CS 449

Spring 2013


Human-Computer Interaction teaches the fundamental issues that underlie the creation and evaluation of usable and useful computational artifacts. Over the term, students will learn how to design novel computational artifacts that enable a well-defined user group to achieve specific goals more effectively than via current means. More specifically, students will learn and directly apply: Students will also be introduced to major threads of HCI research.


  1. Deliverables for project phases are posted here.
  2. No project group yet? Come to class on Tuesday, and the TA will help form project groups for all interested students.
  3. Piazza: Enroll here for access to the class's Piazza site. You can submit your assignments there. Use flickr for photos. The Twiki seems problematic.

Course Administrivia

Instructor: Edward Lank
Office Hours: TBD
TAs: Valerie Sugarman and Ankit Kamal
Textbook: Contextual Design by Beyer and Holtzblatt
Additional References:
  • Rapid Contextual Design by Holtzblatt et al.
  • Interaction Design by Preece et al.
  • Designing Interactive Systems by Benyon, Tuner and Turner
Course Wiki: Coming Soon!
Course Outline (University Senate Requirement) Coming Soon!




Planned Topic

Actual Topic



May 7 Course Intro Course Intro Slides Ideo Video
May 9 Human Subjects at Waterloo Contextual Inquiry 1: Data Collection Slides
May 14 Data Collection 2 Human Subjects 1
  1. Screencast: Additional Project Details
  2. Screencast: Human Subjects Part 1
  3. Screencast: Human Subjects Part 2
May 16 Contextual Inquiry: Data Collection Screencast
May 21 A1 Redux/Data Analysis 1 Data Analysis 1 Slides Designing Interactive Systems by Benyon, Tuner and Turner, Chapter 7
May 23 Data Analysis 2 Data Analysis 2: Models
Considation 1: Affinity Diagrams
Slides Designing Interactive Systems by Benyon, Tuner and Turner, Chapter 7
May 28 Data Analysis 3: Consolidation Consolidated Models Slides Contextual Design, Chapters 6 - 7.
May 30 Data Analysis 3: Consolidation Coding
  1. Slides
  2. Screencast: Observations and Coding, Part 1
  3. Screencast: Coding Examples
  4. Screencast: Poster Details
Contextual Design, Chapters 8 - 9
June 4 Task Analysis Task Analysis Slides Interaction Design, Chapter 7
June 6 Task Analysis/Redesign Brainstorming Slides Designing Interactive Systems, Chapter 20
June 11 Poster 1
June 13 Critiques 1 Deliverables posted
June 18 Visioning and Brainstorming UED Slides
June 20 UED Beginning Design: Politics and Describing Interaction Slides
June 25 Prototyping Evaluation Slides See slides.
June 27 Instumental Interaction, Affordance Prototyping/Instumental Interaction, Affordance
  • Contextual Design, Chapter 17-18
  • Interaction Design, Chapter 8
July 2 Poster 2 Affect Slides
July 4 Critiques 2 Poster
July 9 Spare Lecture Critiques
July 11 Models (2) Evaluation 2 Slides
July 16 Evaluation Human Abilities (Movement, Thinking, Reasoning) Slides
July 18 Poster session
July 23 Critiques
July 25 Summary Lecture Summary Lecture Slides Screencast