credit/no credit course. Department permission will be by Coordinator of Graduate Studies.
Department Consent Required
CS 690B Literature and Research Studies (0.50) RDG, Course ID: 000631
This is an individual study course carried out under the supervision of a Computer Science faculty member. The topic should be agreed upon by both the student and the instructor. This is a grade course. Department permission will be by Coordinator of Graduate Studies.
Department Consent Required
CS 692 The Social Implications of Computing (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000632
This course is designed to consider the problems encountered by individuals, organizations and society as computer technology is adopted, with a view towards assessing possible courses of action. [Note: Offered: W]
CS 697 Graduate Research Skills Seminar (0.00) SEM, Course ID: 009076
Research and life skills that can help graduate students improve their academic and interpersonal competence-research methodologies, library research skills, creative and critical thinking, time management, stress management, technical reading skills, listening skills, oral communication, writing and publishing in computer science, jobs in academica versus industry.
CS 698 Introductory Research Topics (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 010461
This number is used for courses being offered on a temporary basis. Such a course may be available only once, for example to take advantage of a visiting professor's expertise, or may be offered experimentally until it is determined whether of not the course should become part of the regular course offerings. It may also be used for an individual study course carried out under the supervision of a Computer Science faculty member with the approval from the Associate Chair, Graduate Studies. This is a grade course. Preference will be given to CS graduate students. All others require approval of the Department.
Prerequisite: CS Graduate Level Plans - All others require permission of department.

CS 700s

CS 740 Database Engineering (0.50) LEC,TUT, Course ID: 011293
Project-oriented course that covers the implementation of relational database management systems. Topics include database system architecture; managing primary and secondary storage; query processing; metadata and catalog management; language processing; query optimization and plan generation; concurrency; failures and recovery; extensibility; client-server interactions.
CS 741 Non-Traditional Databases (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011294
Management of non-relational databases, such as multimedia databases, text databases, temporal databases or spatial databases. Each offering will target a specific type of data. Topics include rationale for and common applications of non-relational database management; systems and standards; the abstract data model; data definition and manipulation languages; data storage and indexing; query processing and optimization; updates and transaction management.
Antirequisite: CS 748O, 748S
CS 742 Parallel and Distributed Database Systems (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000650
Algorithms and architectures used in parallel database management systems, with a focus on relational systems. Topics include system architectures; parallel and distributed query processing; federated dtabase systems; distributed transactions; data replication.
Antirequisite: CS 748T, 748Q
CS 744 Advanced Compiler Design (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000655
Project-oriented course that covers optimizing compilers and the implementation of advanced programming language features. Topics include intermediate representations; data-flow, dependence, and alias analysis; optimizing transforms, register allocation, instruction scheduling; memory management, garbage collection, threads, concurrency; single and multiple inheritance, generics, templates, type inference.
CS 745 Computer-Aided Verification (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011295
(Cross-listed with ECE 725)
Application of formal methods to the verification of computer-based systems. Algebraic and automata preliminaries. Temporal logic and model checking. Decision procedures. Mechanized theorem proving. Advanced topics chosen by the instructor.
CS 746 Software Architecture (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000656
A project-oriented course that covers the concepts in software architecture. Topics include basic concepts (components and connectors, rationale, views, architectural diagrams, team implictions, evolution, size considerations), theory underlying softeware architecture, extraction of architecture from implementation artifacts, architecture of web-based and enterprise systems, clustering of subsystems, visualization approaches to software architecture, comprehension and cognitive aspects of software architecture.
CS 758 Cryptography/Network Security (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011590
Cryptographic protocols and their application to secure communication, especially in a network setting. Identification and entity authentication; protocols for key establishment, transport, agreement and maintenance; secret sharing, broadcast encryption, tracing schemes; certificates, public-key infrastructure, PGP.
CS 761 Randomized Algorithms (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011296
Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms that make use of randomization. Topics include review of basic probabiloity and introduction to randomized algorithms; game theoretic techniques; uses of Markov and Chebyshev inequalities; tail inequalities; Markov chains and random walks; algebraic techniques; data structures and graph algorithms.
CS 762 Graph-Theoretic Algorithms (0.50) LEC, Course ID: Unknown
To give the student further exposure to the design, analysis, and application of algorithms for problems defined on graphs.
CS 763 Computational Geometry (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011297
Introduction to the design, analysis and application of algorithms for geometric problems. Topics include convex hull algorithms in two and three dimensions; Voronoi diagrams, Delaunay triangulations, and their applications; linear programming in low dimensions; line segments, planar subdivision, and polygons; range searching.
Antirequisite: CS 760M
CS 764 Computational Complexity (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011298
Further exposure to the classification of problems based on their computational requirements and to mathematical tools designed to explore the structural consequences of such classifications. Topics include relativization, alternation, provably intractable problems, feasible parallel computation; fixed-parameter tractability and the W-hierarchy; Kolmogorov complexity, including algorithmic and algorithmic prefix complexity and their applications.
Antirequisite: CS 664
CS 765 Algorithmic Number Theory (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011299
(Cross-listed with CO 785)
Fundamental problems of elementary and algebraic number theory from an algorithmic and computational complexity point of view with emphasis placed on analysis of algorithms. Topics include basic arithmetic algorithms; computation over finite fields; primality testing; algorithms for integer factorization; algorithms in number fields.
CS 766 Theory of Quantum Information (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000711
Fundamentals of quantum information theory including states, measurements, operations, and their representations as matrices; measures of distance between quantum states and operations; quantum Shannon theory including von Neumann entropy, quantum noiseless coding, strong subadditivity of von Neumann entropy, Holevo's Theorem, and capabilities of quantum channels; theory of entanglement including measures of entanglement, entanglement transformation, and classifications of mixed-state entanglement; other topics in quantum information as time permits. (Instructor Consent Required)
CS 774 Advanced Computational Finance (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 012994

