KarenAnderson - 22 Jul 2010
General end of term tasks for Spring 2010 (feel free to add)
- IOI setup help Fri. Aug. 13 (contact: Barbara (bmzister))
- IOI pack up Thurs. Aug. 19, a.m. (contact Barbara (bmzister))
- ISG Twiki updates: where appropriate, change references to scheme DrScheme to Racket or DrRacket (contact TerryVaskor (tavaskor))
- ISG script testing on Linux (contact TerryVaskor (tavaskor))
- tutor office computers in DC 3124, 3127, 3128, 3131: check names against master list, make sure logon works for each; see if, in general, apps run okay; screen,keyboard, mouse are good, etc. (contact KarenAnderson (kaanders))