
Resources for Students in Classes I Teach

This page may be up to date. On the right, it lists all current courses I teach and provides links to the webpages of these courses. It also lists courses I've taught in the past with links to older webpages. I provide these as a resource: Some students find that having access to slides and content from previous terms can be beneficial. However, please note that courses do change from time to time, both in content and in order of presentation. As well, some links may be broken if servers have moved or been shut down. If you use information from past offerings, I make no representation as the the correctness, completeness or availability of the information.

If you would like to find information on your course, you can also check the student.cs.uwaterloo.ca course webpages. Typically, URLs are of the form http://student.cs.uwaterloo.cs/~cs###/.

This page was last modified on May 3, 2016.