Invited Presentations:
K.O. Geddes, Criteria for Compactness in the Design of Maple. Invited Presentation, Second Workshop on Compact Computer Algebra, CICM 2009, Grand Bend, Ontario, Jul 2009.
Maple Worksheet:
View as document: CompactDesign.pdf
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms in Maple. Laboratoire d'Arithmetique, Calcul formel et Optimisation, Universite de Limoges, Limoges, France, Jan 2003.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and numeric scientific computation in Maple. International Conference on Abstract and Applied Analysis (ICAAA'02), Hanoi, Vietnam, Aug 2002.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and numeric mathematical computations using Maple. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of the West Indies, Trinidad, W.I., Apr 2002.
K.O. Geddes, Fast numerics combined with enhanced symbolic computation in Maple 7. Featured Presentation, ATCM'01 (Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics), Melbourne, Australia, Dec 2001.
K.O. Geddes, Fast numerics combined with enhanced symbolic computation in Maple 7. Computer Algebra Seminar, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Sep 2001.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and numeric solution of differential equations in Maple 7. SciCADE'01, Vancouver, BC, Jul 2001.
K.O. Geddes, Generating numerical ODE formulas via a symbolic calculus of divided differences. CAIMS session on Technology in the Teaching and Learning of Differential Equations, Math 2000, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Jun 2000.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and numeric solution of differential equations in Maple. Fourth Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics (ATCM'99), Guangzhou Normal University, Guangzhou, China, Dec 1999.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and hybrid symbolic-numeric computing with Maple. Mathematics Mechanization Research Center, Institute of Systems Science, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, Dec 1999.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and hybrid symbolic-numeric computing with Maple. Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Sep 1999.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and hybrid symbolic-numeric computing with Maple. Steklov Mathematical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia, Aug 1999.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic-numeric methods applied to definite integrals and ODEs. Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Scientific Computation, Linz, Austria, Aug 1999.
K.O. Geddes, Maple V Release 5: Symbolic math and the hybrid symbolic-numeric paradigm in scientific computation. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, May 1998. (Also presented at the Chalmers University of Technology, Goteborg, Sweden, May 1998.)
K.O. Geddes, Maple as a tool for scientific computation. Institute of Computer Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Dec 1997.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic math and the hybrid symbolic-numeric paradigm in scientific computation. Maple V International Conference, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, Dec 1997.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic math and the hybrid symbolic-numeric paradigm in scientific computation. Department of Mathematics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, Oct 1997.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic math and the hybrid symbolic-numeric paradigm in scientific computation. Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Oct 1997.
K.O. Geddes, Maple as a tool for scientific computation. Mini-Symposium on Computing Technology in Mathematics Education, 1997 Annual Meeting, Canadian Applied Mathematics Society, Toronto, May 1997.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple system: Symbolic math and the hybrid symbolic-numeric paradigm in scientific computation. Paul G. Sorenson Distinguished Graduate Lecture, Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Apr 1997.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms in integration and differential equations. East Coast Computer Algebra Day, Yorktown Heights, NY, Apr 1996.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and numeric integration in Maple. First Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Singapore, Dec 1995.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple computer algebra system. First Asian Technology Conference in Mathematics, Singapore, Dec 1995.
K.O. Geddes, Unconventional numerical methods for solving ODEs. Department Informatik, ETH Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland, Dec 1994.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic-numeric algorithms and the potential dangers of combining symbolic and numeric computation. Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, Nov 1994.
K.O. Geddes, Maple: A tool for problem solving in Mathematics, Science and Engineering. Department of Computer Science, York University, Toronto, Canada, Feb 1993.
K.O. Geddes, Maple: A tool for problem solving in Engineering, Mathematics, and Science. Ontario Universities Computing Conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, May 1993.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic and numeric computation using Maple. Computer Algebra Day, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Dec 1993.
K.O. Geddes, Maple: A tool for problem solving in Mathematics, Science and Engineering. CS Days, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland, Oct 1992.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic Mathematical Computation. BEST'92 (Business of Engineering, Science and Technology), Houston, Texas, Oct 1992.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms in Maple. Computer Algebra Workshop, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, Jul 1992.
