Old Public Marks Upload Method

The following method for uploading marks to the course webpage in CS241 was used prior to Fall 2011.

  1. Create a directory under /u/cs241/marking_OLD for the assignment (e.g. for A1 make a directory called "A1").
  2. Download the marks for the assignment from Marmoset and store them in the directory you created in step 1. You can use marm_sql (see MarmSql) to do this, e.g. for A1 you would type marm_sql -vm 1. If that doesn't work, do it manually:
    1. In Marmoset, enter instructor view and click "view" for the problem you want to download marks for.
    2. Click "Utilities" near the top of the page.
    3. Scroll down to the bottom, and under "Student Grades" click "Print grades in CSV format for spreadsheet use".
    4. Move all the CSV files for each project into the directory you created in step 1.
  3. Copy gen_csv.pl into the directory you created in step 1. There should be a copy of this script in the /u/cs241/marking_OLD folder; alternatively it can be downloaded from PublicMarksUploader.
  4. Change to the directory you created in step 1 and run the command ./gen_csv.pl N > outN.csv, where N is the assignment number (e.g. ./gen_csv.pl 1 > out1.csv for A1).
  5. Open Excel, then open the mark entry spreadsheet and the outN.csv you just created.
  6. Copy the contents of outN.csv into the corresponding assignment sheet in the mark entry spreadsheet (e.g. sheet A1 for out1.csv).
  7. Change to the "Post" sheet in the mark entry spreadsheet. (If it is not there, ask your ISC for a copy of the old mark entry spreadsheet template.) The leftmost column of this sheet should have every student ID in the classlist (trimmed to 8 characters). If not, copy and paste all the student IDs in, starting after the placeholder student "x".
  8. In the row containing "x", the columns after the first one should contain VLOOKUP formulas for looking up the assignment and midterm marks. Here is an example of a VLOOKUP formula to find a student's mark for Assignment 1, assuming the student's user ID is on row 3 of column A:
    • The first parameter is the location on the current sheet with the student's user ID (in this case, cell A3).
    • The second parameter is the name of the sheet to look in, followed by the range of cells to look in. 'A1'!$A$1:$B$300 says to look in sheet 'A1' (Assignment 1) in the "box" of cells with cell A1 as the upper left corner and cell B300 as the lower right corner. It's okay to over-specify this range, but don't under-specify—if the range A1 to B130 was used and there were more than 130 students in the class, you would run into problems. The dollar signs "lock" the cell references to they won't change when copied and pasted—this is important in the next step.
    • The third parameter is the number of column to look in. This number is relative to the start of the cell range! If the range was C1 to D300, then 1 would mean column C, 2 would mean column D, and 3 would be invalid. For assignment marks you probably want column 2 if you are following the instructions above, but for midterm marks you will need to figure out which number will give you the column containing the total.
    • The fourth parameter can be left as FALSE.
    • The VLOOKUP command will look in the leftmost column of the range specified by the second parameter for a cell containing the value specified by the first parameter. If found, it will return the value in the column specified by the third parameter; otherwise it will return "#N/A".
  9. Copy and paste the row of VLOOKUP formulas for the placeholder student "x" into the row below. (If the placeholder student isn't there or doesn't have VLOOKUP formulas to paste, you will have to recreate them.) The cell reference in the first parameter of VLOOKUP should increase (e.g. A3 would become A4), and so the student in the leftmost column of that row will be looked up instead of "x". That student's assignment marks should be displayed.
  10. If the previous step worked, copy and paste the same set of VLOOKUP formulas for all the students so all their marks are displayed.
  11. Save the full marks spreadsheet. After saving it, while the "Post" sheet is selected, choose "Save As" and choose "Comma Separated Values (.csv)" for the format. Then save the Post sheet alone as Post.csv.
  12. Copy the contents of Post.csv to public-marks.txt. The marks should now be visible to students.
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Topic revision: r2 - 2020-03-29 - SylvieDavies
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