Conferences & Workshops
Victor Naroditskiy, Mingyu Guo, Lachlan Dufton, Maria Polukarov, Nicholas R. Jennings
8th Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE 2012)
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Lachlan Dufton, Victor Naroditskiy, Maria Polukarov, Nicholas R. Jennings
26th Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12)
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Lachlan Dufton and Kate Larson
IJCAI-2011 Workshop on Social Choice and Artificial Intelligence (WSCAI-2011)
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Zinovi Rabinovich, Lachlan Dufton, Kate Larson and Nick Jennings
Ninth International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2010)
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Lachlan Dufton and Kate Larson
Second International Workshop on Optimisation in Multiagent Systems (OPTMAS 2009)
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Lachlan Dufton and Mikael Bodén
2007 International Symposium on Computational Models for Life Sciences (CMLS'07)
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BE Honours Thesis
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Australia
Supervisor: Mikael Bodén
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