CS Undergraduate Recruiting Committee Agenda
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
DC 2102
Committee Members: Ashraf
Aboulnaga, Peter van Beek (ex officio Undergraduate Admissions), Shai
Ben-David, Dan Brown (ex officio Director of First Year), Sandy Graham,
Mark Giesbrecht (Chair), Tian Kou, Ed Lank, Kate Larson, Naomi Nishimura (ex officio Director of Undergraduate Studies), Tamer Özsu (ex officio Director of School), Troy Vasiga.
- High school access to CS 135 update.
- Campus Day Preparations.
- Survey of Recruitment Effort Questions (from last meeting)
- Format of survey? (paper or online or both)
- Questions:
- Where did you hear about Computer Science at Waterloo for the first time?
- What grade were you in when you heard about Computer Science at Waterloo for the first time?
- What grade were you in when you decided to study Computer Science in university?
- What is the most attractive feature of the School of Computer Science at Waterloo that caught your attention?
- Where did you get further detailed information about Computer Science at Waterloo after you heard about us?
- What was the most helpful part of your communication with the University of Waterloo prior to your accepting to come to Waterloo?
- What was the least helpful, confusing or problematic part of your communication with the University of Waterloo prior to your accepting to come to Waterloo?
- What was the most enjoyable aspect of your first year at the University of Waterloo so far.
- What was the least enjoyable or frustrating aspect of your first year at the University of Waterloo so far.
- Do you have any suggestions which could improve the experience of incoming students into Computer Science at Waterloo?
- You are a citizen, or a permanent residence of: (if you are a Canadian, please give region – details see below.)
- Your background in Computer Science before entering UW was (none, Grade 11 CS, Grade 12 CS)