Created September 2021
CS 114: Principles of Computing for Science
General description
- Introduction to basic imperative programming principles; programming concepts including functions, flow control, lists, arrays; numerical accuracy and efficiency; data analysis and general-purpose algorithms. Introduction to object-oriented programming concepts.
- 1A students in the Faculty of Science
- Students interested in pursuing a Computing minor
- Students interested in learning more about Computer Science
Normally available
- Fall
Related courses
- Predecessors: none
- Successors: none
- Co-requisites: None
- Conflicts: CS 116, 135, 136, 137, 138, 145, 146, BME 121, CHE 120, CIVE 121, ECE 150, GENE 121/MTE 121, ME 101, MSCI 121, NE 111, PHYS 236, SYDE 121
For official details, see the UW calendar.