CS 854: Advanced Topics in Computer Systems:
Scalable Systems Software


  • Summaries must arrive in my mailbox before 1:00 pm on the Wednesday just before Thursday's class (i.e., 24 hours before class).
  • Email each summary as a different attachment in the same email. Use the Subject line "CS854 Summaries"
  • Only pdf files are permitted. I'm going to use some pdf annotation software on my ipad to provide feedback.
  • Use the naming convention yourgivenname-x-y.pdf where x is the number of the week (the first week with no readings was 0) and y is the paper number for that week. Numbers are provided beside each paper.
    For example IF I was to submit the summary of the second paper listed in week one it would be named tim-1-2.pdf. IF is was the ninth paper listed for week two it would be named tim-2-9.pdf.

    Possible Readings

    I have been collecting a bunch of papers we might want to read. Feel free to browse these papers and suggest some of them for the class to read and discuss. Note that the classifications are very rough and not well thought out.

    There will be two different types of summaries for different types of papers. Research papers will require research paper summaries. Other papers (e.g., survey papers) will require a survey paper summary. The format of these will be made available in advance.

    Paper Summaries

    Background / Helpful Readings

    Some tips on reading papers (all very short). Required reading!!
