Welcome to my Movie Rating Database
This database is for:
(1) Rating Movies,
(2) Keeping track of every movie I've seen,
(3) Comparing my ratings to those of others,
(4) Logging every time I watch a movie, and
(5) Collecting some interesting statistics.
There are currently 3879 ratings in this database, which is incomplete: I estimate I've seen a few hundred more.
My ratings reflect my odd personal sensibilities and sentimentalities. They are not final: I change my mind and opinions frequently.
My top movies (rated 8-10) can be seen here.
Interpreting my ratings:
10 | This is one of my favourite movies of all time. If you haven't seen the movie, go see it now. | Thumbs Up |
9 8 |
I loved this movie. | |
7 6 |
I liked this movie and I would recommend watching it. | |
5 | I am neutral on this movie OR I've seen it but haven't rated it yet. | Neutral |
4 3 |
I didn't like this movie and I would not recommend watching it. | Thumbs Down |
2 1 |
I hated this movie. |
Database Format:
10 | 9.3 | 88% | ![]() | The Shawshank Redemption (1994) |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
(1) Visually shows my rating (above) and the IMDb Average Rating (below)
(2) Is my personal rating
(3) Is the average IMDb rating
(4) Is the Rotten Tomatoes T-Meter
(5) Indicates whether or not I have the movie on DVD
(6) Is the name and year of the movie with a link to the corresponding IMDb entry
For completeness, I include direct-to-video movies, made-for-TV specials as well as some short films in my database