Option pricing, hedging, model calibration, and portfolio optimization will be discussed. Computational methods, including PDE methods, Monte Carlo, and mathematical programming will be presented.

CS 775 Parallel Algorithm in Scientific Computing (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011300
Techniques for obtaining maximum parallelism in various numberical algorithms, especially those occurring when solving matrix problems and partial differential equations, and the subsequent mapping onto the computer. Topics include: parallel architecture and performance models; message passing/shared memory programming; matrix computations; fast Fourier transform; graph partitioning; domain decomposition methods.
Antirequisite: CS 770G
CS 778 Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000724
(Cross-listed with AMATH 741, CM 750)
Discretization methods for partial differential equations, including finite difference, finite volume and finite element methods. Application to elliptic, hyperbolic and parabolic equations. Convergence and stability issues, properties of discrete equations, and treatment of non-linearities. Stiffness matrix assembly and use of sparse matric software. Students should have completed a course in numerical computation at the undergraduate level.
CS 779 Splines and Their Use in Computer Graphics (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000725
Computer-aided design systems originally offered only simple primitives (spheres, cylinders, polytopes, etc.) as building blocks for the creation of composite objects. Now such systems provide spline primitives as well for the construction of free form curves and surfaces. In addition, splines provide an important class of functions for approximation in areas such as finite element methods and numerical data fitting. This course presents a general introduction to spline theory and recent developments in techniques for representing, manipulating and rendering curves and surfaces constructed from splines in a graphics environment. Applications of interest include computer-aided design, synthetic image generation and animation.
Antirequisite: CS 679
CS 780 Advanced Symbolic Computation (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011501
A deep investigation into fundamental problems of symbolic computation. These may include algorithms for linear, non-linear, and differential systems of symbolic equations, symbolic integration, factoring polynomials, and symbolic-numeric algorithms. Covers the basic data types and structures for algebraic objects and operations. Issues in the design of computer algebra systems.
CS 781 Colour in Computer Graphics (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011467
In computer graphics, 3D models are rendered through an ideal camera to a 2D image. The virtual camera is a powerful tool, controlling not only perspective and the optical path, but colour mapping as well. This course examines the notion of "colour" at different stages of the computer graphics pipeline, and describes techniques for modelling and managing colour through the virtual camera analogy. Topics include illumination, the virtual camera, colour spaces, gamut mapping and colour management. Implementation of the colour reproduction and gamut-mapping algorithms demands a number of numerical and statistical methods, including multidimensional interpolation and approximation, computational geometry, splines, principal components anlysis and optimization.
CS 782 Pattern Discovery in Biomolecular Data (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011468
This course examines, from an algorithmic point of view, the pattern discovery techniques that are currently used to extract the functional knowledge hidden in biomolecular data that is derived from DNA, RNA, proteins and their reaction products. Topics include: DNA sequence analysis, RNA structure prediction techniques, protein motif discovery techniques, protein structure prediction, analysis of expression data.
CS 783 Computer Modeling of Biophysical Phenomena (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 012995
This course addresses the computer (in silico) simulation of biophysical processes involved in the interaction of light with organic and inorganic matter. Computer models used to simulate these processes are presented, and key stages of the simulation pipeline, such as data gathering, design constraints and evaluation methodologies, are examined in detail. This course also includes discussions of open problems and current trends in the computer simulation of biophysical processes. Application fields include, but are not limited to computer graphics, remote sensing, biology and biomedical optics.
CS 784 Computational Linguistics (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011288
Computer understanding and generation of natural (i.e., human) languages. Basic topics in natural language understanding (syntax, semantics, pragmatics, connected discourse). Selected applications (e.g., automated language generation, machine translation, natural language processing and the Web).
Antirequisite: CS 684
CS 785 Intelligent Computer Interfaces (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011289
