Song Information
Song Artist(s):Tom Cochrane
Song Title:Life Is a Highway

Album Information
Album:Mad Mad World

Track Classification
Genre:Rock 1980s
MusicBrainz Genre:Rock

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's one day here and the next day gone
Sometimes you bend, sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind
There's a world outside every darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore
Where the brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore
We won't hesitate
Break down the garden gate
There's not much time left today

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

Through all these cities and all these towns
It's in my blood and it's all around
I loved you now like I loved you then
This is the road and these are the hills
From Mozambique to those Memphis nights
The Khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights
Knock me down, I'm back up again
You're in my blood I'm not a lonely man
There's no load I can't hold
Road so rough, this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

There was a distance between you and I
A misunderstanding once
But now we look it in the eye

There ain't load that I can't hold
Road so rough, this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

Track Information
Published Time:4:27
Measured Time:4:26
Traktor Peak dB:-0.403
Traktor Perceived dB: 3.979

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:103.1
Traktor BPM: 103.1 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:C m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:13fe31a9-37cf-b58a-5917-f4dcea21903d

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:Tom Cochrane
Song Title:Life Is a Highway
First Release Year:1992

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
EDDIEMNY_GH1-10Eddie MoneyLooking Through the Eyes of a Child
POWERTRK_145-16John MellencampCherry Bomb
RETRO80S_002-13Climie FisherLove Changes (Everything)
ROBPALMR_GH1-04Robert PalmerSweet Lies
EDDIEMNY_GH1-03Eddie MoneyPeace in Our Time
POWERTRK_111-04Mariah CareySomeday
TOMCOCHR_MMW-04Tom CochraneSinking Like a Sunset
VANHALEN_150-02Van HalenWhy Can't This Be Love
PAULCRCK_OGR-01Paul CarrackOne Good Reason
POWERTRK_092-13Lynyrd SkynyrdSaturday Night Special
POWERTRK_012-07Elvis PresleyBurning Love
PAULCRCK_OGR-03Paul CarrackButton Off My Shirt
GLASSTIG_SUN-06Glass TigerMy Song
SPLITENZ_GH1-10Split EnzDirty Creature
KIMMITCH_AUR-09Kim MitchellDog And a Bone
HOTTROCK_004-17Amanda MarshallFall From Grace
STARSHIP_GH1-10StarshipIt's Not Over ('Til It's Over)
RADIO099_12A-13BrezeMy Heart Goes Boom
WANGCHNG_GH1-07Wang ChungWhat's So Bad About Feeling Good?
POWERTRK_020-13RoxetteThe Look
TOMCOCHR_MMW-02Tom CochraneMad Mad World
LEVEL42__GH1-14Level 42Lessons in Love
POWERTRK_106-04David BowieChina Girl
ERASURE__GH1-17ErasureLove To Hate You
GHANDARV_SBI-05The GandharvasBeakfulls of Heroin
BILYJOEL_STF-06Billy JoelStorm Front
EDDIEMNY_GH1-13Eddie MoneyStop Steppin' on My Heart
ULTIM80S_01B-08Mr. MisterBroken Wings
POWERTRK_030-14The ClashRock the Casbah
DTRANDOM_021-01Johnnie TaylorDisco Lady
HALLOATS_GH1-01Daryl Hall & John OatesSay It Ain't So
ZZTOP____GH1-10ZZ TopGun Love
PETSHOPB_GH1-17Pet Shop BoysDJ Culture
SALSA____ST1-08MariselaI Know
POWERTRK_020-15Stevie Ray VaughanCold Shot
HLSUMMER_IGE-02Henry Lee SummerRoll Me
POWERTRK_101-12Aretha Franklin & George MichaelI Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)
CLINTBLK_GH1-08Clint BlackWe Tell Ourselves
BOBGLDOF_GH1-02Bob GeldofThis Is the World Calling
HNYMNSTE_RAM-04Honeymoon SuiteLove Fever
RIKEMMET_IPS-09Rik EmmettMeet You There
POWERTRK_132-12Tracy ByrdLifestyles of the Not So Rich And Famous
BADCMPNY_GH1-04Bad CompanyShooting Star
POWERTRK_072-15Perfecto AllstarzReach Up (Papa's Got a New Pig Bag)
POWERTRK_009-06Wang ChungEverybody Have Fun Tonight
KONKAN___M2M-06Kon KanAm I in Love
SHEDEVIL_ST1-04Tom KimmelAlways
PAULJANZ_GH1-02Paul JanzThis Love Is Forever
POWERTRK_039-04KC & The Sunshine BandThat's the Way (I Like It)
PAULCRCK_OGR-02Paul CarrackWhen You Walk in the Room
POWERTRK_054-16The MonkeesI'm a Believer
STEVNICK_GH1-07Stevie NicksIf Anyone Falls
POWERTRK_081-07Tom CochraneNo Regrets
LEVEL42__GH1-17Level 42To Be With You Again
RTZ______STD-06RTZEvery Door Is Open
POWERTRK_086-15Traveling WilburysHandle With Care
STING____GH1-02StingIf You Love Somebody Set Them Free
TOMCOCHR_MMW-10Tom CochraneFriendly Advice
INXS_____XXX-08INXSKnow the Difference
HOTTRACK_004-03Tim McGrawI Like It, I Love It
YNGWEMLM_GH1-12Yngwie MalmsteenJudas
EDDIEMNY_GH1-06Eddie MoneyWalk on Water
LEVEL42__GH1-01Level 42Running in the Family
HNYMNSTE_TBP-06Honeymoon SuiteWounded
POWERTRK_058-07Culture ClubKarma Chameleon
REOSPEED_GH1-01REO SpeedwagonI Don't Want to Lose You
POWERTRK_116-11ForeignerSay You Will
POWERTRK_081-13Tim McGrawIndian Outlaw
GENESIS__WCD-01GenesisNo Son of Mine
BTO______GH1-02Bachman-Turner OverdriveHey You
LEDZEPLN_G1A-14Led ZeppelinHey Hey What Can I Do
HNYMNSTE_TBP-01Honeymoon SuiteBad Attitude
MUCHMORE_01B-08The Rankin FamilyMaybe You're Right
HOWJONES_GH1-01Howard JonesWhat Is Love?