Updating the Course Website

At the beginning of the term (or at the very end in preparation of the next term) it's important to clean up the course website. Things that need to be done include:
  • Archiving. Make sure important files have been archived (see Leila) before updating the course webpage.
  • Updating the personnel page. Obtain information from Leila about the profs, ISAs (if this is for next term), and IAs and update the personnel page accordingly.
  • Clearing announcements. The old announcements need to be wiped from the course webpage. You can do this by going to public_html/announce and deleting all the "yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss.html" and "yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss.shtml" files. (It is also a good idea to delete all the .txt files). With all the old announcements gone, you will need to post a welcome announcement for students in the new term (see this page).
  • Updating office hours. The office hours table from the previous term will need to be wiped and replaced. Update it as you get office hour information from the profs and IAs. Once all the profs and IAs have chosen their office hours, the ISAs should choose office hours from the remaining available space.
  • Update Timetable/Handouts page. Update the due dates for assignments and exam dates. Update the links for the module slides using the pdf files located in u/instructors/[term code]. [term code] will be something like W13 or F14 representing the semester of the course.
  • Wiping the errata page.
  • Wiping the Instructor specific page. Clear out all the instructor specific pages and make new pages for the new profs.
  • Updating the tutorials page. Comment out all the tutorials (making it easier to update later).
  • Updating the links on the programming style page. Update the links to include the new style guides found in u/instructors/[term]
  • Clearing the assignments page.
  • Wiping the post-mortems page. Remove all the post-mortems for each assignment but leave the "comon errors from previous terms"
  • Clearing the assignment solutions page.
  • Updating the exam page.
  • Prepping assignment 00.

-- GradonNicholls - 17 Apr 2013

Topic revision: r1 - 2013-04-17 - GradonNicholls
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