Intelligence in interfaces-natural language processing, plan recognition, dialogue, generation, user modeling. Interfaces to intelligent systems-intelligent agents and multi-agent systems, information processing and data mining, knowledge-based systems.
Antirequisite: CS 685
CS 786 Probabilistic Inference and Machine Learning (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000726
Covers the fundamental principles of probabilistic inference and computational learning systems. Topics include Bayes decision and utility theory, Monte Carlo and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods; learning with complete data; Bayesian networks, Markov random fields and factor graphs; models; learning with incomplete data; computational learning and PAC learning theory.
Antirequisite: CS 786P
CS 787 Computational Vision (0.50) LEC,TUT, Course ID: 000743
Fundamental problems in computational vision where efficient and robust algorithms can be applied. Topics include image formation; linear systems and Fourier theory; image registration; feature detection; fitting models to data; optical flow; structure from motion; steriopsis; object recognition; high-level vision.
Antirequisite: CS 698Q
CS 788 High-Performance Image Synthesis (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 000747
Project-oriented course that covers high-performance image synthesis using techniques for both real-time interactive systems and offline physically-based rendering. Topics include numerical techniques; visual perception and light; mathematical models of rendering; global illumination algorithms; real-time rendering.
CS 789 User Interface Tools (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 011290
Graphics input devices and interaction techniques. The pragmatic factors of various physical, logical and virtual devices, human factors of interactive systems, interaction dialogue managers.
Antirequisite: CS 689
CS 791 Non-Photorealistic Rendering (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 012996
Fundamentals of non-photorealistic computer depiction. Problems of style, abstraction and spatial and temporal coherence. Stroke-based rendering and simulation of traditional artistic media. Stylized processing of images and video. Read-time non-photorealistic rendering of 3D models; toon shaders and contour rendering. Geometric art and ornamental design.
CS 792 Health Informatics I - Data Structures and Standards (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 013604
This course focuses on health data as a key component of all health informatics systems. Topics include ontologies and other classification taxonomies found in health systems, data standards (with a focus on Canadian implementations of international standards), privacy and security of health data, client/patient assessment tools, and ethical considerations.
Instructor Consent Required
CS 792 Health Informatics II - Applications Domains (0.50) LEC, Course ID: 013605
System architectures, interoperability, networking, and medical data storage are explored in the context of health information system applications such as digital image acquisition systems, telemedicine, laboratory automation, physician order entry systems, patient safety systems, administrative systems, and various forms of the electronic patient record. Issues related to usability and human computer interaction feature prominently in this course.
Instructor Consent Required
CS 798 Advanced Research Topics (0.50) LEC, RDG Course ID: 010463

CS 800s

CS 840 Advanced Topics in Data Structures (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011084
CS 842 Advanced Topics in Language Design and Implementation (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011085
CS 846 Advanced Topics in Software Engineering (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011086
CS 848 Advanced Topics in Data Bases (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011087
CS 850 Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011088
CS 854 Advanced Topics in Computer Systems (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011089
CS 856 Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011090
CS 858 Advanced Topics in Cryptography, Security and Privacy (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 012992
CS 860 Advanced Topics in Algorithms and Complexity (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011091
CS 867 Advanced Topics in Quantum Computing(0.50) SEM, Course ID: 013470
CS 869 Advanced Topics in Logic Design (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011092
CS 870 Advanced Topics in Scientific Computation (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011093
CS 882 Advanced Topics in Bioinformatics (0.50) SEM , Course ID: 011304
CS 886 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011094
CS 887 Advanced Topics in Symbolic Computation (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011095
CS 888 Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 011096
CS 889 Advanced Topics in Human Computer Interaction (0.50) SEM, Course ID: 012993
CS 898 Advanced Special Topics in Computer Science (0.50) SEM , Course ID: 011301