Newsgroup Management
The idea is simple: maintain a FAQ pertaining to each assignment every week based on questions posed on the newsgroup. If it is well advertised, it should noticeably reduce repeated questions on the newsgroup. This was tried for A8 and A9 in the Winter 2009 term. See the archives for that term, or see the casual prototype that
Kyle Spaans maintained for A8,
It was implemented and tested for a8 and a9 for Winter 2009 term. They should be in Archive now.
Kyle Spaans wrote his work term report about analyzing the CS136 newsgroup. Find his code on
or see some sample images generated by DOT
KyleSpaans - 13 Apr 2009
- If you did the assignments beforehand, then you should have some concerns or possible questions; use them.
- Always consult with the Professors since a wrong information on the faq is dangerous.
- After few days since the assignment post, there should be some posts about the assignment in the newsgroup. Use them and use the answers the professors provided.
- Announce the FaQ updates.
KyungMinKim - 30 Apr 2009