
protectPDF allows students to download solutions to assignments, midterms,
and other privileged information by watermarking it.

If protectPDF is used, ensure that the following steps are done.
- The protectPDF folder should have permissions of 710
(ie, chmod 710 ./protectPDF)
- The contents inside the protectPDF folder should have permissions of 700
(ie, chmod -R 710 ./protectPDF/*)
- The shell script should be present in protectPDF

How to release assignment solution:
1. Create a folder for your solution (ie, a01_soln) in the protectPDF folder.
2. Copy over your .pdf file into the folder ensuring that the name is the
same as the folder.
3. Ensure both permission of the folder and file are 700 (so only the cs135
course account can read the file).
3. Go to public_html/protect/ and open requestAssgnSolnCommon.php
4. Near the bottom, on the line $file_list=array, uncomment the respective
solution you wish to release. Alternatively, you could create your own solutions
in the format of:
'file_folder_name'=>'My Solutions',
Topic revision: r1 - 2014-09-18 - AndyYin
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