K.O. Geddes, Algorithms for symbolic integration in Maple. Australian Mathematical Society Annual Meeting, Perth, Australia, Jul 1992.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms in Maple. Department of Mathematics, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Jul 1992.
K.O. Geddes, Algorithms for symbolic integration in Maple. Department of Mathematics, Macquarrie University, Sydney, Australia, Jul 1992.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms in Maple. Tenth Annual Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, May 1992.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms in Maple. Colloquium presentation, Mathematical Sciences Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, Oct 1991.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms in Maple. 1991 IMSL User Group North America Conference, Washington, DC, May 1991.
K.O. Geddes, Some historical comments on the development of Maple. After dinner speech, EERC Workshop on Maple in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, May 1991.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms in Maple. Department Informatik, ETH Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland, Apr 1991.
K.O. Geddes, Algorithms for Computer Algebra in Maple. Frontiers of Computing Seminar Series, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, Apr 1991.
K.O. Geddes, Demonstration of Maple V. ITRC Research Review, Information Technology Research Centre, University of Toronto, Feb 1991.
K.O. Geddes, Maple: A Tool for Problem Solving in Mathematics, Science and Engineering. Department of Mathematics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Jan 1991.
K.O. Geddes, Maple: A Tool for Problem Solving in Mathematics, Science and Engineering. ICR Evening Lecture Series, Institute for Computer Research, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Oct 1990.
K.O. Geddes, Recent developments in the Maple system. Computational Mathematics Section, International Institute for Advanced Study, Fujitsu Limited, Shizuoka, Japan, Aug 1990.
K.O. Geddes, Panel Member, Panel Discussion on Systems Issues, ISSAC'90 (International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation), Tokyo, Japan, Aug 1990.
K.O. Geddes, Indefinite and definite integration in Maple. Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Nov 1989.
K.O. Geddes, Recent developments in the Maple system. Presented at Computers and Mathematics conference, MIT, Boston, MA, Jun 1989.
K.O. Geddes, Mathematical algorithms in the Maple system. National Research Council, Ottawa, Canada, Feb 1989.
K.O. Geddes, The Risch algorithm for indefinite integration. Department of Mathematics, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Dec 1988.
K.O. Geddes, The Risch algorithm for indefinite integration. Math Faculty Lecture Series, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Nov 1988.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple system and an overview of its algebraic algorithms. Department of Mathematics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Jan 1988.
K.O. Geddes, Maple and its applications in undergraduate mathematics education. Italian National Conference on Computer Algebra, Pavia, Italy, Dec 2—5, 1986.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic/numeric computation. Department for Numerical Analysis, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, Nov 3, 1986.
K.O. Geddes, Systems and algorithms for symbolic mathematical computation. Department of Computer Science, Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden, Oct 30, 1986.
K.O. Geddes, The design of the Maple computer algebra system. Department of Computer Science, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Oct 28, 1986.
K.O. Geddes, Algorithms for computer algebra: Polynomial GCD computation and polynomial factorization. Laboratoire TIMS, Universite de Grenoble, Grenoble, France, Oct 23, 1986.
K.O. Geddes, Maple in undergraduate education. ECOO'86 (Educational Computing Organization of Ontario), Toronto, May 2, 1986.
K.O. Geddes, Maple in undergraduate education. Department of Mathematics, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May 8, 1986.
K.O. Geddes, Computer algebra in high school mathematics. New Brunswick Teachers' Association, Fredericton, New Brunswick, May 9, 1986.
K.O. Geddes, Demonstration of Maple. DECWORLD'86, Boston, MA, Feb 24—28, 1986.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple Project: Accomplishments and Current Research. Presented to the ICR Annual General Meeting, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Nov 15, 1985.
K.O. Geddes, Using a computer in Algebra or Calculus courses. Presented to the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Montreal, Quebec, Oct 4, 1985.
K.O. Geddes, Demonstration of the Maple system. DECVILLE'85 (Digital Equipment Corporation's European trade show), Cannes, France, Sep 6—14, 1985.
