CS Undergraduate Recruiting Committee Agenda
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
DC 1316
Committee Members: Ashraf Aboulnaga, Peter van Beek (ex officio Undergraduate Admissions), Shai Ben-David, Dan Brown (ex officio Director of First Year), Sandy Graham, Mark Giesbrecht (Chair), Tian Kou, Kate Larson, Naomi Nishimura (ex officio Director of Undergraduate Studies), Tamer Özsu (ex officio Director of School), Troy Vasiga.
- Stage 3 Brochure
- Thanks to all those who proof read and provided their comments.
- No last minute major changes are possible.
- Corrections have been sent back to Graphics.
- Incremental editting is in progress.
- Next year: MUR suggests language needs to be less formal and technical (and still accurate!)
- What did we do right? (anything on any aspect)
- Resource requirements.
- What other efforts should we make for future years? Proposals from the recruiting strategy document. What should we cut?
- New/old initiatives (e.g. USA recruiting, web).
- Brainstorming: other activities we should add?
- A full day program for keen kids in golden horseshoe area (vs. CS4U- general audience)?
- How to provide information to high school teachers in a a more effective way?
- Commit faculty/staff volunteers at beginning of year.