CS Undergraduate Recruiting Committee Agenda
Monday, December 3, 2006
12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
DC 2314
Committee Members: Ashraf Aboulnaga, Peter van Beek (ex officio Undergraduate Admissions), Shai Ben-David, Dan Brown (ex officio Director of First Year), Sandy Graham, Mark Giesbrecht (Chair), Tian Kou, Ed Lank, Kate Larson, Naomi Nishimura (ex officio Director of Undergraduate Studies), Troy Vasiga.
- Update on activities and their effectiveness
- Ontario University Fair (covered last meeting)
- UW Day
- CS4U
- Recommendations from the Undergraduate Recruiting Strategy
- Recommendation 5: Efforts in Grades 9 and 10
- CS4U as a permanent annual event: resources, preparation and implications
- Imperial Oil Seminar in CS for Young Women
- Women in Math Day (February 2007?)
- Recommendation 5: Efforts in Grades 11 and 12
- Canadian Computing Competition.
- Connecting high school CS activities with our CS curriculum and emphasizing the science.
- Recommendation 3: Develop a plan for more proactive high school involvement.
- Recommendation 6: Work with local high schools so that local high school students can
come to UW and take some of our first year computer science courses. - Recommendation 8: Create opportunities to provide high school teachers with current
information in the field of computer science, where possible presenting material in a
way that meets curriculum requirements. This may include proactively seeking out
opportunities to present material to teachers at their professional development days. - The Imperial Oil Summer Institute for Computer Studies Educators
- Math Teachers Workshops for grades 7-8 and 9-12.
- Recommendation 10: Create a poster series that promotes both the field of computer
science and the University of Waterloo. - Recommendation 11: Offer and prominently advertise a second-degree program.
- Recommendation 12: Transfer credits.
A subset of the recommendations from the Undergraduate Recruiting Strategy Document have been selected as being possible to address in the short to medium term. These need to be prioritized and appropriate and feasible tasks assigned.
Activities Directed to High School Students
Activities Directed to High School Teachers
Activities Directed to University Students
Future recommendations to consider for short and medium term implementation.
- Local events in major Canadian centres promoting Waterloo CS, meeting CS co-op students working in that region along with faculty, alumnae and UW representatives. Potential to organize with Faculty of Math.
- Recommendation 16: Improve the web presence. Emphasize support for non-Ontario students.
- Recommendation 17: Ensure statements of admissions in brochures and other materials are general enough for students outside Ontario.
- US Recruiting.
- Recommendation 18: Participation in international recruiting efforts of the Faculty.
- Recommendation 19: Use our web site as a tool for international recruiting.
- Recommendation 21: Ensure that our publicity materials and admissions processes are not overly focused on Ontario
Recruiting Outside Ontario
International Recruiting