K.O. Geddes, Demonstration of the Maple system. Third International Conference on Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Symbolic Computation, and Error Correcting Codes. Grenoble, France, Jul 15—19, 1985.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic mathematical computation and the Maple system. WATDEC Research Seminar, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Jun 18, 1985.
K.O. Geddes, Maple: A calculator for symbolic mathematics. Presented to the University of Toronto Math/Physics Alumni Annual Meeting, Toronto, May 4, 1985.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic mathematical computation and the Maple System. Department of Computing Services seminar, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Apr 19, 1985.
K.O. Geddes, Symbolic mathematical computation and the Maple system. Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Apr 19, 1985.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple symbolic computation system. Presented at EUROCAL'85 (European Conference on Computer Algebra), Linz, Austria, Apr 1—3, 1985.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple system: history, design and performance. Presented to Department of Computer Science, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 31 Oct 1984.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple system: history, design and performance. Presented to Department of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, 24 Oct 1984.
K.O. Geddes, On the design and performance of the Maple system. Invited paper presented at the 1984 MACSYMA Users' Conference, Schenectady, New York, Jul 1984.
K.O. Geddes, Demonstration of the Maple system. At the conference "Computer Algebra as a Research Tool in Mathematics and Physics," Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU, Apr 1984.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple system for symbolic mathematical computation. Presented to the Department of Computer Science, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Dec 1983.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple system for symbolic mathematical computation. Presented to the Department of Computing Science, The University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Dec 1983.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple system and symbolic/numeric computation. Invited presentation at the Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day, Waterloo, Ontario, Apr 1983.
K.O. Geddes, The design of Maple: A compact, portable and powerful computer algebra system. Eurocal'83, London, UK, Mar 1983.
K.O. Geddes, Recent developments in the Maple system. Colloquium Series, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Mar 1982.
K.O. Geddes, The Maple system for symbolic computation. Presented to the Physical Sciences Department, Scarborough College, University of Toronto, Mar 1982.
K.O. Geddes, Mathematical advances in symbolic computation. Invited address to the Ontario Mathematics Meeting, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Feb 1982.
K.O. Geddes, Introduction to Symbolic Algorithms. Half-day course, MSW'02 (Maple Summer Workshop), Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, Jul 2002.
K.O. Geddes, One-Day Short Course on Maple. SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Jul 2001.
K.O. Geddes, Algorithms for Computer Algebra. One-day course, MSWS'94 (Maple Summer Workshop and Symposium), RPI, Troy, NY, Aug 1994.
K.O. Geddes, Hybrid symbolic-numeric algorithms for scientific computation environments. Workshop on "Scientific Computation on Workstations: Current and Future Environments" sponsored by IFIP Working Group 2.5, Toronto, Sep 1992.
K.O. Geddes, Future Research Directions in Problem Solving Environments for Computational Science. NSF Workshop on Problem Solving Environments, Washington, DC, Apr 1991.
K.O. Geddes and J.S. Devitt, Maple: Towards an interactive desktop environment for algebraic, numerical and graphical mathematics. ITRC one-day intensive seminar, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Nov 1989.
K.O. Geddes, Maple presentation at the ITRC/Honeywell Workshop on Modern environments for interactive control of scientific computing, Honeywell Advanced Technology Centre, Markham, Ontario, Oct 1989.
K.O. Geddes, Introduction to Algebraic Algorithms. Short Course Presentation at Computers and Mathematics Conference, Stanford University, Aug 1986.
K.O. Geddes, Exploiting fast hardware floating point in high precision computation. Contributed talk at ACA'03 (9th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra), Raleigh, NC, Jul 2003.
K.O. Geddes, On the derivatives of the Bessel and Struve functions with respect to the order. Contributed talk at ICM'02 (International Congress of Mathematicians), Beijing, China, Aug 2002.
K.O. Geddes, Maple demonstration. Presented at Computers and Mathematics Conference, Stanford University, Aug 1986.
K.O. Geddes, Maple: Status report and future plans. Presented at EUROCAL'85, Linz, Austria, Apr 1985.
K.O. Geddes, Maple demonstration. Presented at EUROCAL'85, Linz, Austria, Apr 1985.