Meeting Minutes
20 September 2005
- Preparations for Ontario Universities Fair
- We have 2-3 faculty members and at least one undergraduate volunteer for each half-hour shift.
- There is a planning meeting on Tuesday, 27 September that Gayle Goodfellow is organizing. We are coordinating with her.
- Composition of students at UW
- 15% KW area
- 15% city of Toronto
- 21% surrounding area (of Toronto)
- 4% outside of province
- Question: Are we getting all that we can get from KW area? If not, what is the room for growth and why are we not getting more? (See Action Item #2)
- Possible outreach activities
- What are we doing now? Ask Sandy (see Action Item #2)
- Road shows put on by other places
- We should work on re-activating the high school road shows; these should be given by profs and students.
- Engineering has a program for undergrad students to go back to their high schools
- There was a workshop at CASCON last year (2004) directed to this topic.
- There is a CS@UW event
- We need to target those in grades 8 and 9 and those who are applying to the university separately.
- We should look at the relationship of this with Math circles
- Tamer: Check the material that Gayle uses for high schools.
- Tamer: Invite Sandy Graham to the next meeting to learn about her activities directed towards the high school students.