Song Information
Song Artist(s):John Travolta & Samuel L. Jackson
Song Title:Personality Goes a Long Way

Album Information
Album:Pulp Fiction

Track Classification
MusicBrainz Genre:Soundtrack

20 sec. sample

Original Source:LyricWiki
(Dialogue Written by Quentin Tarantino)

Want some bacon?

Naw, man, I don't eat pork.

Are you Jewish?

I ain't Jewish, I just don't dig on swine, that's all.

Why not?

Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.

Yeah, but bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.

Hey, a sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie. But I'll never know 'cause I
wouldn't eat the filthy motherf**kers. Pigs sleep and root in shit. That's
a filthy animal. I ain't need nothin' that ain't got sense enough to
disregard its own feces.

How about a dog? Dog eats its own feces.

I don't eat dog either.

Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?

I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy, but they're definitely dirty.
But a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.

So by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to
be a filthy animal? Is that true?

Well, we'd have to be talkin' 'bout one charmin' motherf**kin' pig. I mean
he'd have to be ten times more charming that that (...) you know what
I'm sayin'?

Track Information
Published Time:1:02
Measured Time:1:01
Traktor Peak dB: 0.174
Traktor Perceived dB: 5.869

Mix Information
Mixmeister BPM:122.8
Traktor BPM: 179.8 (100.0%)
Mixmeister Key:B m

External Cross-Referencing
MusicBrainz PUID:1befb9d0-d1f4-0012-f6e2-1cd14f56f469

MusicBrainz MusicDNS
Song Artist:John Travolta / Samuel L. Jackson
Song Title:Personality Goes A Long Way
First Release Year:1994

MUSIC IP Song Mix Recommendations:
RESVDOGS_ST1-08Quentin Tarantino & Harvey Keitel & Steve Buscemi & Lawrence TierneyMadonna Speech
FUHLRBDJ_BEL-13Cor Fuhler & Han Bennink & Wilbert De JoodeCordial 68224 Etc.
RESVDOGS_ST1-13Harvey Keitel & Tim RothLet's Get a Taco
JAYSLBOB_ST1-20Jason MewesTouching a Brother's Heart
BOOGNITE_ST1-01John C. Reilly & Mark WahlbergIntro (Feel The Heat)
POWEROF1_ST1-11The Bulawayo Church ChoirWangal Unozipho
CORBLIMY_TEN-05DJ Cor Blimey and His PigeonDas Knurren
MNTYPYTH_LV1-10Monty PythonColonel
MNTYPYTH_GH1-04Monty PythonPenis Song
POWERTRK_161-19Janis JoplinMercedes Benz
JAYSLBOB_ST1-04Jason Mewes & Ben AffleckHolden on Affleck
RAFFI____4VY-11RaffiSpider on the Floor
BPAISLEY_MUD-17Brad PaisleyKung Pao
SIMPSONS_SKS-20The SimpsonsHoney Roasted Peanuts
ERICCLAP_UNP-09Eric ClaptonWalkin' Blues [Unplugged]
POWERTRK_028-12Harry BelafonteDay-O
MNTYPYTH_LV1-18Monty PythonElection Special
CORKYJPG_STD-15Corky & The Juice PigsGameshow 2
RAFFI____4VY-05RaffiFive Little Frogs
XMULTHOL_002-08Doris DayOl' Saint Nicholas
WYNTMARS_RTM-07Wynton MarsalisI Hear A Knockin'
MNTYPYTH_LV1-16Monty PythonArgument Song
CORBLIMY_TEN-03DJ Cor Blimey and His PigeonRok - Singer [50s Sewing Course]
DTRANDOM_011-15Cheech & ChongDave
MNTYPYTH_LV1-12Monty PythonCocktail Bar
CORKYJPG_STD-23Corky & The Juice PigsCaptain Greg
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JAYSLBOB_ST1-18Will FerrellWillenholly's Woe
GRGCHANT_CGB-09The Benedictine Monks Of Santo Domingo De SilosSalve, Festa Dies
CORBLIMY_TEN-10DJ Cor Blimey and His PigeonHow to Check Your Own Turntable
KENBJAZZ_ST1-15Sarah Vaughan And Her TrioThey Can't Take That Away From Me
DTRANDOM_001-12Alan Menken & Howard AshmanKiss the Girl
RAFFI____4VY-16RaffiFive Little Pumpkins
MNTYPYTH_LV1-05Monty PythonSecret Service
MNTYPYTH_LV1-06Monty PythonWrestling
GRGCHANT_CGB-05The Benedictine Monks Of Santo Domingo De SilosVeni Sancte Spiritus
POWERTRK_091-18Harry Connick, Jr.Let's Call the Whole Thing Off
CORKYJPG_STD-04Corky & The Juice PigsGameshow 1
POWERTRK_125-16Bob & Doug McKenzieTwelve Days of Christmas
ERICCLAP_UNP-12Eric ClaptonMalted Milk [Unplugged]
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OBROTHER_ST1-01James Carter & The PrisonersPo Lazarus
MNTYPYTH_LV1-11Monty PythonNudge, Nudge
LTNITEJZ_003-08Carmen McRaeBillie's Blues
QNSRYCHE_OPM-01QueensrycheI Remember Now
ULTLOUNG_005-14Nat King ColeL.O.V.E.
CORKYJPG_STD-20Corky & The Juice PigsP.S.A. (3)
KENBJAZZ_ST1-17Horace SilverDoodlin'
CORKYJPG_STD-06Corky & The Juice PigsP.S.A.
MNTYPYTH_LV1-03Monty PythonGumby - Flower Arranging
CORKYJPG_STD-25Corky & The Juice PigsGameshow 3
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FUHLRBDJ_BEL-12Cor Fuhler & Han Bennink & Wilbert De JoodeTengo
EMINEM___SHW-11EminemPaul Rosenberg (Skit)
MNTYPYTH_LV1-07Monty PythonCommunist Quiz (Including World in Action)
FUHLRBDJ_BEL-07Cor Fuhler & Han Bennink & Wilbert De JoodeLeec
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MNTYPYTH_LV1-09Monty PythonAlbatross
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MNTYPYTH_LV1-01Monty PythonIntroduction
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WYNTMARS_ST1-05Wynton MarsalisNew Orleans
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MNTYPYTH_GH1-08Monty PythonFinland
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